Próbowałem wpłacić kwote przez karte kredytową ale nie doszło do transakcji. Dostałem takiego maila:
"Your credit/debit card details have been registered or updated as per your request.
Please note: To comply with our regulatory authorities and aid in fraud prevention, Centrebet requires (if not already provided) the following:
1. Front and back copies of this and any credit/debit card added to (and used on) the account, within the last year.
We are required to have these on file prior to any withdrawal requests being processed.
Please ensure that the CV2 on the back of card is covered. It is also recommended to cover the middle 8 digits of the card number.
Documents may be sent in .jpg, .bmp, .gif or .doc formats. Password protected zip files are acceptable with the password supplied in a separate email.
We look forward to hearing from you.
Kind regards,
Skoro nie było finalizacji muszę im przesłać skan kart??