Mam k**** problem.
On 27-Feb-07, we received a request from account "*****" to transfer funds from his/her Account to your Account, however the transaction has failed because your Account is not yet validated to receive money.
To correct the problem and receive the money you must first validate your e-mail, update your profile with your personal details, and then have "*****" send you the money again, as this initial attempt failed.
To validate your e-mail and update your profile, please login to the PartyAccount Software and proceed as follows from the Lobby:
1. Click 'My Account' and then 'Validate E-mail' and once done
2. Click 'My Account' and 'Update Profile'.
If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact us. Our Customer Care team is available 24/7.
Party Team
Z tego co rozumiem to mam pkt 1 i 2 Update tylko ze ja to zrobilem - 1 - e-mail moj maja bo sprawdzalem i podalem ten kod wiec nie wiem o co chodzi.
pkt 2 wszystko jest wypelnione wiec tez nie rozumiem.
Moze jakies sugestie???
Jak ktos odpowie " napisz " e-mail to niech od razu mi powie co mam w nim napisac.
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