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Dostał ktoś taka informacje,przy próbie rejestracji ?Istnieje kilka krajów, które są ograniczone z gry w naszej karty
pokój dla celów prawnych i bezpieczeństwa.
Niestety Twój adres IP należy do jednej z tych krajów, dlatego
prawdziwe pieniądze nie będą akceptowane.
Gdyby ktoś miał podobny problem:T here are several countries that are restricted from playing in our Card room for legal and security purposes. Unfortunately your IP address belongs to one of these countries, therefore real money bets will not be accepted.
Please note, if you do not live in one of the countries listed below, please follow this link: .
Please send a screenshot of your IP address to [email protected].
We will contact you once this information is verified on our end. Restricted countries: Afghanistan, Antigua and Barbuda, Bulgaria, China, Cuba, Cyprus, Estonia, Hong Kong, Iran, Iraq, Israel, Kahnawake, Libya, Macau, Netherlands Antilles, Republic of Serbia, Sudan, Syria, The Philippines, Turkey and/or The United States of America and its territories, France and its territories. If you have any problems or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact the Vernons Support Team 24/7 via one of the following methods