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Dr House 127,7K

Dr House

Znawca - Lekkoatletyka
Halowe Mistrzostwa Polski :coffee::coffee::coffee:

P.Dobek zakwalifikuje się do finału na 400m? Tak---2,38
S.Mulder-M.Konieczko 1--1,40 skok wzwyż
R.Korbowicz-P.Wiesiołek(+0,75m.) 2---1,50 skok w dal


Poranny tripel, stawka bez szaleństw.
Ostatnia edycja:
Otrzymane punkty reputacji: +755
Dr House 127,7K

Dr House

Znawca - Lekkoatletyka
Mitingi w Madrycie i Berlinie :coffee::coffee::coffee:

Walsh T. – Fabbri L. 1---1,70
Weir Z. – Enekwechi Ch. 1---1,70
ostatnie pchnięcie
Mihambo M. - Assani M. 1---1,57
Apostolovski L. - Patterson E. 2---2,46
P. Lisek uzyska wynik 5.70m. lub lepszy? Tak---1,47
Obiena E. – Sasma E. 1---1,40


W pracy młyn ale w trakcie przerwy poszła analiza, ciekawe kursy, niektórych nie rozumiem, próbujemy :) Nie będzie opisu, nie dam rady..
Ostatnia edycja:
Otrzymane punkty reputacji: +909
OnlineSniperTips 120,4K


Hello there! My friend reccomended me this forum. I am a professional tipster from Slovakia and athletics is probably my best sport. Can you give me some Polish bookmakers who offer odds on athletics? I know only STS. Tommorrow there is a Diamond League meet in China, so I will post some bets here from STS, stay tuned!
jedrula 55,8K


skok w dal
H2H: Buschkuehl B. vs Gardasevic M.
Gardasevic M.
Wyniki Australijki w tym sezonie dość zenujace. Forma ma być na Paryż.
Ostatnia edycja:
Otrzymane punkty reputacji: +1518
OnlineSniperTips 120,4K


Zaproponowane do wyróźnienia:
Doha DL Javelin 10.5 18:37

O. Helander x A.Peters 2 @ 2.01 4/10 STSbet
Last season, Peters was troubled by injury and his performances were not good. He should be healthy now and I expect very strong performance from him. Helander usually starts his season at the end of May/early June and is not always sharp this early. He said that he would be happy if he threw 80 meters today, so he is clearly in building phase towards Euros/Olympic Games.

Winner will throw 87.50m and more YES @ 1.84 6/10 STSbet
With Chopra and Vadlejch in the field, this barrier should be overcome. It is always windy in Doha and today is no exception and organizers always switch athletes to throw into tailwind. I would not be surprised if somebody throws 90 meters today, fair line is 88.50 for me.
Ostatnia edycja:
Otrzymane punkty reputacji: +1662
R 1,9K


Doha DL Javelin 10.5 18:37

O. Helander x A.Peters 2 @ 2.01 4/10 STSbet
Last season, Peters was troubled by injury and his performances were not good. He should be healthy now and I expect very strong performance from him. Helander usually starts his season at the end of May/early June and is not always sharp this early. He said that he would be happy if he threw 80 meters today, so he is clearly in building phase towards Euros/Olympic Games.

Winner will throw 87.50m and more YES @ 1.84 6/10 STSbet
With Chopra and Vadlejch in the field, this barrier should be overcome. It is always windy in Doha and today is no exception and organizers always switch athletes to throw into tailwind. I would not be surprised if somebody throws 90 meters today, fair line is 88.50 for me.
Post automatycznie złączony:

Po polsku bym prosił zrobić tą analizę!
Otrzymane punkty reputacji: +205
jedrula 55,8K


Doha DL Javelin 10.5 18:37

O. Helander x A.Peters 2 @ 2.01 4/10 STSbet
Last season, Peters was troubled by injury and his performances were not good. He should be healthy now and I expect very strong performance from him. Helander usually starts his season at the end of May/early June and is not always sharp this early. He said that he would be happy if he threw 80 meters today, so he is clearly in building phase towards Euros/Olympic Games.

Winner will throw 87.50m and more YES @ 1.84 6/10 STSbet
With Chopra and Vadlejch in the field, this barrier should be overcome. It is always windy in Doha and today is no exception and organizers always switch athletes to throw into tailwind. I would not be surprised if somebody throws 90 meters today, fair line is 88.50 for me.
nie znam tej wypowiedzi odnośnie planów na 80m,znam natomiast wypowiedz trenera Helendera,czyli T.Pitkamaki.Ten twierdzi ,że celem w tym mitingu jest kwalifikacja olimpijska tj.85.5m
OnlineSniperTips 120,4K


Miura/Tindouft 1 (3000SC) + Chebet/Taye 1 (5000m) @ 1.40*1.37=1.92 6/10
Miura is much better than Tindouft, 6th last year in Budapest. They met 4 times in last 3 years and Miura was always ahead of him. Chebet is clear medal contender in Paris, she has fantastic kick and I cannot see a scenario where she loses against Taye apart from a unlucky fall or something.
Ostatnia edycja:
Otrzymane punkty reputacji: +2379
OnlineSniperTips 120,4K


Doha DL High Jump

Winner will jump 1.97 or more - NO @2.22 4/10
It is really windy in Doha, pole vaulters have problem to clear opening bar. Geraschenko skipped indoor season (unusual for her, maybe some injury) and this is her first competition, i do not expect top performance. Topič is very promising talent, but 197cm in this conditions will be tough to beat. Patterson is the one capable of jumping this height, but she also did not have ideal indoor season and without Olyslagers and Mahuchikh hear, 194cm will be enough for the win in my opinion.
Ostatnia edycja:
Otrzymane punkty reputacji: +3336
OnlineSniperTips 120,4K


Today summary: Javelin as expected, Peters in very good form did not have problem defeating Helander and both Vadlejch/Chopra threw over 88 metres. 2AKO without problem, Miura 10 second ahead of Tindouft and Chebet easily outkicked Taye in last 100 metres. High jump was maybe with a bit of luck, Topič was amazing today and she had very close attempt at 198, but bet is OK so who cares 😅

See you next Sunday with DL in Rabat (19th May).
Otrzymane punkty reputacji: +684
OnlineSniperTips 120,4K


ORLEN Memoriał Janusza Kusocińskiego
Galant/Megger 1 (1500K) + Rak/Wyderka 1 (1500M) @ 1.37*1.70=2.33 4/10
Galant is in good form (2:37.28 1000m two weeks ago), Megger had very mediocre indoor season and so far somewhat weak 800 and 1000 a week ago, so Galant should be able to finish ahead of her today based on early season form. Rak and Wyderka are young talents, but in my eyes Rak is a level above Wyderka. He beaten him twice during indoor season in 1500 this year and also beated him in 800 week ago (1:45.97 to 1:47.15).

Bogaczyński/Szwed 2 @ 2.22 4/10
Bogaczyński beated Szwed here last year in stunning time 45.53, but thats it. At world relays in Bahamas, Szwed ran 45.96 opening split in mixed relay, Bogaczyński ran 46.98 in men relay. Szwed is a favourite here today.

Nene/Molnár 2 @ 4.18 2/10
Nene is a favourite here, but those odds are too high. Molnár is capable of running 45.00-45.30 consistently and Nene could run anything between 44.70-45.60 so I will take this risk.
Ostatnia edycja:
Otrzymane punkty reputacji: +1664
OnlineSniperTips 120,4K


Zaproponowane do wyróźnienia:
ORLEN Memorial Janusz Kusociński
Czeronek/Kaczmarek 1 (3000SC M) + Nielsen/Pipi 1 (400 K) @ 1.70*1.57= 2.67 5/10
Czeronek ran 5:34.69 in 2000SC two weeks ago, which rougly translates into 8:39.00 3000SC and that would be a new personal best for him, so he is clearly in very good form. Kaczmarek ran very slow 5:54.87 week ago and Czeronek already beated him twice during last two seasons. Laviai Nielsen is in red hot form this season, she ran 50.89 indoors and she had very fast splits in Bahamas relays. Pipi had slow 52+ split in Bahamas and she was left out next day, so her form is questionable and Nielsen should beat her today.
Ostatnia edycja:
Otrzymane punkty reputacji: +2013
OnlineSniperTips 120,4K


Summary: Stupid mistake to bet Galant against Megger at those odds, sorry guys my mistake. Rak unbelievable performance, you maybe have a new Marcin Lewandowski :) Szwed beated Bogaczyński comfortably as I expected, Nené won against Molnár but no regrets, 4.18 was great odds and I would play it again. Nielsen finished easily ahead of Pipi but Kaczmarek was DNS, so only half OK. Not a great day overall, but tommorrow Rabat diamond league is here, so stay tuned!
Otrzymane punkty reputacji: +536
OnlineSniperTips 120,4K


Morocco Diamond league
Eseme/Watson 1 (100M) + Ndori/Hall 1 (400M) @ 1.50*1.42= 2.13 5/10 STSbet
Extremely weak offer from STS, so only this 2AKO. Eseme beat watson pretty comfortably in China a few weeks ago and he had a bad start, I think he could win today overall and really should beat Watson. Ndori beat Hall 45.57 to 45.98 last week in Doha and he had a bad race, he should go under 45 today. Hall is only starting his season with aim to peak for US trials, so he is not in shape yet.

Summary: both easy OK, Eseme really beated everyone with a great run, Ndori a whole second faster than Hall.
Ostatnia edycja:
Otrzymane punkty reputacji: +3277
OnlineSniperTips 120,4K


Eugene Diamond league
Winner will jump 483cm or more - NO @1.94 6/10 STSbet VOID
Moon is coming from injury and it is her 1st start so I do not expect fireworks from her. Morris and Williams will be battling for win today, but I expect them to maybe clear 473 at maximum. It will be quite cold today in Eugene (15 degrees Celsius) and I will be really surprised if winner jumps 483 or more today.

EDIT: Morris was DNS, so VOID unfortuntely because Moon was really weak today as expected.
Ostatnia edycja:
Otrzymane punkty reputacji: +290
OnlineSniperTips 120,4K


Zlatá tretra Ostrava
Železná/Kolak 2 @ 2.22 5/10 (Javelin) STSbet
Železná threw a PB of 60.41ma week ago, but she is very unstable and i do not think she can regularly throw over 60 meters. Kolak threw just under 59m twice this season, but in Germany it was raining heavily and track was wet, so i think she is capable of going 60-62 meters today and that should be enough to beat Železná.

Cormont/Sobera 2 @ 2.38 4/10 (Pole Vault) STSbet
They both jumped in Chorzow where Sobera managed 572 and Cormont only basic height of 522. No doubt that Cormont will be better today than 522, but to be favorite against Sobera? He jumped 564 in Germany week ago, but he skipped 574 and went straight to 584. He should be a slight favorite in this duel today.
Ostatnia edycja:
Otrzymane punkty reputacji: +577
OnlineSniperTips 120,4K


Zlatá tretra Ostrava
Walsh/Geist 2 (Shot put M) + N.Kobielski will jump 224cm or more @ 1.88*1.40 = 2.63 4/10 STSbet
N.Kobielski will jump 228cm or more @ 2.80 3/10 STSbet
Kołodziejski/ Clarke-Khan 2 @ 2.22 4/10 STSbet VOID
Petržílková/Manuel 2 (400 K) + Mageaan/Embaye 1 (1500 K) @ 1.94*1.57 = 3.04 4/10 STSbet Half-VOID

Walsh is not in form yet and he competed on Sunday in Eugene so he could be tired after long travel to Europe and I do not expect him to throw very far today. Geist is 1st time in Europe and he managed to throw 21.71 (also 21.51 and 21.44 in series) in Germany, he is a favorite for me today. Kobielski is in good form, he jumped 226cm twice already and had very promising attempts on 230 in Opole two days ago. 224cm should not be a problem for him today and he could jump 228cm also, so that is also worth a bet at those odds. Kołodziejski jumped 220 twice and then 213 in Opole two days ago. He is not very experienced with competitions outside Poland and i think he will jump 215 at max today. Clarke-Khan jumped 219 and then 221 3 days ago, he is a better jumper and more experienced. He should be slight favorite in this duel. Petržílková ran 52.76 in France week ago and Manuel ran 51.66 in Kladno. Petržílková will be better today, but i do not think she will go under 52 seconds. They also met in 200m and Manuel won 23.46 to 23.88. Mageaan should be in great form, she ran PB in 800 last weekend and she will probably win today against everyone. Embaye is struggling this season, this should be easy one for Mageaan.
Post automatycznie złączony:

Zlatá tretra Ostrava
G.Bass/Z.Dosso 2 @ 3.74 4/10 (100 K) STSbet
What a crazy odds. Bass ran unreal 10.93 in Martinique, but that time is not "kosher" which is clear (she ran 11.09 in Germany on Friday). Dosso ran Italian record in Savona (11.02) and she will probably not ba able to replicate that today, but I expect her to ran time around 11.10. Bass could also ran around 11/05-11/15, so this is very much a 50/50 duel in my eyes.
Ostatnia edycja:
Otrzymane punkty reputacji: +1244
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