a ja zagrałem wczoraj na konie i mam normalnie na koncie 13.20€ i co z tym dalej?
dałem withdrawa na 10€
Thank you for your withdrawal request.
Please note that your withdrawal will not be deducted from your account balance until such time as the withdrawal is processed. During this time, you will still be able to use your balance to bet with. Withdrawal requests received prior to 11 am (AEST) are processed same day (Mon-Fri), requests received after this time are processed the following bank day.
If you request a withdrawal, but change your mind within the pending period, you can reverse your withdrawal and continue betting.
To reverse a withdrawal:
1. Login to
2. Go to My Account page
3. Go to Balances and click on Pending Withdrawal balance. A pop-up will appear detailing your withdrawal requests.
4. Select withdrawal requests you wish to cancel and click on the SUBMIT button.