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Fulltilt 50usd Cakepoker 20usd

kostek1916 237


Zdałem quiz, wybrałem Cake Poker, napisałem na live chat i kasa od razu na koncie!! Wielki plus:spokodfhgfh:
Można wybrać też Fulltilt czy tylko jeden pokerrom?
A 0


What does the Bankroll management of Black Moon Poker allow you ? A quick and speedy rise through the Limits.
To play good.
Constant winnings.
You have two diamond cards in your hand. The Flop gives you two more diamonds. What do you call this hand ?OESD.
Flush Draw.
Gut shot.
In the late position you are holding a Queen and an Ace in the same suit in your Hand. An opponent raises pre-Flop and two other opponents also raise. What do you do ?
You raise.
You go with them.
You Fold.
How many Blind positions are there ?2
How many cards are in a Poker hand ?7
A Poker professional can also be unsuccessful over a longer period of time when he/she .....
uses analysis software.
dose&#39;nt use good Bankroll management.
plays less than 6 hours a day.
What is the name of the position to the left of the Big Blind ?Under The Gun.
Under the Button.
Over the Top.

A Poker professional can also be unsuccessful over a longer period of time when he/she ..... uses analysis software.
dose&#39;nt use good Bankroll management.
plays less than 6 hours a day.
Who puts out the Small Blind ?

The Dealer.
1st player left of the Dealer.
2nd player left of the Dealer.
3nd player left of the Dealer.
An over pair is a pair you hold in your hand and ..... ? Which is not smaller than a pair of Queens.
A pair of Aces or Kings.
Whose cards are higher than all community cards.
You have an Ace and a King in the same suit before the Flop. You raise and your opponent makes a reraise. What do you do ? You raise.
You go with them.
You Fold.
What does a player do when he/she Checks ?
Buys more chips.
Lays aside his/her cards.
Raises his/her stakes.
Makes no action.
A Flush Draw is made up of ?
Three cards of the same suit.
Five cards of the same suit.
Four cards of the same suit.
Do you have an advantage if you are able to bet before your opponent ?yes
no,always, but most of the time.
What does a player do when he/she Folds ? He/she stops playing in this round.
He/she starts to play in the next round.
He/she passes on the Dealer button.
no action
How many betting rounds are there in a Texas Hold&#39;em game ?
With which Overpair can you go All-In on the Flop if there was no raise beforehand ?
Jack or higher.
If you have a minimum of a pair of nines or a Flush on the Board.
There is no Overpair that you can&#39;t raise Pre-Flop and still go All-In on the Flop.
Aces, Kings or Queens with a Flush Draw on the Flop.
What does a player do when he/she Calls ?
Doubles the stakes in the Pot.
The Pot stakes remain the same.
Doubles the Pot.
Takes Chips out of the Pot.
How many late positions are there ?2
What is the maximum percent of your Bankroll a Tournament is allowed to cost in which you want to take part ?
4 percent of your total Bankroll.
2 percent of your total Bankroll.
5 percent of your total Bankroll.
10 percent of your total Bankroll.
W 13


Pisaliscie do supportu na blackmoon czy na Cakepoker? bo na blackmoon juz 3 dni mi mowią ze oni nie mogą przyspieszyć itd
adizg 6


Telefon*: konieczne do wypłacenia bonusu
O co moga pytac? Zadzwonia jesli sie zleci wyplate?
P 0


1.Mit welcher Hand gewann Doyle Brunson zweimal in Folge die WSOP ?
Odp: T 2

Question 2 of 20:
Der Kartengeber/Button (BU) befindet sich in welcher Positionsgruppe?
Odp: In später Position

Question 4 of 20:
Wie nennt man die fünfte Karte, die jeder Spieler bei Seven Card Stud erhält ?
ODP: Fifth Street

Question 5 of 20:
Wie viele frühe Positionen gibt es?
ODP: 3

Question 7 of 20:
Wie viele Spieler sitzen beim Texas Hold?em maximal am Tisch ?

ODP: 6

Question 8 of 20:
Du hast König Dame (KQ). Der Flop bringt eine Zehn und eine Neun. Wie nennt man dein Blatt?


Question 9 of 20:
Es wird ein Sit-and-Go (SNG) Turnier gespielt. Wann beginnt die Push-or-Fold-Phase?
ODP: Wenn dein Chipstapel 10 Big Blinds oder weniger beträgt

Question 11 of 20:
Du hast am Flop ein Top-Paar. Wozu gehört dein Blatt?

ODP: Zu den gemachten Händen.

Question 12 of 20:
Wie sollte man sich am Anfang eines Turniers verhalten?

ODP: Sich in Geduld versuchen und auf gute Karten zu warten

Question 13 of 20:
Welche Hand bezeichnet man mit Pocket Rockets ?

ODP: Ein Paar Asse

Right Answer: 12
You finished our quiz. On the basis of the correct answers, we can offer a bonuspayment for the following pokerportal.

Download the Pokersoftware from our partnersites by clicking on one of the following links. Please take care that you are not yet registered on one of the pokerportals yet. It is not possible to register twice, the account will be frozen by the pokerplattform. If you already have an account at PartyPoker than just create an account at CD Poker or the other way arround.

Wyszedl mi taki kumunikat to znaczy ze zdalem?

Right Answer: 20
You finished our quiz. On the basis of the correct answers, we can offer a bonuspayment for the following pokerportal.

Download the Pokersoftware from our partnersites by clicking on one of the following links. Please take care that you are not yet registered on one of the pokerportals yet. It is not possible to register twice, the account will be frozen by the pokerplattform. If you already have an account at PartyPoker than just create an account at CD Poker or the other way arround.

Teraz mi wyszlo ze zdalem
S 0



jeżeli bedą jakieś pytania prosze pisac na pw:)

Ten quiz mozna rozwiązać odpowiadając cały czas na jedno i to samo pytanie
a quiz mozna rozwiazywac do woli nie tylko 5 razy wystarczy dac znowu zakładkę &quot;pokerooms&quot;:)

przechodze do instrukcji:

Trzeba rozwiązywać quiz aż dotąd az otrzyma sie to pyatnie :
&quot; Question 4 of 20:
You raised pre-Flop and your opponent raised as well. You see the Flop in the Heads-up. Your opponent Checks. What do you do ?

-You bet if you have at least a Top Pair in your and. ✅ poprawna

-You check.

-You always bet.

odpowiedz pierwsza jest poprawna, najlepiej dostac to pytanie na poczatku ;-), jak juz dostaniemy to pytanie i zaznaczymy odp 1 to wystarczy dac nastepne i dwa razy nacisnąć na flage USA i znowu bedzie się miało to samo pytanie i znowu zaznaczamy odp 1 i znowu dajemy dwa razy flage i tak w kółko, ja zdałem na 20;-)
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