Ale dlaczego zanudzacze? Zdominowali scenę, ale to nie ich wina, że dominują scenę i mają taktyczne, a więc mało efektowne podejście do gry. Ja np. lubię ich grę, wydają się przygotowani, więc nie grają głupiej gry , rush A, rush B, rush A, rush B .... Inna kwestia że oni mają 5 równych gości, więc nie musi być gwiazdy żeby przykryć braki aimowe kogoś innego.
Device w wywiadzie na HLTV:
We've been hearing a lot of people call your playstyle boring, what do you say to that?
I think it's normal to take a little bit away from a dominating team. It was the same with Barcelona when they were really, really good, people said they played really boring
football and so on, but they won all their games almost. I think it's the same because of course, we play I would say a little bit boring, we don't do a lot of rushes and so on, it's not that flashy, we don't send one guy out to win the round.
We play on the best
odds we can get throughout all rounds and we play with the brain every time, every time we get out of that sync, we play really badly, so that's the reason why we do it. It's not because we want the viewers to be bored (laughs), but, actually, because we really want to win. I think that there are flashier and more fun, more entertaining ways to play, but that's not coming from us, at least.