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In response to your email I am sorry to inform you that you can´t request a withdrawal because you have not fulfilled the Saint Valentine´s Day: 3 free spins conditions because if you are given a bonus of 5 € and you win 5 € and this 5 € are transferred to your sports book account balance before the 40 times wagering requirement, the value must be bet at least 4 times. If the value of the winnings transferred to the sports book is 5 € the number of bets that you need to place before a withdrawal is possible is 4 *5 = 20 €. Bets that are placed on multiple events do not count towards the wagering requirement and bets greater than the value of the winnings do not count towards the wagering requirement. Sports bets with odds less than 1.5 do not count towards the wagering requirement.
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I hope that this information has been helpful to you however, if you prefer, you can contact us by telephone on +34 902 353 343 to discuss this matter further. This number is available from 10:00 to 14:00 Monday to Friday during normal business working days. Outside these hours, on weekends and on Spanish bank holidays your call will be answered by an answering machine which we will attend to when we return to the office. The languages supported at the time of writing this email are English, Spanish and French.
Thank you for choosing Begawin.com.
No chyba tak. O co w tym chodzi: Bets that are placed on multiple events do not count towards the wagering requirement and bets greater than the value of the winnings do not count towards the wagering requirement??????????????dostałem identyczną informację przed sekundą, już miałem wklejać ją , ale mnie uprzedziłeś. Czyli co teraz? Musimy dalej to obracać , czy jak ?