>>>BETFAN - BONUS 200% do 400 ZŁ <<<<
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25$ Free

M 0


Rozmowa dzisiejsza z supportem:
Please wait for a site operator to respond.
You are now chatting with &#39;24sp&#39;
you: hallo
24sp: Hello, how may I help you?
you: I yes, I would like to withdraw my money
24sp: what is your account number
you: it is XXXXXX
24sp: is this a free account
you: yes
24sp: have you played the casino or tennis
you: no
24sp: 1 moment please
you: I have played only baseball, basketball and soccer games
you: I as following strictly all the rules
24sp: That I see
24sp: Please comeback on Sunday afternoon for an account review
you: ok
you: afternoon according to the US time, right?
24sp: right
you: thanks, bye
24sp: bye
D 0


moze kogos to jeszcze zainteresuje...mam tam troche kasy i chce wyplacic za wszelka cene, wiec podjalem jeszcze jedna probe ... dowiedzialem sie wielu ciekawych rzeczy. oto rozmowa :
Please wait for a site operator to respond.
You are now chatting with &#39;diego&#39;
diego: Hello, how may I assist you today?
you: Hi. I would like to pay out my cash.
you: my username SP2445
diego: how much are you requesting sir?
you: 100$
diego: is your account a free account?
you: no...I made a deposit
diego: ok let me check sir
diego: sir did you read the rules for the free money?
you: yes
you: few days ago you told me that I have to make deposit, so I do it
you: you told me that everything is ok and one thing that I have to do is make a deposit
diego: yes, but if you read the rules you should know that the deposit has to be the 40% of your actual balance
you: oh..I understand. So if I make deposit again - 50$, then I&#39;ll pay out my money?
diego: yes, but the problem is that you are playing only money lines and run lines
diego: Rule 3 - Rollover: Rollovers start at 10 times with a maximum of 15 times. Please note that moneyline bets will not be calculated in the rollover. For baseball and soccer only bets on the totals are calculated
you: I played only soccer 1x2 ... this is not calculated in the rollover?
diego: only totals are calculated, its in the rules sir
you: that rule was another where I started play here ;)
you: *when
you: and you told me that this rule is executed in my case
diego: the bonus code that was given to you was 1013, and according to the rules bonus codes 1013 and above have to follow that rules
you: heh. You still change the rules ;)..but ok..so what can I do in order to pay out my cash?
diego: we are not changing rules sir! everything is in the web site! but since you&#39;ve been playing only on money lines you still have to meet the rollover requirements
diego: you have only play one total
you: only rollover?
diego: so you still have to bet for 29 days
you: ok...
diego: because the rollover only counts on totals
you: but I have mail ... and there is:
you: Free $25 Account Guide: YOUR BONUS CODE: 1013
you: * No casino bets allowed * Minimum bet is $5 * Must meet 10 times rollover * No parlays, teasers or future bets * Must be used within 30 days
diego: that was an email sir, but the rules are in the web site
you: in that time in the web site were the same rules
you: and later I got next mail
you: &quot;Free $25 Bonus Rule Update &quot;
you: All Free acounts must play a minimum of $5 per day for 30 days before withdrawing. This rules was added July 02, 2008 and applies to bonus codes 1013 and above. Accounts with bonus codes starting 1012 and below may withdraw after making their rollover.
diego: and your promo code is 1013, so you have to follow the rules from the page
you: ok...whatever.. so .. I have to play only total (under/over) ?
diego: yes sir
you: only straight?
you: 29 days
diego: that&#39;s right sir
you: and I have to make a deposit - 40% amount on my account
you: then I can pay out cash?
diego: you have to deposit only if you want to withdraw more than $50
diego: and then you can cashout
you: ok. if I&#39;ll make deposit - I have to make another rollover?
diego: yes sir, 15 times, as specified on the rules
you: total amount (with deposit) or only this deposit?
you: in example I have 150, deposit 100. Have I to make 15 * 250?
you: or 15* 100 ?
diego: only the deposit
you: ok.
you: and now I have to make 250$ total rollover?
you: 10 times
diego: yes 10 times
you: and is it no matter that I played earlier moneyline, runline and tennis (2 matches)?
diego: yes, that&#39;s why you still have to play for 29 more days, because of that
diego: you have to meet that rollover in order to cash out
diego: and if you want to cash out more than $50
you: ok. thanks for all information ????
diego: there is when you have to make a deposit
diego: you are welcome

wynika z tego ,ze do obrotu wchodzi tylko to co oni nazywaja total, wiec under/over.
ja zagralem tak tylko raz wiec mam do wyrobienia co najmniej 29 dni no i troche tego obrotu jeszcze. ale gosc wyjasnil wszystko logicznie. to nic ,ze sie wczesniej gralo tenis itp.
50$ mozna wyplacic bez depozytu.
jezeli chce sie wiecej, trzeba zrobic depozyt (40% od tego co sie ma wlasnie na koncie) i obrocic to 10 razy (sam depozyt).
tak czy inaczej - nie zaszkodzi sprobowac, tym bardziej jak ma sie tam troche grosza ;)
D 0


Kolejne odswiezenie tematu.
Kasa na koncie ????
wyplacili mi te 50$ ????
wiec ludzie - jak macie tam kase to grajcie sobie under/over...wszystko jest w poscie wyzej.
nawet moge powiedziec ,ze transakcja przebiegla bezproblemowo - gosc napisal ,ze wyplata zostanie zrealizowana miedzy 24 a 48 godzin, a doszlo po kilku godzinach.
aha. i kolesiem od wyplat jest Diego. jak traficie na kogos innego to moga wam tylko sprawdzic konto, ale nie podadza wam zadnych informacji dotyczacych waszej wyplaty.
Ponizej ostatnie 2 rozmowy rozmowa:
Please wait for a site operator to respond.
You are now chatting with &#39;audrey&#39;
audrey: Hello how may I help you today
you: Hi. I would like to pay out my cash.
audrey: may I have your account number please?
you: SP2445
audrey: password?
you: hm..wait a minute...
you: ***
audrey: one moment please!
you: ok
audrey: thank you for holding sir, we were trying to contact the person in charge of payments but it is gone for the day
audrey: can you contact us back tomorrow after 9am eastern
you: ok, no problem
you: but - for sure - I can pay out my money,right?
audrey: thank you!
you: Did I make rollover etc etc...?
audrey: the thing is that they have to review your account first before I tell you everything is fine
audrey: but the person is gone
audrey: so I don&#39;t want to give you wrong information
you: ok
you: this person will be on the chat?
audrey: yes sir
you: what&#39;s his name?
you: or nickname on chat
audrey: his name is Diego
you: ok
you: thanks for all information
you: and bye
audrey: you are welcome!
audrey: bye

Please wait for a site operator to respond.
You are now chatting with &#39;diego&#39;
diego: Hello, how may I assist you today?
you: Hi. I would like to pay out my cash.
diego: hold on a second please
diego: ok sir thank you for holding, what is your account number?
you: SP2445
you: it&#39;s a free account so I would pay out only 50$
diego: ok hold on while i check your account please\
you: ok
diego: ok sir it looks like you met the requirements
diego: by which method would you like to withdraw?
you: by moneybookers
diego: can i have your moneybookers email
you: ***
diego: ok your request will be submitted to accounting and it will be ready within 24 to 48 hours
you: ok.
you: thx
diego: you are welcome
you: and bye

Moze nawet wplace te 40% tego co mam na koncie ,zeby wybrac do konca...troche jeszcze zostalo...
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