Dobre info z Francji
Ajaccio - Evian
Typ: Evian DNB
Kurs: 2.20
Stawka: 2/10
Ajaccio started this league season pretty bad, 0-0 vs Dijon and 1-0 lost vs
Le Havre, in cup before 3 days they won poor Lens on penalties (ft 0-0 , 2-4 on penalties), and that could be bad because Ajaccio used almost best squad and mostly of players could be tired now, anyway they have small squad too.. worst news from that match is that last season best player got red card and will miss this clash.. here is whole absence list for Ajaccio; Aine(mf), Babiloni(df 0/0), Begeorgi(Df 0/0), Videmont(Att 2/0) and Abergel(mf 0/0) are all injured, SOllacaro(gk 0/0) and key striker Fauvergue(att 1/0 ,ls top scorer) are suspended.. Lesoimier(lw) and Marvi Diop(rw) are not in squad.
also i already wrote about Ajaccio's problems with leavings before start of season and poor new signings, their target this season will be avoiding relegation..
quallity is on Evian's side, they have more famous names in squad and more quallity when u see the players, they made some good signigns and bring some good players on loan so they shouldnt have problems to get at least a point vs poor Ajaccio.
Jutro bd wiadomo z jakimi źródłami bd grał we wrześniu, jeśli ktoś ma chęć dołączenia zapraszam na gg.