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Progrsja na INNINGI

hagis 369


Rapoty na dziś
Hot pitchers
-- Burnett is 2-0, 2.00 in his last four starts.
-- JJohnson is 2-0, 2.77 in his last four starts.
-- THudson is 2-2, 3.18 in his last four starts.
-- Gee is 2-0, 2.63 in his last couple starts.
-- Kershaw is 2-2, 1.45 in his last four starts.
-- Gallardo is 2-1, 2.49 in his last four starts.
-- Dempster is 0-3, 2.47 in his eight starts this season.
-- Gomez is 1-1, 3.32 in his last three starts.
-- Hammel is 3-0, 4.30 in his last four starts.
-- Quintana beat Cleveland in his first start (two runs in six IP).
-- Cobb is 2-0, 3.00 in his two starts this season.
-- ESantana is 2-0, 2.77 in his last four starts.
Cold pitchers
-- Cueto is 1-2, 7.47 in his last three starts.
-- Wang is making his first &#39;12 start; he was 4-3, 4.04 in 11 starts LY; he&#39;s made 115 starts in his big league career, mostly with Bronx.
-- Lohse is 0-0, 5.30 in his last three starts.
-- Lee is winless in seven starts this season (0-1, 3.54 in last four).
-- Friedrich has a 5.48 RA in his first four starts. Harrell has a 7.14 RA in his last seven starts.
-- Lincecum is 0-3, 7.09 in his last five starts. Kennedy is 0-5, 6.30 in his last five starts.
-- Bass is 1-2, 5.81 in his last five starts.
-- BChen is 1-2, 8.78 in his last three road starts.
-- Ross is 1-5, 8.29 in his last six starts. Liriano is 0-5, 8.53 in six starts, last of which was May 7.
-- Morrow is 1-2, 7.36 in his last three starts.
-- Smyly has a 7.36 RA in his last three starts. Lester is 2-2, 6.00 in his last four starts.
-- Holland is 2-3, 5.59 in his last six starts. Beavan is 1-2, 5.18 in his last five starts.
-- Nova is 1-1, 6.38 in his last three starts.
Hot teams
-- Washington won six of its last nine games. Marlins are 9-4 in their last thirteen home games.
-- Mets won six of their last eight home games. Phillies won five of their last seven games.
-- Reds won nine of their last eleven games. Pittsburgh won seven of its last ten home games.
-- San Francisco won eight of its last eleven home games.
-- Dodgers won 14 of their last 19 home games, but lost last two.
-- Red Sox won seven of their last nine home games.
-- White Sox won their last seven games, scoring 61 runs.
-- Royals won eight of their last twelve road games.
-- Texas won four of its last five games.
-- Angels won their last eight games, allowing 19 runs. Bronx won five of its last seven games, but lost their last two.
Cold teams
-- Braves lost eight of their last nine games. St Louis lost four of its last six games.
-- Cubs lost 12 of their last 14 games, but won last two. Padres lost eight of their last nine games.
-- Rockies lost eight of their last 12 games, even after two wins Monday. Houston lost eight of their last nine road games.
-- Arizona is 5-9 in its last fourteen road games.
-- Brewers lost nine of their last fourteen road games, but won last two.
-- Tigers are 5-8 in their last thirteen road games.
-- Twins lost five of their last seven games, but won last two. Oakland lost its last seven games, scoring a total of 14 runs.
-- Tampa Bay lost three of its last four games.
-- Indians lost four of their last five games.
-- Toronto lost five of its last seven games. Orioles lost five of their last six games.
-- Mariners lost five of their last seven games.
-- Over is 13-3 in Miami&#39;s last sixteen home games.
-- Over is 7-1-1 in last nine games at Citi Field.
-- Seven of last eight Atlanta home games went over total.
-- Under is 12-4 in last sixteen Pirate home games. Four of last five Cincinnati games went over the total.
-- Over is 4-2-1 in San Diego&#39;s last seven road games.
-- Over is 12-4-1 in last seventeen games at Coors Field. Seven of last ten Houston road games stayed under.
-- Four of last five Arizona games stayed under total.
-- Four of last five Milwaukee games stayed under total.
-- Three of four Lester home starts went over the total.
-- Over is 8-3 in Minnesota&#39;s last eleven games.
-- Six of last eight White Sox games went over total.
-- Over is 3-1-1 in last five Gomez starts.
-- Over is 7-1-1 in last nine Toronto games.
-- Over is 5-2-1 in last eight Texas home games.
-- Eight of last eleven Angel games stayed under the total.
-- SD-Chi-- Four of last five Holbrook games stayed under.
-- Cin-Pitt-- Road team won five of last six Johnson games.
-- StL-Atl-- Favorites won four of five Gonzales games.
-- Wsh-Mia-- Seven of ten Hoye games stayed under total.
-- Phil-NY-- Favorites won last five Rapuano games.
-- Hst-Col-- Home side won six of last eight Foster games.
-- Mil-LA-- Four of last five Porter games went over total.
-- Az-SF-- Seven of nine O&#39;Nora games went over the total.
-- KC-Clev-- Eight of ten Bellino games stayed under total.
-- Balt-Tor-- Over is 7-1-1 in last nine Demuth games.
-- Chi-TB-- Six of last eight Wegner games stayed under.
-- Det-Bos-- Home side won last five Guccione games, with three of last four going over the total.
-- Sea-Tex-- Six of nine Wolf games went over the total.
-- A&#39;s-Min-- Last four TBarrett games went over the total.
-- NY-LA-- Favorites won six of last seven Diaz games.
D 77


Na razie nie znam nawet zasad gdy w baseball :? ale zacząłem grać jak zalecał Hagis.

30.05.2012 - mecz 1

Kansas City Royals @ Cleveland Indians

typ: 0 innings
kurs: 1,83
stawka: 0,10
poziom progresji: 1

rezultat: 0,18 ✅

bilans: +0,18

Ps. Podziękowania dla wszystkich, którzy pomagają w tym temacie bez względu na efekt końcowy :razz:

@ down
Spoko, odpuszczę sobie relacjonowanie.
grzesio 91,5K


Forum VIP
Nie róbcie burdelu w tym temacie.
Dalik jak nie znasz zasad to nie graj. A jak planujesz grać jak Hagis to załóż swój temat.
hagis 369


Wczoraj był dobry dzień udało mi sie trafić
Miami Marlins
Money Line

Tampa Bay Rays

Wiec bedzie pare groszy na experymenty ;)

Raport na dziś
Hot pitchers
-- Norris is 4-0, 1.47 in his last five starts.
-- Greinke is 2-1, 3.00 in his last four starts, but got rocked in his last start, at Arizona.
-- Beckett is 2-0, 1.25 in his last three starts. Detroit won Scherzer&#39;s last four starts (3-0, 5.16) scoring 30 runs.

Cold pitchers
-- Guthrie is 0-2, 9.92 in three starts at Coors Field.
-- Billingsley is 0-3, 6.69 in his last seven starts.
-- None.
Hot teams
-- Colorado won its last three games, scoring 29 runs.
-- Brewers won their last three games, allowing six runs.
-- Red Sox won eight of their last ten home games.

Cold teams
-- Houston lost nine of their last ten road games.
-- Dodgers lost their last three games: 3-2/2-1/6-3.
-- Tigers are 5-9 in their last fourteen road games.

-- Over is 13-4-1 in last seventeen games at Coors Field.
-- Four of last six Milwaukee games stayed under total.
-- Five of last seven Boston games went over the total.
hagis 369



TEST 1 Czerwiec (11)

MIL Brewers (Z Greinke) @ LA Dodgers (C Billingsley) - 1st Innings Total Runs
None @ 1.73
Stake : 0.10
Estimated Returns :0.17
Skoro MIL Brewers w ostatnich 3 spotkaniach pozwoliło tylko na 6 biegów we wszystkich inningach
to mój faworyt na dziś wieczór
hagis 369


witam panowie własnie wrocilem z kina byllem zobaczyc Prometeusz
troche rozczarowanie ale co tam kilka piw do przodu !
Zapomniałem oddac 3d gogli ????
niechce mi sie spac jak narazie zostaly mi 2 piwa moze doczekam
MIL Brewers (Z Greinke) @ LA Dodgers (C Billingsley)
szkoda tylko ze mam na 9;00 do roboty ale walic to
Nie bede spamował puki jeszcze widze wiec bede piał i pisał ????
pusciłem takie cos
czyli zostanie rozegrany dodatkowy inning wrazie remisu taki experyment
No @ 1.07Will Extra Innings Be Played?Open
MIL Brewers (Z Greinke) @ LA Dodgers (C Billingsley)
No @ 1.05Will Extra Innings Be Played?Open
DET Tigers (M Scherzer) @ BOS Red Sox (J Beckett)
No @ 1.05Will Extra Innings Be Played?Open
HOU Astros (B Norris) @ COL Rockies (J Guthrie)

Stake: 1.00
Potential Returns: 1.18

I progresja na zwyciestwo !
MIL Brewers (Z Greinke) @ LA Dodgers (C Billingsley) - Alternative Handicaps
MIL Brewers (Z Greinke) -2 Runs @ 3.00
Stake : 0.50
Estimated Returns : 1.50
MIL Brewers (Z Greinke) @ LA Dodgers (C Billingsley) - Alternative Handicaps
MIL Brewers (Z Greinke) -1 Run @ 2.15
Stake : 1.00
Estimated Returns : 2.15
MIL Brewers (Z Greinke) @ LA Dodgers (C Billingsley) - Alternative Handicaps
MIL Brewers (Z Greinke) +1 Run @ 1.55
Stake : 2.27
Estimated Returns : 3.51

MIL Brewers (Z Greinke) @ LA Dodgers (C Billingsley) - Alternative Handicaps
MIL Brewers (Z Greinke) +1.5 Runs @ 1.40
Stake : 6.23
Estimated Returns : 8.72
hagis 369



TEST 1 Czerwiec (11)

MIL Brewers (Z Greinke) @ LA Dodgers (C Billingsley) - 1st Innings Total Runs

None @ 1.73

Stake : 0.10
Estimated Returns :0.17

Skoro MIL Brewers w ostatnich 3 spotkaniach pozwoliło tylko na 6 biegów we wszystkich inningach
to mój faworyt na dziś wieczór
To było bardzo szybkie zgodnie z przewidywaniami
ide spać reszte sprawdze rano



Test (1) ✅0.18✅
Test (2) ✅0.35✅
Test (3) ✅1.00✅
Test (4) ✅0.08✅
Test (5) ✅0.07✅
Test (6) ✅0.07✅
Test (7) ✅0.08✅
Test (8) ✅0.10✅
Test (9) ✅0.35✅
Test (10) ✅0.45✅
Test (11) ✅0.7✅
hagis 369



No @ 1.07
Will Extra Innings Be Played?Open
MIL Brewers (Z Greinke) @ LA Dodgers (C Billingsley)

No @ 1.05
Will Extra Innings Be Played?Open
DET Tigers (M Scherzer) @ BOS Red Sox (J Beckett)

No @ 1.05
Will Extra Innings Be Played?Open
HOU Astros (B Norris) @ COL Rockies (J Guthrie)

Stake: 1.00
Potential Returns: 1.18 ✅

I progresja na zwyciestwo !

MIL Brewers (Z Greinke) @ LA Dodgers (C Billingsley) - Alternative Handicaps
MIL Brewers (Z Greinke) -2 Runs @ 3.00

Stake : 0.50
Estimated Returns : 1.50 ✅
MIL Brewers (Z Greinke) @ LA Dodgers (C Billingsley) - Alternative Handicaps
MIL Brewers (Z Greinke) -1 Run @ 2.15

Stake : 1.00
Estimated Returns : 2.15 ✅
MIL Brewers (Z Greinke) @ LA Dodgers (C Billingsley) - Alternative Handicaps
MIL Brewers (Z Greinke) +1 Run @ 1.55

Stake : 2.27
Estimated Returns : 3.51

MIL Brewers (Z Greinke) @ LA Dodgers (C Billingsley) - Alternative Handicaps
MIL Brewers (Z Greinke) +1.5 Runs @ 1.40

Stake : 6.23
Estimated Returns : 8.72


zgodnie z oczekiwaniami MIL nie dało pobiegać LA
hagis 369


Raport na dzis
Hot pitchers
-- Buehrle is 4-0, 3.19 in his last five starts. Kendrick is 1-1, 1.64 in his last three outings.
-- JSantana is 1-0, 2.45 in his last three starts. Wainwright won his last two starts, allowing one run in 15 IP.
-- Happ is 2-1, 1.96 in his last three starts. Leake is 1-0, 3.57 in his last three starts.
-- Capuano is 6-1, 1.53 in his last seven starts.
-- Miley is 3-0, 2.61 in his last three starts. Richard is 2-2, 2.96 in his four home starts.
-- Lowe is 3-1, 1.93 in his five home starts.
-- Price is 1-1, 2.57 in his last three starts.
-- Paulino is 2-1, 2.03 in five starts this season.
-- Williams is 3-0, 1.90 in his last three home starts.
Cold pitchers
-- Strasburg has a 7.07 RA in his last three starts. Minor is 0-3, 9.95 in his last six starts.
-- Correia is 0-5, 5.77 in his last six starts. Wolf is 0-1, 7.02 in his last three outings.
-- Outman is 8-9, 3.92 in 25 big league starts; he&#39;s allowed five runs in 4.2 IP in relief so far this year.
-- Bumgarner is 0-3, 5.67 in his last four starts. Maholm is 0-1, 5.71 in his last three starts.
-- Buchholz is 0-1, 4.67 in his last three starts. Alvarez is 0-2, 7.79 in his last three outings.
-- Sabathia is 1-2, 4.05 in his last three starts. Crosby is 4-2, 4.26 in his nine AAA starts, with 26 walks in 50.2 IP.
-- Pavano is 0-2, 7.53 in his last four starts.
-- WChen has a 4.80 RA in his last five starts.
-- Colon is 1-3, 9.00 in his last four starts.
-- FHernandez is 1-3, 6.66 in his last four starts. Peavy has a 6.50 RA in his last three starts; White Sox are 7-3 in his starts this year.
-- Lewis is 1-3, 7.16 in his last five starts.

Hot teams

-- Marlins won five of their last six games. Phillies just finished a 5-2 road trip, but they&#39;ve lost four of last five at home.
-- Reds won nine of their last twelve games.
-- Mets won six of their last nine games.
-- Colorado won its last four games, scoring 40 runs.
-- Brewers won their last four games, allowing eight runs. Pirates won five of their last six games.
-- Arizona is 5-7 in its last dozen road games.
-- Giants won three of their last four games. Cubs won last three games, scoring 24 runs, but they&#39;ve lost seven in a row on foreign soil.
-- Toronto won seven of its last eight home games. Red Sox won four of their last five on the road.
-- Bronx won six of its last eight games.
-- Minnesota won its last three games, allowing six runs.
-- Royals won four of their last five games.
-- White Sox won their last eight games, scoring 65 runs. Seattle won five of last six on road, scoring 31 runs in last two games.
-- Angels won eight of their last nine games.
Cold teams
-- Washington lost its last three games, scoring five runs. Braves lost five of their last six road games.
-- Houston lost their last six games, allowing 51 runs. Cardinals lost six of their last seven road games.
-- Dodgers lost their last four games: 3-2/2-1/6-3/6-2. San Diego lost its last six games, outscored 41-17.
-- Detroit lost three of its last four games.
-- Indians lost five of their last six games.
-- Orioles lost their last five games, scoring 14 runs. Tampa Bay lost four of its last five games.
-- Oakland lost its last eight games, scoring 12 runs.
-- Rangers lost their last two games, allowing 31 runs.
-- Under is 15-4-1 in Miami&#39;s last 20 road games.
-- Under is 5-0-1 in Atlanta&#39;s last six road games.
-- Over is 8-1-1 in last ten games at Citi Field.
-- Under is 5-2 in Houston&#39;s last seven home games.
-- Over is 14-4-1 in last nineteen games at Coors Field.
-- Over is 6-3-1 in Wolf&#39;s starts this season. Under is 6-2-1 in Correia&#39;s starts.
-- Under is 10-3 in Arizona&#39;s last thirteen road games.
-- Four of Cubs&#39; last five road games stayed under total.
-- Six of last eight Boston games went over the total.
-- Six of last seven Detroit home games stayed under.
-- Five of last six Minnesota road games went over.
-- Last six Cleveland games went over total. Four of last five Baltimore games stayed under total.
-- Five of last seven Kansas City games went over the total.
-- Eight of last nine Chicago home games went over the total.
-- Five of last six Texas games went over the total.
hagis 369



TEST 2 Czerwiec (12)
ARI D&#39;backs (W Miley) @ SD Padres (C Richard) - 1st Innings Total Runs
None @ 1.73
Stake : 0.10
Estimated Returns : 0.17

STL Cardinals (A Wainwright) @ NY Mets (J Santana) - 1st Innings Total Runs
None @ 1.73

Stake : 0.10
Estimated Returns : 0.17
Otrzymane punkty reputacji: +1
hagis 369


dla potrzeby systemu.
LA Dodgers (C Capuano) @ COL Rockies (J Outman) - Will Extra Innings Be Played?
No @ 1.05
OAK Athletics (B Colon) @ KC Royals (F Paulino) - Will Extra Innings Be Played?
No @ 1.06
CIN Reds (M Leake) @ HOU Astros (J Happ) - Will Extra Innings Be Played?
No @ 1.05
Stake : 1.18
Estimated Returns : 1.38

OAK Athletics (B Colon) @ KC Royals (F Paulino) - Alternative Handicaps
KC Royals (F Paulino) +1 Run @ 1.45
02 Jun 2012 - CIN Reds (M Leake) @ HOU Astros (J Happ) - Alternative Handicaps
CIN Reds (M Leake) +1.5 Runs @ 1.45
02 Jun 2012 - LA Dodgers (C Capuano) @ COL Rockies (J Outman) - Alternative Handicaps
LA Dodgers (C Capuano) +2 Runs @ 1.40
Stake : 1.00
Estimated Returns : 2.94
hagis 369



TEST 2 Czerwiec (12)

ARI D&#39;backs (W Miley) @ SD Padres (C Richard) - 1st Innings Total Runs
None @ 1.73

Stake : 0.10
Estimated Returns : 0.17

STL Cardinals (A Wainwright) @ NY Mets (J Santana) - 1st Innings Total Runs
None @ 1.73

Stake : 0.10
Estimated Returns : 0.17



Test (1) ✅0.18✅
Test (2) ✅0.35✅
Test (3) ✅1.00✅
Test (4) ✅0.08✅
Test (5) ✅0.07✅
Test (6) ✅0.07✅
Test (7) ✅0.08✅
Test (8) ✅0.10✅
Test (9) ✅0.35✅
Test (10) ✅0.45✅
Test (11) ✅0.07✅
Test (12) ✅0.14✅

dla potrzeby systemu.

All In 2
LA Dodgers (C Capuano) @ COL Rockies (J Outman) - Will Extra Innings Be Played?
No @ 1.05

OAK Athletics (B Colon) @ KC Royals (F Paulino) - Will Extra Innings Be Played?
No @ 1.06

CIN Reds (M Leake) @ HOU Astros (J Happ) - Will Extra Innings Be Played?
No @ 1.05

Stake : 1.18
Estimated Returns : 1.38 ✅

OAK Athletics (B Colon) @ KC Royals (F Paulino) - Alternative Handicaps
KC Royals (F Paulino) +1 Run @ 1.45

02 Jun 2012 - CIN Reds (M Leake) @ HOU Astros (J Happ) - Alternative Handicaps
CIN Reds (M Leake) +1.5 Runs @ 1.45

02 Jun 2012 - LA Dodgers (C Capuano) @ COL Rockies (J Outman) - Alternative Handicaps
LA Dodgers (C Capuano) +2 Runs @ 1.40

Stake : 1.00
Estimated Returns : 2.94
02 Jun 2012 - LA Dodgers (C Capuano) @ COL Rockies (J Outman) - Alternative Handicaps
LA Dodgers (C Capuano) +2 Runs @ 1.40

miało być COL Rockies
szkoda pomyłki
D 77


Zauważyłem, że grasz Will Extra Innings Be Played? - NO.
Jesteś w stanie wrzucić jakąś statystykę prawdopodobieństwa wystąpienia tego zdarzenia?
hagis 369


spóźniony raport
Hot pitchers
-- Dickey is 4-0, 2.10 in his last five starts. Lynn is 8-1, 2.54 in his ten starts this season.
-- Hamels is 8-0, 2.22 in his last nine starts.
-- Bedard is 3-1, 3.54 in his last six starts.
-- Cain is 4-0, 3.86 in his last four starts.
-- DHudson has a 2.84 RA in his last couple starts.
-- Latos is 4-0, 3.30 in his last seven starts.
-- Doubrant is 3-1, 2.66 in his last four starts. Drabek is 3-1, 2.10 in his last four home starts.
-- McCarthy was 3-0, 2.42 in his last four starts before going on DL with shoulder problem.
-- Hellickson is 3-1, 2.56 in six home starts this season. Matusz is 3-1, 4.13 in his last four starts.
-- Walters is 2-0, 2.95 in his last three starts.
-- Wilson is 2-0, 0.64 in his last two starts, but left last outing with a blister problem; he is 0-1, 9.00 in two starts against his old team.
Cold pitchers
-- Strasburg has a 7.07 RA in his last three starts. Beachy is 5-2, 2.21 in his last nine starts, 0-2, 5.25 in last two.
-- Nolasco is 1-3, 7.06 in his last four starts.
-- Nicasio is 0-3, 6.51 in his last five starts. Harang is 0-1, 7.71 in his last couple starts.
-- Marcum is 1-2, 5.50 in his last three starts.
-- Garza is 0-2, 7.32 in his last four starts.
-- Volquez is 0-3, 5.40 in his last three starts.
-- WRodriguez is 1-2, 3.97 in his last five starts.
-- Hochevar is 0-2, 4.67 in his last three starts.
-- Floyd is 1-2, 12.89 in his last three starts. Noesi is 0-3, 3.68 in his last four starts.
-- Porcello is 0-2, 7.84 in his last four starts. Kuroda is 2-3, 4.55 in his last five starts.
-- Tomlin is 1-1, 5.09 in his last four starts.
-- Darvish has a 5.14 RA in his last five starts; he left his last start with some kind of a back problem.
Hot Teams
-- Marlins won five of their last seven games. Phillies won six of their last eight games.
-- Reds won ten of their last thirteen games.
-- Mets won seven of their last ten games.
-- Colorado won its last five games, scoring 50 runs.
-- Brewers won four of their last five games. Pirates won six of their last seven games.
-- Giants won four of their last five games.
-- Red Sox won five of their last six road games. Toronto won seven of its last nine at Rogers Centre.
-- Royals won five of their last six games.
-- Bronx won seven of its last nine games.
-- Minnesota won three of its last four games.
-- White Sox won their last nine games, scoring 72 runs. Seattle won five of last seven road games.
-- Angels won nine of their last ten games.
Cold Teams
-- Washington lost its last three games, scoring five runs. Braves lost five of their last six road games.
-- Houston lost their last even games, allowing 55 runs.
-- Cardinals lost seven of their last eight road games.
-- Dodgers lost their last five games, scoring 11 runs.
-- San Diego lost six of its last seven games. Arizona is 5-8 in its last thirteen road games.
-- Cubs lost their last eight road games, but won three of last four games overall, sweeping Padres at home during week.
-- Oakland lost its last nine games, didn&#39;t score in last two.
-- Detroit lost four of its last five games.
-- Indians lost five of their last seven games.
-- Orioles lost their last six games, scoring 14 runs. Tampa Bay lost four of its last six games.
-- Rangers lost their last three games, allowing 35 runs.


-- Under is 15-5-1 in Miami&#39;s last 21 road games.
-- Under is 5-0-1 in Atlanta&#39;s last six road games.
-- Over is 9-1-1 in last eleven games at Citi Field.
-- Under is 6-2 in Houston&#39;s last eight home games.
-- Over is 15-4-1 in last twenty games at Coors Field.
-- Under is 10-4 in Arizona&#39;s last fourteen road games.
-- Under is 4-1-1 in Cubs&#39; last six road games.
-- Over is 3-0-2 in last five Drabek starts.
-- Under is 5-0-1 in last six McCarthy starts.
-- Six of last eight Detroit home games stayed under.
-- Five of last seven Minnesota road games went over. Six of last seven Cleveland games went over total.
-- Five of last six Baltimore games stayed under total.
-- Nine of last ten Chicago home games went over the total.
-- Five of last seven Texas games went over the total.


-- Atl-Wsh-- No idea who umpires for this game are.
-- Mia-Phil-- Underdogs won five of last seven Nauert games.
-- StL-NY-- Last four Barksdale games stayed under total.
-- LA-Col-- Underdogs won last three Fairchild games.
-- Pitt-Mil-- Last three Davis games went over the total.
-- Chi-SF-- Favorites won last four Conroy games.
-- Az-SD-- Over is 5-2-1 in last eight Tichenor games.
-- Cin-Hst-- Over is 7-3-1 in Reynolds games this year.
-- Bos-Tor-- Road team won six of last seven Knight games.
-- A&#39;s-KC-- Six of last seven Schrieber games went over.
-- Blt-TB-- Underdogs won four of last six Carapazza games.
-- Sea-Chi-- Eight of last ten Drake games went over total.
-- NY-Det-- Home side won last five Davidson games, with over 3-1-1 in his last four behind the dish.
-- Min-Cle-- Three of last four Cooper games went over total.
-- Tex-LAA-- Four of last five McClelland games went over.
hagis 369


dla potrzeby systemu.
All In 3
CIN Reds (M Latos) @ HOU Astros (W Rodriguez) - Will Extra Innings Be Played?
No @ 1.07
TEX Rangers (Y Darvish) @ LA Angels (C Wilson) - Will Extra Innings Be Played?
No @ 1.07
NY Yankees (H Kuroda) @ DET Tigers (R Porcello) - Will Extra Innings Be Played?
No @ 1.05
Stake : 1.38
Estimated Returns : 1.66

typ na noc
TEX Rangers (Y Darvish) @ LA Angels (C Wilson)
LA Angels (C Wilson) @ 1.91
Stake : 2.00
Estimated Returns : 3.81

Zauważyłem, że grasz Will Extra Innings Be Played? - NO.
Jesteś w stanie wrzucić jakąś statystykę prawdopodobieństwa wystąpienia tego zdarzenia?
Witaj Dalik

w Maju Było tylko 12 Dogrywek
a ile było w maju Spotkan ? dużo liczyłem od końca maja 31 do 22 i juz było 100 spotkań jak by ktoś wiedział ile dokładnie odbylo sie meczy
niech podzieli sie wiedzą !
zakładajac 200 meczy na miesiac i tylko 12 dogrywek
to aż sie prosi o TEst ;)
hagis 369



TEST 3 Czerwiec (13)
PIT Pirates (E Bedard) @ MIL Brewers (S Marcum) - 1st Innings Total Runs X
Best Odds Guaranteed!
None @ 1.80
Stake : 0.10
Estimated Returns : 0.18

Gram ten bo czasowo mi pasuje
Troche pózno dostaem raport wiec dziś
typ jak leci 1 z przodu​
hagis 369



TEST 3 Czerwiec (13)
PIT Pirates (E Bedard) @ MIL Brewers (S Marcum) - 1st Innings Total Runs X
Best Odds Guaranteed!
None @ 1.80
Stake : 0.10
Estimated Returns : 0.18

Gram ten bo czasowo mi pasuje
Troche pózno dostaem raport wiec dziś
typ jak leci 1 z przodu​



Test (1) ✅0.18✅
Test (2) ✅0.35✅
Test (3) ✅1.00✅
Test (4) ✅0.08✅
Test (5) ✅0.07✅
Test (6) ✅0.07✅
Test (7) ✅0.08✅
Test (8) ✅0.10✅
Test (9) ✅0.35✅
Test (10) ✅0.45✅
Test (11) ✅0.07✅
Test (12) ✅0.14✅
Test (13) ✅0.08✅
Otrzymane punkty reputacji: +1
hagis 369


dla potrzeby systemu.
All In 3
CIN Reds (M Latos) @ HOU Astros (W Rodriguez) - Will Extra Innings Be Played?

No @ 1.07

TEX Rangers (Y Darvish) @ LA Angels (C Wilson) - Will Extra Innings Be Played?
No @ 1.07

NY Yankees (H Kuroda) @ DET Tigers (R Porcello) - Will Extra Innings Be Played?
No @ 1.05

Stake : 1.38
Estimated Returns : 1.66 ✅

typ na noc
TEX Rangers (Y Darvish) @ LA Angels (C Wilson)
LA Angels (C Wilson) @ 1.91

Stake : 2.00

Estimated Returns : 3.81✅

Statystyka Czerwcowa Extra Innings

1 Czerwiec - 3 spotkań 0 Extra Innings
2 Czerwiec - 15 spotkań 0 Extra Innings
3 Czerwiec - 15 spotkań 1 Extra Innings
D 77



Statystyka Czerwcowa Extra Innings

1 Czerwiec - 3 spotkań 0 Extra Innings
2 Czerwiec - 15 spotkań 0 Extra Innings
3 Czerwiec - 15 spotkań 1 Extra Innings
W takim razie granie na 0 innings ma sens (i nie trzeba siedzieć po nocach)
Pytanie tylko jak teraz wybierać spotkania?
Czy grać większą część?
Czy grać tylko 2-3 ?
Czy grać za grosze czy va bank ?
Czy grać single czy akumulować?
Jakieś propozycje ?
Ps. Dziś na noc miałem ako 3 spotkania. Kurs ako osiągnąłem 1,27
hagis 369


W takim razie granie na 0 innings ma sens (i nie trzeba siedzieć po nocach)
Pytanie tylko jak teraz wybierać spotkania?
Czy grać większą część?
Czy grać tylko 2-3 ?
Czy grać za grosze czy va bank ?
Czy grać single czy akumulować?
Jakieś propozycje ?
Ps. Dziś na noc miałem ako 3 spotkania. Kurs ako osiągnąłem 1,27
Jest nad czym rozmyślać
Jesli chemy grać all in lepiej skupic sie tylko na ako 3 meczy
Można pokusic sie za plaska stawke ako 10 meczy z 15 co da napewno zadawalajacy kurs
Ile wynosza kursy na to zdarzenie ?
1.05 - 1.10
Do góry Bottom