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Potrzebujesz pomocy? Napisz. Pomogę.

unique- 32


Panowie brak dźwięku na laptopie z systemem Windows Vista . Nie ma nawet ikonki głośniczka w pasku zadań . Z tego co wiem to wszystkie stery są poprawnie zainstalowane . Z dnia na dzień taka sytuacja się wydarzyła . Włączyłem laptopa i zabrakło ikonki . Można gdzieś indziej podkręcić głośność ?

Vista to piekło jednym słowem ...
B 0


Problem w betlads.com
mam problem z bukiem; betlads otoz dopiero zaczynam gre u bukow i nie moge sobie poradzic z wyplata kasy od tego bukmachera ktos moze pomoc? prosze o pomoc GG-8122561
flamaster 875


Forum VIP
Jakby ktos posiadał albo miał namiary na filmik:
Zinédine Zidane - The French Master
byłbym bardzo wdzięczny jakby je podał
flamaster 875


Forum VIP
Kanonier0392 tak, dokładnie o ten ;) Szukałem go ale jak cos znalazłem to link był już nieaktywny;
Tak więc, Bóg zapłac dobry człowieku ;)
skipper 0


Ja mam problem dotyczący wypłaty z bah dodam, że jest pierwsza.
Parę tygodni temu wpłaciłem na konto 20zł po wykorzystaniu bonusu miałem 40zł. Parę dni temu na koncie miałem ok. 48zł zleciłem wypłatę 40zł i o to jaki e-mail otrzymałem:
Niestety nie możemy opracować Twojego zlecenia wypłaty ponieważ nie zostały spełnione kryteria wymagane w regulaminie akcji bonusowej.

Wpłacona kwota sumowana również z kwotą bonusu musi być 3 razy obstawiona (uwzględniając minimalnie wymagany kurs 1,5), zanim zostanie zlecona wypłata.

Po spełnieniu warunków bonusa możesz oczywiście w dowolnej chwili ponowić zlecenie wypłaty.
Czyli jeżeli chce wypłacić dowolną kwotę (nawet 5zł) muszę 3 razy obstawić 40zł z minimalnym kursem 1,5? ;o
Tutaj ss z moich dotychczasowych zakładów:
telprzem 136


Survivor is easy and fun and costs nothing to play, but make sure you read and understand the following rules before playing, particularly the section about claiming prizes. The Survivor game is scored automatically to eliminate human error, and all rules are strictly followed and enforced for all players.
  • This is a Contest where entrants are rewarded for making consecutive correct selections of winners of specified sporting events. Prizes will be awarded for 21 consecutive correct picks, 17 consecutive correct picks, 13 consecutive correct picks and 9 consecutive correct picks. Entrants will have one calendar year to reach the prize levels.
  • HOW IT WORKS: Each day, registered entrants may select the team who they believe will be the winner in only one of a series of games listed. Limit one selection per person per day. You may select teams from the games listed at the website only. If your selection is a winner, you will receive one point towards your streak total. If your selection is a loser, your score will be reset to zero. If the game results in a tie, your score will not change. If a game that you have made a selection in is postponed, suspended, cancelled or removed from the board for any reason, your selection will not be counted and you will be able to make a new selection. You must make a selection on a game played within 7 days of your previous selection or your score will be reset to zero. Each registrant to receive a score of 21 (21 consecutive correct selections) will receive $10,000 (or subsequent grand prize of equal or higher value if streak is achieved during a specific Survivor event. Subject to verification). Additional prizes will be awarded for streaks of 9 consecutive correct selections, 13 consecutive correct selections and 17 consecutive correct selections.
  • HOW TO REGISTER: Beginning 1/1/2008 at 12:01 AM (ET) through 12/31/2008 at 11:59 PM (ET) (“Promotion Period”), go to www.wagerline.com and register to participate in the contest. Limit (1) username per person/email address. If there is a dispute as to the identity of an online entrant, the prize will be awarded to the authorized account holder of the email address. The “authorized account holder” is defined as the natural person to whom the email address is assigned by an internet service provider, online service provider or other organization (e.g., business, educational institution, etc.) that is responsible for assigning email addresses for the domain associated with the submitted email address.
  • The user who signs up the user name is the only person eligible to win a prize, even if other persons log-in under the user name and make picks.
  • PRIZES AND APPROXIMATE RETAIL VALUE (ALL PRIZES ARE NOT GUARANTEED TO BE AWARDED): (1) Grand Prize (awarded to each registered entrant to make 21 consecutive correct selections during the promotion period) – $10,000 cash. SportsDirect Inc. retains the right to change the grand prize for specific events at any time. The grand prize during these events will be of equal or greater value than $10,000. All registered entrants who make 17 consecutive correct selections during the Promotion Period will receive $1,000 cash. All registered entrants who make 13 consecutive correct selections during the Promotion Period will receive a Wagerline branded wind-breaker-style jacket (ARV $44.00 ea.) and all registered entrants who make 9 consecutive correct selections during the Promotion Period will receive a Wagerline branded baseball hat (ARV $16.00 ea.). ALL TAXES ARE THE SOLE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE WINNER. Winners located in Canada will not be eligible to receive jackets or baseball caps as prizes, however are eligible for all other merchandise and cash prizes. All prize values are in US dollars, and cash prizes will be awarded in US dollars.
  • CONDITIONS OF PARTICIPATION: No transfer, assignment or substitution of a prize, except Sponsor reserves the right to substitute prize for an item of equal or greater value in the event an advertised prize is unavailable. All federal, state, local and provincial laws and regulations apply. Entrants agree to be bound by the terms of these Official Rules and by the decisions of Sponsor, which are final and binding on all matters pertaining to this Contest. All winners of prizes valued at $600 or more must sign and return an Declaration of Eligibility, a Liability Release and where legally permissible a Publicity Release within 7 days following the date of first attempted notification. Failure to comply with this deadline may result in forfeiture of the prize and selection of an alternate winner. Acceptance of the prize constitutes permission for Sponsor and its agencies to use winner’s name and/or likeness for advertising and promotional purposes without additional compensation, unless prohibited by law. By accepting prize, winner agrees to hold Sponsor, its respective directors, officers, employees and assigns harmless for any injury or damage caused or claimed to be caused by participation in the Contest. Sponsor is not responsible for any typographical or other error in the printing of the offer, administration of the Contest or in the announcement of the prize.
  • INTERNET: Sponsor is not responsible for electronic transmission errors resulting in omission, interruption, deletion, defect, delay in operations or transmission, theft or destruction or unauthorized access to or alterations of entry materials, or for technical, network, telephone equipment, electronic, computer, hardware or software malfunctions or limitations of any kind, or inaccurate transmissions of or failure to receive entry information by Sponsor or presenter on account of technical problems or traffic congestion on the Internet or at any Web site or any combination thereof. If for any reason the Internet portion of the program is not capable of running as planned, including infection by computer virus, bugs, tampering, unauthorized intervention, fraud, technical failures, or any other causes which corrupt or affect the administration, security, fairness, integrity, or proper conduct of this Contest, Sponsor reserves the right at its sole discretion to cancel, terminate, modify or suspend the Contest. Sponsor further reserves the right to disqualify any individual who tampers with the game process. Caution: Any attempt by a contestant to deliberately damage any Web site or undermine the legitimate operation of the game is a violation of criminal and civil laws and should such an attempt be made, Sponsor reserves the right to seek damages from any such contestant to the fullest extent of the law.
  • The Survivor game is an ongoing competition. You can enter at any time. When your winning streak ends, you can immediately make another pick and try to start a new streak.
  • Survivor events are specific promotions used to promote the Survivor contest throughout the year. The nature of the promotion determines if prizing is affected. Any prize changes during a Survivor event will be for equal or greater value than the standard prizes for each prize level.
  • To be eligible to receive prizes, entrants must be legal residents of the United States or Canada, 18 years of age or older (if the age of majority in a jurisdiction is different than 18, you must be the age of majority within your jurisdiction to be eligible to receive a prize) with a valid internet e-mail address. Any and all contests and promotions offered by SportsDirect Inc. are void in all United States territories (e.g. Guam and Puerto Rico), and the Province of Quebec, and where prohibited by law. If a Canadian resident is deemed eligible to win a prize, in order to be awarded such prize, the Canadian resident will be required to correctly answer a time limited mathematical skill question. Eligibility, age, and all claims made by winners are subject to verification. Merchandise prizes for US-resident winners will be shipped to your home address only (no P.O. Boxes). Electronic prizes for winners in the US will be shipped to your street address (no P.O. Boxes) via the nearest Best Buy store. No merchandise prizes will be shipped across international borders. Canadian winners of electronic prizes will be contacted and suitable arrangements made to ensure they receive a similar prize. Cash prizes will be sent anywhere in North America.
How to Claim Prizes
  • When you win a Survivor prize, an automatic email will be sent to you the next day asking for address verification. You must respond to this email within 5 days to claim your prize. If you ignore the email, no prize will be sent. After you respond, the prize will be sent via UPS ground.
  • If you provide us with any incorrect information, you forfeit any prize. If you do not receive the prize notification via email, it is nearly always due to one of two reasons - either you did not enter your mailing address when you registered on Wagerline, or the email address you used when registering has been changed. Prizes cannot be sent to players who did not supply us with a mailing address, and we make no attempt to track down players with invalid email addresses. You are responsible to check your account information and make sure it is correct.
  • Hats and jackets are sent UPS ground, so make sure your mailing address can receive a UPS delivery (no P.O. boxes) Due to recent problems with customs and due to the high cost of delivery, hats and jackets are sent to winners in the United States only. This means that we do not send hats or jackets to Canada.
  • All players are limited to winning 2 hats and 2 jackets per year.
  • You must verify that you are at least 18 years old to be eligible for any prize.
The sponsor of Survivor is SportsDirect Inc., whose mailing address is 211 Horseshoe Lake Dr., Halifax, NS, Canada B3S 0B9, and whose phone/fax is toll-Free: 1-866-662-6837, ph: 1-902-835-3320, and fax: 1-902-835-3622.

Może mi ktos powiedzieć czy to konkurs tylko dla Amerykanów? Czy Polacy tez mogą brać w nim udział?
F 0


zna ktos jakas strone albo wie jakies sa wzory i ich przeksztalcenia na ruch jednostajny przyspieszony opozniony i staly ?
V 0


Poszukuje nazwy takiej slynej piosenki z reszta bardzo podobnej do ,,Cake-J Will Survive&quot; bardzo podobny poczatek i czesc refrenu.Piosenka bardzo czesto grana w radiu.
Jak ktos kojarzy to prosze o tytul.
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