Ugrałem 40E na BJ i zleciłem wypłate ok 11 rano zleciłem wypłate na MB, teraz wchodze na maila a tutaj taka wiadomość :
Your account "
xxxxx" was inactivated according to our standard security policy.
Unfortunately, we are not able to proceed with your matter unless we receive the requested verification documents. In order for us to reactivate your account, please send us the following documents:
1) Send us a copy of all Credit Cards, both front and back (if used at our site)
2) Send us a copy of a valid identification document (passport, driver’s license)
3) Send us a copy of any utility bill (bank statement, electricity, insurance) with your name and address on it.
Please send your scanned documents to our support e-mail address or you can fax your documents to (+372) 69 79 085. It is also possible for you to take a picture of your documents using your cellphone/camera providing that the picture is sent as a JPEG.
We assure that your personal data and documents will not be transferred to third parties.
Best Regards,
Revo Kink
Poker Security Manager
Entraction Network
z Tego co rozumiem to chcą skan dokumętów tylko czy wystarczy sam skan dowodu ? słabo znam angielski. Jeśli ktoś może niech przetłumaczy. Z Góry Dzięki