Dostalem takiego maila od Pinnacle niby tresc jest jasna ale za cholere nie wiem o co im chodzi i po co ten mail. Moze ktos z was powie mi o co tak naprawde chodzi:
Dear Sir,
> Our Risk Department notices that on 7 February you requested a
> withdrawal and 12 hour later deposited funds back to your account.
> We have no problem with our clients requesting withdraws from their
> accounts. The majority of our clients plan to continue playing and make the
> occasional partial withdrawal. Or some withdraw their entire balance at the
> end of their favorite season.
> We are also happy to pay the 2.3% fees associated with
NETELLER deposits for
> our clients. However, we do not expect that clients will withdraw their
> funds only to re-deposit them.
> We are bringing this to your attention since clients who choose to manage
> their account balances by withdrawing their funds and re-depositing them may
> have their accounts set to be charged the full fee incurred by Pinnacle
> Sports to accept their deposits and also to process all withdrawals.
> We appreciate your cooperation regarding future withdrawals and deposits to
> your account.
> Kind regards,
> Customer Service Department
> Pinnacle Sports
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