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<ND> Epokerschool - 150$

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ma ktos moze odpowiedzi na pytania z quizu?
jesli ktos moglby mi pomoc w quzie bylbym wdzieczny sam nie dam rady nie kumam angielskiego :kwasny4565:

grzywkers 0


gdzie znajde informacje o kolejnych levelach na cdpoker
ile cd points musze uzbierać żeby wskoczyć na kolejny vip level itp...
Tylko prosze nie odpowiadać google.pl :jezora: szukam 15 min i nic nie widzę ???? ale będe szukał dalej
R 0


Czy moglby mi ktos podac odpowiedzi do tych pytan bo juz 2 razy nie zdalem moj angielski jest slaby
You hold one pair after the turn card is dealt. You are check raised by an opponent. What should you do:

Fold as a check-raise often implies a strong hand
Call and wait for you hand to improve on the river
Re-raise to see where you stand
None of the above
What does check mean :
To make no bet
To raise the pot automatically
Fold your cards
Ask for a chip count
The most important decisions you make playing fixed-limit Texas hold’em are made:
After the river
After the turn
After the flop
Before the flop
In poker the word nuts describes a situation when a player is holding
a premium hand that cannot be beat
a hand that should be played with caution
a loosing hand which should be folded
None of the above
How many ranks of each suit are there in a typical deck of cards used in Texas Hold&#39;em:
When is it correct to check-raise in limit hold&#39;em:
If your opponent is a weak player
If you believe you will have the best hand most of the time you are called
When you have betting initiative
Only if the pot is 11 to 1 or better
When acting last on the river, your decision should be based upon?:
How many players have yet to act
Your hands realized value
the potential value
Your opponent holds a (8c,10c) in his hand. You hold a (Ah,Kh) in yours. The board shows as follows (10d,9c,Ac,Js,Qs) Who has the best 5 card poker hand :
You with a pair of Aces and a King kicker
Your opponent with an Ace high flush
Your opponent with a straight
You with a straight
You play your middle suited connectors to the river and miss both your flush and straight draw. You are heads up now since you bet the flop and turn aggressively. What is the best option of the ones below in most cases:
What is the most amount of players that can play at once at a hold&#39;em table :

In hold&#39;em poker, which suit ranks highest :

none of the above
According to the theory of money management, if you are not playing to your best, you should:
Increase your bankroll
Keep playing until you begin to play well
Stop playing
Move to a higher limit table
Which of these is not a betting phrase in poker:
The key strategic aim when playing poker is:
To win the most pots
To win the most money
To get the most aces
To have the most fun
Player 1 has (Ac,3c) in his hand and Player 2 holds (Ad,5h) in his. The board reads (As,8h,2c,8d,3h). Who wins the hand :
Player 1
Player 2
Split pot
Your opponent holds (9h,10h) in his hand and you hold (Ah,3h) in his. The board reads (Jh,Ac,8h,Qh,3d). What is the highest possible hand that can be made by either player :
Straight flush
Two pair
The betting in the first round of action begins with which player :
The player to the right of the dealer
The player who bets the most amount
The player to the left of the dealer
The player to the left of the big blind
From the list below, choose the word that best describes a term used at the poker table during the betting rounds :
All of the above
Johnnie is holding (Ac,Qh) in his hand, Annie is holding (9s,9h) and the board reads (Kd,Kh,9c,Ad,Qd). Who has the winning hand:
Annie with two pairs
Johnnie with two pairs
Johnnie with a full house
Annie with a full house
Check-raise means :
To refrain from betting hoping for another bet from an opponent
No bet
To raise the pot when it&#39;s your turn
To raise before the flop to scare off players
You are dealt a &quot;monster hand&quot; on the flop such as a flush or a full-house. How should these types of hands be played:
As this is a premium hand, you should bet and raise as much as possible as to get as much money in the pot as possible.
You should just cold call any bet so as to trap your opponent
You should proceed cautiously as your hand might not be good .
None of the above
What is the correct view on bad beats :
They are part of the game and they shouldn&#39;t rattle you.
It&#39;s nothing personal, the objective of the game is for everyone to try and take each other&#39;s money
In the long run you as a better player will even out the odds over time
If you make two pair on the flop how should you play them:
If you find yourself at a loose and passive table, where there is a lot of raising and re-raising, what should you do :
Loosen up your game and allow yourself to catch some big hands
Tighten up your game
Buy more chips so that you can compete at higher limits
If you can&#39;t decide what to do with your starting hand, what should you do:
Check/ call
Fixed-limit hold’em is based on:
Finding and repetitively exploiting small edges
Getting an opponent to commit his entire stack to a good hand when you have a better one
Playing as many hands as possible to increase your chances of winning
Bluffing your opponents
What is a good way of helping your decision making process :
Keep a journal of your play
Reconstructing the play of the hand
Count the cards as they are dealt
None of the above
The board reads (Ah,10s,9h,4d,5h). Your opponent holds (Ac,10d) in his hand. You hold (2h,4h) in yours. What is the highest possible hand that can be made by either player :
One pair
Two pairs
None of the above
How many cards are their in an official Texas Hold&#39;em deck of cards :
None of the above
How many community cards need to be exposed in order to have a flush :
none of the above
If you are involved in a big pot of $90 at the river. Your opponent bets making the making the pot now $96. According to pot odds, what are the odds here on your money that should make this an obvious call:
6 to 1
10 to 1
16 to 1
none of the above
You hold (10h,Jh) in your hand. The board shows (Js,Ac,Tc) on the flop. What is the correct course of action for this hand:
This is a weak hand and should be check/folded on the flop
This is a strong hand and should be played aggressively on the flop
This is a strong hand and should be slow played for maximum profit.
This is a weak hand but a good drawing hand, and should be played carefully
Which is the highest ranking hand from the list below :
3-of-a kind
Two pairs
If a player is involved in a lot of hands, calling almost any bet, this player best described as a :
passive player
tight player
loose player
aggressive player
The secret to becoming a skillful, winning player at Limit Hold’em is:
Use bluffing to win the most hands
Play the maximum number of hands to maximise your chances of winning
Never play weak hands from the wrong position
None of the above
A showdown is the time during the game when the following happens :
Two players are raising against each other
All player must show how many chips they have on the table.
All players still in the hand turn up there cards and the best hand wins
None of the above
You are dealt (Ah,Kd) on the button and you make a pre-flop raise. 4 players call your raise. The flop comes out (7c,Ks,2h). All four players check around to you. You make a bet and three players fold and one calls in front of you. The turn comes 7h. Again it is checked to you by your heads up opponent. What is the best course of action from the following :
You probably are beat as your opponent could be holding a 7. You should check and fold on the river if a bet is made.
As your opponent has called you first 2 bets your should probably check here and hope to improve your hand on the river.
You have the initiative and a made hand. You should make yet another bet here.
None of the above
How many different two-card starting combinations exist:
When you flop a big hand, what should you do :
Give your opponents an opportunity to catch up without giving them a free card that could beat you.
Bet big to scare off any drawing hands
Bet a small amount to get as many callers as possible
None of the above

What is the correct view on bad beats :
In the long run you as a better player will even out the odds over time
They are part of the game and they shouldn&#39;t rattle you.
It&#39;s nothing personal, the objective of the game is for everyone to try and take each other&#39;s money
All of the above
R 0


aktualna, chociaz ja juz od czwartku czekam na kase, ale maja chyba 3 dni na przelew wiec nie panikuje, pozdro kuzan :jezora:
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