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Betting &amp; Winning / Tipgame

Stryyker bets

Stryyke offers the option of betting against your friends with stryyker bets.

Selecting Stryykers:

So that you&#39;re really &quot;Betting with Friends&quot; at Stryyke, you get to choose which of your stryykers are also involved.
Here&#39;s how it works:
Your profile must first be activated for stryyker bets. Click on &quot;Buddies&quot; and &quot;Options&quot;, and then the check-box &quot;I agree to the above. Show my name in the user listings&quot;.
You are then cleared for the Stryyker function and can be seen and contacted by other Stryyke players.


Then you need to compile your personal Stryykerlist with the search function.
Under &quot;Buddies&quot; and &quot;List&quot;, look up your friends via their user name and location, then invite them as a stryyker. This goes the other way too, of course: if your friends know your user name, they can search for you in the listings and invite you as a stryyker.
You can also search for friends via their first name, last name or their favorite clubs.

Important: only persons you expressly accept will be added to your Stryykerlist.

Your search was successful, and you&#39;d like to add a friend to your Stryykerlist? Then select their user name and click on &quot;Add Buddy&quot;. The selected person will receive a notice telling him or her that you want to add him or her as a stryyker.

All invitations that you send or receive will be shown in your Stryykerlist as open contacts. Invitations can be accepted or rejected. If your friend rejects your invitation, he/she will be deleted from your Stryykerlist. If your friend accepts, he/she will appear automatically in your Stryykerlist.

Your friends haven&#39;t heard about Stryyke yet? Then invite your friends and colleagues and you could all win fantastic prizes and cash bonuses. It&#39;s easy and fun to promote a friend.

Placing stryyker bets:

Betting against your friends at Stryyke is straight forward:

On the left-hand sidebar, you&#39;ll find an overview of the various sports and games which you can bet on with Stryyke.

First of all, choose the sport (e.g. soccer),

Then the particular event (soccer match),

And the result you expect (Win - Draw - Loss),

And finally the stryyker you want to bet against.

You can only bet on one event / match once.

The stake for every bet for both of you (your stryyker and yourself) amounts to 50 cent. You stake 50 cent and your stryyker stakes 50 cent.
The odds for stryyker bets are set at 2.0, so the winner receives the whole stakes.
For example: stryyker X bets 50 cent that Liverpool will win against Arsenal.
stryyker Y stakes the 50 cent and says, Liverpool won&#39;t win.
The winner will therefore end up with 1 euro.

Completing the stryyker bet:

The stryyker bet now appears in your bet slip. Click on &quot;Bet&quot; and your stryyker will receive a notice with the details of the bet. Your stryyker then has to decide whether he will take on or reject the bet.
If your stryyker refuses, no bet will take place. If he takes on the bet, it will be handled like this:

All pending and completed stryyker bets can be viewed under &quot;Bets&quot; and &quot;Stryyker Bets&quot;.
As soon as the result of an event has been confirmed by an independent jury, the winner and loser will be determined and informed of the result.


Please note that you can only place bets if you have enough money on your betting account. If the stake of the bet is not covered by the balance of your betting account, you will not be able to place the bet and you will be notified by the system accordingly. Betting on credit is not possible with Stryyke.

Bet slip:

When you have selected your bets from the sports events, these appear in the bet slip for further confirmation. The bet contract does not come into effect until you confirm the bet in the bet slip. You can also delete bets from the bet slip.

Won bets:

As soon as the result of an event has been confirmed by an independent jury, the amount won will be credited to your account.

Pending / completed bets:

All bets, both pending and completed, can be viewed under the menu item &quot;Bets&quot;. If you click on a bet within the overview, the relevant details of the event and the bet appear.

Stryyker bets:

An overview of your stryyker bets is found under &quot;Stryyker Bets&quot;. Select from which time period the bets should be shown.

w zamian licze że mnie zaprosicie do swojch kontaktów na tym stryykerze ???? ????
snap8 12


po polsku zaprasazasz sobie innych graczy(strykerów)

Click on &quot;Buddies&quot; and &quot;Options&quot;, and then the check-box &quot;I agree to the above. Show my name in the user listings&quot;.


Then you need to compile your personal Stryykerlist with the search function.
Under &quot;Buddies&quot; and &quot;List&quot;, look up your friends via their user name and location, then invite them as a stryyker. This goes the other way too, of course: if your friends know your user name, they can search for you in the listings and invite you as a stryyker.

czyli szukamy kogoś i wysyłamy mu zaproszenie jeśli je zaakceptuje to mamy go na dole po prawej stronie w tabelce stryykers

a potem to działa jak giełda tak mi sie wydaje
snap8 12


dziwne i męczace tak wysyłać te zaproszenia chociaż juz jednego stryykera mam, ale jak to bedzie później wyglądało to nie wiem
bodi 70


Jakubusiu, snop8 , termii -to nie czat , ani koncert życzeń od takich rozmówek macie PW-wiecie co to jest?bo następnym razem bedzie ⛔
K 0


czyli jak sobie normalnie bede stawial bez dodawania jakichs znajomych strykerow to lipa nic nie wygram ? wtf ?

tylko sie zarejestrowalem a tu z 6 strykerow innych chce mnie dodac do mojej buddy list: E wtf? Chodzi o to zeby miec jak najwiecej strykerow?
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