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10€ free - Poker24

P 12


spokojnie,jak dzisiaj nie dostaniemy jutro wpadne na live czat bo to już będzie 72h,w sumie bym na to machnął ręką ale jak już skan dowodu wysłałem to trzeba się upomnieć ;)
waldu2 44


moja rozmowa na lc z przed chwili

You are now chatting with &#39;Delia&#39;

Delia: Welcome to live help, My name is Delia.

Delia: Hello

Delia: How may I help you?

Marek: hi

Marek: My documents were checked two days ago, and when you get a bonus? every time you hear here I ask that today, and so already from 3 days

Delia: Please allow a bit more time to pass in order for your bonus to be credited to the account.

Delia: Due to the large amount of requests that need to be processed, it may take longer to receive the funds.

Delia: You will receive a confirmation email once the transfer is made.

Delia: Thank you for your patience and understanding upon the matter.

Marek: Delia

Marek: Delia

Marek: read what I wrote

Marek: not market me as much as others

Delia: I am sorry Marek but you will need to wait a bit more for the bonus to be credited

Delia: we have a large amount of requests and it is taking longer than expected

Marek: you can not hasten anything? I have reviewed the documents so what&#39;s the problem

Delia: the transfer will be made as soon as possible

Marek: enrolled with you, in order to receive the bonus, and now I feel cheated out of me the whole time selling, I have to wait

Delia: I can assure you that no one is cheating you, the transfer will be made, the only issue is that it will take a bit more time

Delia: I am really sorry for the inconveniences caused

Marek: I feel as if they were stolen from me my documents

Delia: but we have an extremely high volume of requests and the payment is delayed

Marek: please you you should contact the appropriate person and gave me a bonus jaknajszybciej, trace trust you with every moment, and probably not on you depends

Marek: all my friends who have received the bonus approved account right away, I have reviewed your account for 3 days and I have no bonus

Delia: I can assure you Marek that you will receive the funds as soon as possible

Marek: So how do I do not feel cheated? ?

Marek: I hear this 3 days already and still nothing

Delia: I am sorry, but this is the situation that we have at the moment

Delia: trust me that we are doing everything we can to credit the bonus as fast as possible

Delia: you will receive a confirmation email once the funds are credited

Marek: I do not expect an apology, but according to the contract, add all my bonus

Marek: but when will I get? within 1 hour or within 2 months? just do not write me with up to 24 hours because I heard it three days ago

Delia: Unfortunately we do not have the exact time frame, you will need to allow more time to pass

Delia: as previously mentioned, you will receive a confirmation email

Marek: I&#39;m very disappointed, since you wrote me that within 24 or 48 hours, and should not receive a second to get an additional $ 10 in the apology

Marek: I was correct, politely sending documents, and make your hand the entire time I hear that I have to wait, despite the fact that my documents have been verified

Delia: please understand that we had to process a huge amount of requests , this being the reason of the delay

Delia: you are not the only player that is waiting for this bonus, we have many other players that have not yet been credited

Delia: all our p[layers that have been verified will receive the funds as soon as possible

Delia: I am sorry but this is the situation that we have at the moment

Delia: please understand that we are doing everything we can to process the transfer as fast as possible

Marek: I understand, but if you write me three days ago that I have to wait up to 24 hours and after 3 days, still nothing, so how can I not be embittered by the whole situation

Delia: I fully understand how upsetting this situation is for our players , but we are doing everything we can to process the transfer as fast as possible

Delia: as you can imagine, it is not in our best interest to have unhappy players in our card room

Marek: So you tell me at what time to get 100 percent bonus?

Delia: I don&#39;t understand your question

Delia: I am sorry

Delia: are you now referring to the first time deposit bonus /

Marek: So when I get a bonus? just please deadline

Delia: we do not have an exact time, Marek, I am sorry

Marek: I&#39;m interested in a $ 10 free bonus no deposit

Delia: the time varies, it is 24 to 48 hours

Marek: if you are not sure?

Delia: we can not give you an exact date, I am sorry

Marek: lest it turned out that on Monday I had still not bonus

Delia: we can just assure you that you will receive it as soon as possible

czyli to samo co 3 dni temu, dopisza, ale nie wiedza kiedy
P 12


hehehe ale się uśmiałem ale dobrze kombinujesz,trzeba naciskać;a tak w ogóle to ta delia to fajna jest kobitka tylko niech się do roboty weźmie bo pokerzyści chcą pograć za free;)
waldu2 44


bo nie rozumiem, skoro ja rejestruje sie wedlug ich zalecen, wysylam dokumenty, dokumnety sa zweryfikowane to czemu nie ma bonusu ?
co mnie to interesuje ze duzo osob czeka ? po cholere mi pisza ze wciagu max 24h, jak to samo pisza mi codziennie
Otrzymane punkty reputacji: +3
P 12


najlepsze jest to że promocja się zakończyła 29 więc też nie rozumiem tych zgłoszeń,jakoś inne buki i poker roomy sobie radzą..Jeszcze jutro ja ponacieram to może nam dopiszą w końcu bo ile można ????
P 12


Po raz kolejny zagadałem na live czat,tym razem sprawdzili że faktycznie konto mam zweryfikowane 31 i dalej czekam.Otrzymałem zapewnienie że zgłoszą moją sytuacje do jakiegoś managera i otrzymam w końcu te 10$.Ale szczerze wątpie,w żadnej firmie tak nie kłamią co tam.
P 12


Już odechciało mi się tych 10$,ten room to żenada.A support kłamie tak że co drugi tam po klawiaturze stuka nosem.Nie polecam tego krzaczka.
waldu2 44


trzeba cieprliwie czekac, mi tez juz nerwy puszczaja

a tak na przyszlosc koleg, to edytuj posty a nie walisz jeden pod drugim
artur202 4


oni działają na zasadzie kopiuj-wklej. Te same głodne kawałki wrzucają każdemu na live czacie. Pamiętam,że na początku pisali,że 48-72 godzin maksimum, jak było powyżej 72 godzin to zaczęli pisać moje ulubione sformułowanie &quot;as soon as possible&quot; ???? w piątek Zsuzsa powiedziała mi,że potrzebują jeszcze 72 godzin. Po 72 godzinach cisza. Ich zachowanie w stosunku do graczy jest poniżej jakiegokolwiek poziomu.
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