>>>BETFAN - BONUS 200% do 400 ZŁ <<<<


R 0


Hej, mam pytanie mianowicie czy ktoś korzystał z tego bukmachera ? Mam tam do wypłaty 1700 euro i się zastanawiam czy wgl grać tam dalej bo nie wiem czy mi wgl przyjdą te pieniądze
psychol32 531,7K


Hej, mam pytanie mianowicie czy ktoś korzystał z tego bukmachera ? Mam tam do wypłaty 1700 euro i się zastanawiam czy wgl grać tam dalej bo nie wiem czy mi wgl przyjdą te pieniądze
Jak zaczynam grać w nowym bukmacherze to podwajam depozyt i pierwsze co robię to zlecam wypłatę by zobaczyć czy firma jest wypłacalna. Dopiero potem gam dalej. Mam na rozkładzie kilkadziesiąt buków i póki co tylko jeden nie wypłacił kasy.
R 0


teraz dostałem odpowiedź od ich czatu live z pomocą że pierwszy depozyt na konto trwa od 7-14 dni roboczych a potem 2-5 dni roboczych... 11 sirpnia żem poprosił o depozyt na moje konto... zobaczymy w takim razie
A można wiedzieć jaki buk ci nie wypłacił pieniędzy ?
R 0


Okej, dostałem taką wiadomość od supportu ( w końcu jakaś wiadomość ) :

As you know for all withdrawal requests inside Cyprus we charge a 2% fee, but for withdrawals from foreign countries we charge 11% fee from your withdrawal amount.
You made a withdrawal request for 1,697.00 EUR. Your request was completed and ready to be processed in your bank, but our system tried to charge the fee and you didn't have enough funds left on your betoden account.

To proceed your withdrawal request you need to have 186.67 EUR available on your betoden account. Your withdrawal will be frozen until you have all the funds available.

Please let us know if you require any further assistance.

We would like to apologize for this inconvenience and wish you a pleasant day.

Yours sincerely,
Jane O
BetOden Billing Department

No i teraz pytanie, co mam zrobić, mam 51 euro na tym betodenie nie wypłacone jeszcze, piszą że musze mięc 187 euro na koncie więc co, wpłacić te 130 euro? Wtedy jak dobrze zrozumiałem te 187 euro zniknie ale moje pieniądze do wypłacenia mi przyjdą ?
Imo trochę dziwne, jak pisałem z supportem ( o dziwo się odzezwali ) To środki te do wypłacenia są zamrożone i nic nie mogą z tym zrobić i żeby system poprawnie zadzaiałał muszę mieć te 180 euro na koncie, nie da sie z tych 1700 euro wyppłacić do konta na betodenie podobno.. Nie wiem czy to nie jest jakiś scam czy coś ? Dam końcówkę jeszcze z tego emaila, email się zgadza, taki mają podany w kontakcie na stronie.
ps. jedyne co mam zweryfikowane to dowód osobisty, sms nie da się wgl zweryfikować ( nie wiem czemu próbowałem wszystkiego ) I jest jeszcze do zweryfikowania dowod supportowy, tzn wydaje mi się że po prostu np. zdj kwitku z banku np. wypłaty czy wpłaty itp..

Yours sincerely,
Jane O
BetOden Billing Department

Copyright © 2017-2021 betoden.com All rights reserved.

This electronic message contains information which may be privileged or confidential. The information is intended to be for the use of the individual(s) or entity named above. If you are not the intended recipient be aware that any disclosure, copying, distribution or use of the contents of this information is prohibited. If you have received this electronic message in error, please notify us by email immediately and delete it from your system. Activity and use of our email system is monitored to secure its effective operation and for other lawful business purposes. Communications using this system will also be monitored and may be recorded to secure effective operation and for other lawful business purposes. Internet e-mails are not necessarily secure. We do not accept responsibility for changes made to this message after it was sent. You are advised to scan this message for viruses and we cannot accept liability for any loss or damage which may be caused as a result of any computer virus.
P 102,3K


tez to widzialem i tylko to... plus adres strony na liscie stron zakazanych na stronie cypryjskiego ministerstwa finansow, ale tam sa wszystkie strony bez licencji cypryjskiej no ale betoden ma siedzibe na cyprze... jest tam zakazany, wiec te platnosci to sciema...


A pod tym adresem chyba jakis domek jednorodzinny jest... Nie ma zadnej informacji o stronie... fajnie jakby autor podal nr licencji i kraj ktory przyznal im licencje.
R 0


Dobra to ja tu skopiuje całość, regulamin oraz polityka prywatności...

These Terms and Conditions are effective from 01/01/2017. All previous terms and conditions are cancelled.
1. By using and/or visiting any section (including sub-domains) of the betoden.com website or any other websites or applications that we own (the “Website”) and/or registering on the Website, you agree to be bound by (i) these Terms and Conditions; (ii) our Privacy Policy and (iii) the Rules applicable to our betting products as further referenced at paragraph 2 below (together the "Terms"), and are deemed to have accepted and understood all the Terms.
Please read the Terms carefully and if you do not accept the Terms, do not use the Website.
2. Where you place a bet or wager, using the Website, you accept and agree to be bound by, the Rules which apply to the applicable products available on the Website from time to time.
3. We may need to change the Terms from time to time for a number of reasons (including to comply with applicable laws and regulations, and regulatory requirements). All changes will be published on the Website. The most up to date Terms will be available on the Website. If any change is unacceptable to you, you should cease using the Website and/or close your account. If, however, you continue to use the Website after the date on which the changes to the Terms come into effect, you will be deemed to have accepted those changes.
4. Reference to "you", "your" or the "customer" is reference to any person using the Website or the services of BetOden and/or any registered customer of BetOden.
5. As you are aware, the right to access and/or use the Website (including any or all of the products offered via the Website) may be illegal in certain countries (including, for example, the USA). You are responsible for determining whether your accessing and/or use of the Website is compliant with applicable laws in your jurisdiction and you warrant to us that gambling is not illegal in the territory where you reside.
6. BetOden is committed to providing excellent customer service. As part of that commitment, BetOden is committed to supporting responsible gambling. Although BetOden will use its reasonable endeavours to enforce its responsible gambling policies, BetOden does not accept any responsibility or liability if you nevertheless continue gambling and/or seek to use the Website with the intention of deliberately avoiding the relevant measures in place and/or BetOden is unable to enforce its measures/policies for reasons outside of BetOden’s reasonable control.

1.1 All applicants must be over 18 years of age and of legal capacity to place a bet/wager or register with BetOden. BetOden reserves the right to ask for proof of age from any customer and suspend their account until satisfactory documentation is provided. BetOden takes its responsibilities in respect of under age and responsible gambling very seriously.
1.2 All information supplied when registering with the site MUST be accurate and complete in all respects. Where this is not the case, we reserve the right to suspend the account in accordance with paragraph B.4. Where an account is suspended, the relevant customer should Contact Us.
1.3 BetOden may confirm a customer’s address by posting an address verification letter to the customer. Enclosures may include a rule book, leaflet and telebet card. All correspondence will be discreet and the envelope will not display any reference to BetOden. When such correspondence is initiated, all offers and withdrawal requests may remain pending until the address has been confirmed as correct.
1.4 By accepting the Terms and/or registering to use the Website you hereby agree that we shall be entitled to conduct any and all such identification, credit and other verification checks from time to time that we may require and/or are required by applicable laws and regulations and/or by the relevant regulatory authorities for use of the Website and our products generally. You agree to provide all such information as we require in connection with such verification checks. We shall be entitled to suspend or restrict your account in any manner that we may deem in our absolute discretion to be appropriate, until such time as the relevant checks are completed to our satisfaction.
1.5 As part of the registration process, we may supply your information details to authorised credit reference agencies to confirm your identity and payment card details. You agree that we may process such information in connection with your registration.
1.6 Customers may only have one account open.
1.7 Customers must keep their registration and account details up to date. This, and your account information, may be amended in the Personal section of the Website. If you require any assistance, please Contact Us.

2.1 BetOden allows all its customers to choose their own username and password combination. Customers must keep this information secret and confidential as you are responsible for all bets/wagers placed on your account and any other activities taking place on your account.
2.2 If, at any time, you feel a third party is aware of your user name and/or password you should change it immediately via the Website. Should you forget part or all of your combination, please Contact Us.
2.3 Please note that cardholder details and any other sensitive data should never be sent to us by unencrypted email.
2.4 The current balance and transaction history of your account may be viewed at any time once you have logged into your account on the Website.

3.1 We will comply with applicable data protection laws (including the Processing of Personal Data (Protection of Natural Persons) Laws of 2001) in respect of the personal information you supply to us. Your personal information is processed in accordance with our Privacy Policy.

4.1 If you want to close your account, please Contact Us.
4.2 BetOden reserves the right to close or suspend your account at any time and for any reason. Without limiting the preceding sentence, BetOden shall be entitled to close or suspend your account if:
(a) you become bankrupt;
(b) BetOden considers that you have used the Website in a fraudulent manner or for illegal and/or unlawful or improper purposes;
(c) BetOden considers that you have used the Website in an unfair manner, have deliberately cheated or taken unfair advantage of BetOden or any of its customers or if your account is being used for the benefit of a third party;
(d) BetOden is requested to do so by the police, any regulatory authority or court;
(e) BetOden considers that any of the events referred to in (a) to (c) above may have occurred or are likely to occur; or
4.3 If BetOden closes or suspends your account for any of the reasons referred to in (a) to (e) above, you shall be liable for any and all claims, losses, liabilities, damages, costs and expenses incurred or suffered by BetOden (together “Claims”) arising therefrom and shall indemnify and hold BetOden harmless on demand for such Claims. In the circumstances referred to in (a) to (e) above, BetOden shall also be entitled to withhold and/or retain any and all amounts which would otherwise have been paid or payable to you (including any winnings or bonus payments).

1.1 You may only bet/wager with the amount of cleared funds held in your account. Accordingly, if you want to place bets, you must deposit monies into your account. Further details of how to deposit, withdraw and transfer funds can be found at Deposits/Withdrawals.
1.2 By depositing funds into your account, you direct us and we agree to hold them, along with any winnings, for the sole and specific purpose of using them (i) to place your sporting stakes; and (ii) settling any fees or charges that you might incur in connection with the use of our services (Purpose). We shall be entitled to suspend or close your account if we reasonably consider or have reason to believe that you are depositing funds without any intention to place sporting stakes. In such circumstances we may also report this to relevant authorities.
1.3 For payment methods that require a specific account holder, you should only deposit funds into your gambling account from a source where you are the named account holder. In such cases where BetOden identify that the named account holder differs from that which BetOden hold, we reserve the right to suspend your account.
1.4 You agree that we shall be entitled to retain any interest which might accrue on monies held in your BetOden 5 account.
1.5 No credit will be offered by any employee of BetOden, and all bets must be supported by sufficient funds in the customer account. BetOden reserves the right to void any bet/wager which may have inadvertently been accepted when the account did not have sufficient funds to cover the bet/wager. Should funds be credited to a customer's account in error it is the customer's responsibility to inform BetOden without delay. BetOden will recover such funds by account adjustment.
1.6 In addition, BetOden shall be entitled to withhold and/or retain any and all amounts earned or received by you as a result of or in connection with your ‘unauthorised’ use of the Website including activities which are not for an authorised purpose.

2.1 For most payment types, withdrawals can be processed by clicking 'Withdraw' on the Website, subject to there being sufficient funds in your betting account. There is no set maximum withdrawal amount per day but withdrawal requests for amounts greater than €10,000.00 may require additional arrangements.
2.2 If the value of a deposit is not played through in full before a withdrawal is requested, BetOden reserves the right to make a charge to the customer’s account to cover all reasonable costs relating to both the deposit and withdrawal. If necessary, the value of the withdrawal requested may be reduced accordingly.
2.3 For successful withdrawal you should keep 11% from your request on your account so we can charge about your withdrawal request. If necessary, we can freeze your withdrawal request or account access on unspecified amount of time. You can charge your account by depositing or playing on our website.
3.3 After your withdrawal is accepted we can’t cancel it. Please write all information correctly so you will not have any further delays or loses

3.1 If we incur any charge-backs, reversals or other charges in respect of your account, we reserve the right to charge you for the relevant amounts incurred.
3.2 We may, at any time, set off any positive balance on your account against any amounts owed by you to BetOden or any company within the BetOden group.
3.3 You are responsible for reporting your winnings and losses to the tax and/or other authorities in your jurisdiction.

1.1 BetOden reserves the right to decline all, or part, of any bet/wager requested at its sole and absolute discretion. All bets/wagers are placed at your own risk and discretion.
1.2 We only accept bets/wagers made online. Bets/wagers are not accepted in any other form (post, email, fax, etc.) and where received will be invalid and void - win or lose.
1.3 It is the responsibility of the customer to ensure details of their bets/wagers are correct. Once bets/wagers have been placed they may not be cancelled or changed by the customer.
1.4 Your funds will be allocated to bets/wagers in the order they are placed and will not be available for any other use. BetOden reserves the right to void and/or reverse any transactions made after a bet/wager has been placed involving allocated funds, either at the time or retrospectively.

2.1 Bets/wagers will not be valid if there are insufficient funds in your account.
2.2 A bet/wager that you request will only be valid once accepted by BetOden’s servers. Each valid bet/wager will receive a unique transaction code. We shall not be liable for the settlement of any bets/wagers which are not issued with a unique transaction code. If you are unsure about the validity of a bet/wager, please check your account history, or Contact Us.
2.3 Notwithstanding the above, if bets/wagers are placed via a credit or debit card they are not valid until we have received payment in full. The bet/wager will be automatically void if we have not received the payment prior to the relevant event commencing.
2.4 Should a dispute arise, you and BetOden agree that the BetOden transaction log database will be the ultimate authority in such matters.

1.1 Information accessed by you on the Website (including results, statistics, sporting data and fixture lists, odds and betting figures) is for your personal use only and the distribution or commercial exploitation of such information is strictly prohibited. No warranty is given as to the uninterrupted provision of such information, its accuracy or as to the results obtained through its use. The information is not intended to amount to advice or recommendations and is provided for information purposes only. It should not be relied upon when placing bets/wagers, which are made at your own risk and discretion.
2.1 Your computer equipment or mobile device and internet connection may affect the performance and/or operation of the Website. BetOden does not guarantee that the Website will operate without faults or errors or that the BetOden services will be provided without interruption. BetOden does not accept any liability for any failures or issues that arise due to your equipment, internet connection or internet or telecommunication service provider (including, for example, if you are unable to place bets or wagers or to view or receive certain information in relation to particular events).
3.1 The Website and BetOden products may only be used for the purposes of placing bets and wagers on events.
3.2 You must not use the Website for the benefit of a third party or for any purpose which (in BetOden’s opinion) is illegal, defamatory, abusive or obscene, or which BetOden considers discriminatory, fraudulent, dishonest or inappropriate.
3.3 BetOden will seek criminal and contractual sanctions against any customer involved in fraudulent, dishonest or criminal acts via or in connection with the Website or BetOden's products and BetOden will notify the relevant authorities. BetOden will withhold payment to any customer where any of these are suspected or where the payment is suspected to be for the benefit of a third party. The customer shall indemnify and shall be liable to pay to BetOden, on demand, all Claims arising directly or indirectly from the customer’s fraudulent, dishonest or criminal act.
4.1 While BetOden endeavours to ensure that the Website is available 24 hours a day, BetOden shall not be liable if for any reason the Website is unavailable at any time or for any period. We reserve the right to make changes or corrections to or to alter, suspend or discontinue any aspect of the Website and the content or services or products available through it, including your access to it.
4.2 You must not misuse the Website by introducing viruses, Trojans, worms, logic bombs or other material which is malicious or technologically harmful. In particular, you must not access without authority, interfere with, damage or disrupt the Website or any part of it; any equipment or network on which the Website is stored; any software used in connection with the provision of the Website; or any equipment, software or website owned or used by a third party. You must not attack our Website via a denial-of-service attack. We will not be liable for any loss or damage caused by a distributed denial-of-service attack, viruses or other technologically harmful material that may infect your computer equipment, computer programs, data or other proprietary material due to your use of the Website, software or to your downloading of any material posted on it, or on any website linked to it.
5.1 BetOden actively monitors traffic to and from the Website. BetOden reserves the right in its sole discretion to block access where evidence indicative of automated or robotic activity is found.
5.2 BetOden reserves the right to restrict access to all or certain parts of the Website in respect of certain jurisdictions.
5.3 BetOden may alter or amend the products offered via the Website at any time and for any reason.
5.4 From time to time, all or part of the Website may be unavailable for use by you because of our maintenance of the Website and/or alteration or amendment of any of the Website products.
1. BetOden does not accept any liability for any damages, liabilities or losses which are deemed or alleged to have arisen out of or in connection with the Website or its content (including delays or interruptions in operation or transmission, loss or corruption of data, communication or lines failure, any person's misuse of the Website or its content or any errors or omissions in content).
2. While BetOden endeavours to ensure that the information on the Website is correct, BetOden does not warrant the accuracy or completeness of the information and material on the Website. The Website may contain typographical errors or other inaccuracies, or information that is out of date. BetOden is under no obligation to update such material. The information and material on the Website is provided “as is”, without any conditions, warranties or other terms of any kind. Accordingly, to the maximum extent permitted by law, BetOden provides you with the Website on the basis that BetOden excludes all representations, express or implied warranties, conditions and other terms which but for these terms and conditions might have effect in relation to the Website.
3. BetOden’s total aggregate liability to you under or in connection with these Terms and Conditions does not exceed:
(a) the value of the bets and/or wagers you placed via your account in respect of the relevant bet/wager or product that gave rise to the relevant liability; and
(b) the amount of applicable monies, where such monies have been misplaced by us. (c) €10,000 in respect of any other liability.
4. BetOden shall not be liable, in contract, tort (including negligence) or for breach of statutory duty or in any other way for any of the following (whether incurred directly or indirectly):
(a) loss of profits;
(b) loss of business;
(c) loss of revenue;
(d) loss of opportunity;
(e) loss of data;
(f) loss of goodwill or reputation; or
(g) any special, indirect or consequential losses,
whether or not such losses were within the contemplation of the parties at the date of these terms and conditions.
5. Nothing in this Section F shall limit BetOden's liability to pay the customer winnings or other sums properly owing to it, subject always to terms and conditions set out herein and the maximum winnings on products in Appendix Two to these Terms and Conditions.
6. Nothing in these Terms and Conditions shall exclude or limit BetOden’s liability for: (i) death or personal injury caused by BetOden’s negligence;
(ii) fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation; or
(iii) any liability which cannot be excluded or limited under applicable law.
1. The contents of the Website are protected by international copyright laws and other intellectual property rights. The owner of these rights is BetOden, its affiliates or other third party licensors.
2. All product and company names and logos mentioned on the Website are the trade marks, service marks or trading names of their respective owners, including BetOden.
3. Except to the extent required to use a product for the purpose of placing bets or wagers, no part of the Website may be reproduced or stored, modified, copied, republished, uploaded, posted, transmitted or distributed, by any means or in any manner, or included in any other website or in any public or private electronic retrieval system or service including text, graphics, video, messages, code and/or software without our express prior written consent.
4. Any commercial use or exploitation of the Website or its content is strictly prohibited.
1. Should there be any claim or dispute arising from a past or current transaction, please Contact Us. If BetOden is unable to settle the dispute, either party is entitled to refer the dispute to the National Betting Authority or an arbiter, such as the Independent Betting Adjudication Service (IBAS) or via the Online Dispute Resolution (ODR) platform, whose decision will be final (save in respect of any manifest error) subject to full representation given to all parties involved. No dispute regarding any bet/wager will result in litigation, court action or objection to a remote operator's licence or permit unless BetOden fails to implement the decision given by arbitration.
2. These Terms and Conditions and any dispute or claim arising out of or in connection with it or its subject matter, whether of a contractual or non-contractual nature, shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of England and Wales.
3. By accepting these Terms and Conditions and/or placing bets or wagers and/or making use (whether authorised or not) of the facilities offered by BetOden (whether through the Website or otherwise), you irrevocably agree that the courts of England and Wales shall have exclusive jurisdiction to settle any dispute which may arise out of or in connection with these Terms and Conditions. Notwithstanding the foregoing, BetOden shall be entitled to bring a claim against a customer in the court of the customer's country of domicile.
We accept bets/wagers for sporting events that are advertised on the Website. In a match between two teams where the participants are named, if any player is replaced prior to the match starting, all match bets placed prior to the change will be void, win or lose.
Where the official result of a market is a tie and no price was quoted for that eventuality, all bets on participants involved in the tie will be void and stakes will be returned.
The result of a match or event will be determined on the day of its conclusion for betting purposes, subject to confirmation by the relevant sport's governing body. Any subsequent enquiry that may result in an overturned decision will not be recognised by BetOden, and original settlement of bets will stand.
If the venue for a sporting event is changed, all bets placed based on the original venue will be made void and stakes refunded, unless otherwise stated.
Odds on coupon - For specified sports we have a coupon, listing odds on betting opportunities within specified time frames of the next 3/6/12/24/48/72 hours. Bets stand irrespective of fixture time changes.
The maximum winnings in any 24 hour period for each sport are detailed below and are exclusive of stake. The maximum winnings are quoted in Euros.
Where a multiple bet has been placed which involves events with different maximum winnings limits then the lowest limit will apply. All maximum winnings limits apply to any one customer, or group of customers acting together, who have placed bets containing the same selections, including where placed in a series of bets, at a range of prices, over a number of days using different betting accounts and/or across different betting channels. Should we have reason to believe that a number of bets have been placed this way, the total payment of all those bets combined will be limited to one single maximum winnings payout.
- €40,000 for all Men’s full International matches and the following competitions - English Premier League, Championship, League 1, League 2, FA Cup, Spanish La Liga, Italian Serie A, German Bundesliga I, French Ligue 1, UEFA Champions League and UEFA Europa League.
- €40,000 for the following competitions - Australian A-League, Scottish Premiership, English National League, Norwegian Tippeligaen, Portuguese Primeira Liga, Swedish Allsvenskan and English League Cup.
- €40,000 for the following competitions - Spanish Segunda, Italian Serie B, German Bundesliga II, French Ligue 2, Danish Superliga, Dutch Eredivisie, Finnish Veikkausliiga, Japanese J-League, Norwegian First Division, Swedish Superettan and USA MLS.
- €40,000 for the following competitions - Austrian Bundesliga, Belgian First Division A, Danish Division 1, Scottish Championship, Scottish League One, Scottish League Two, Swiss Super League, Greek Super League and Turkish Super League.
- €40,000 for all other soccer competitions and for qualifying rounds for all competitions including UEFA Champions League qualifying rounds, Europa League qualifying rounds and FA Cup qualifying rounds (does not apply to Men’s full Internationals qualifying rounds).

Post automatycznie złączony:

Regulamin w załączniku..
Post automatycznie złączony:

w polityce prywatności to jeszcze znalazłem :

References in this Privacy Policy to “BetOden”, “we”, “us” or “our” relate to BetOden Co Limited, Chalkidonos 11, Limassol, Cyprus (Company Registration No. HE 361332). We control the ways your Personal Data is collected and the purposes for which your Personal Data is used by BetOden, acting as the “data controller” for the purposes of applicable European data protection legislation.


Ostatnia edycja:
R 0


A, jesszcze nie doczytałem że przy wypłaceniu środków trzeba mieć 11% tych środków na koncie w betodenie bo inaczej nie mogą tych 11% ściągnąć.. mam w tej chwili 51 euro a potrzebuje 11 % z 1700 więc jakieś 180 muszę mieć na koncie nie wypłacone... 600 ziko musiałbym przelać..
P 102,3K


https://nba.gov.cy/en/regulated-entities/registers/ ja tutaj nie widze takiego bukmachera a betoden jest u nich na liscie witryn blokowanych. Zawsze mozesz wyslac do nich zapytanie czy przyznali taka licencje.

a wlascicielem licencji jest

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