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Paddypower.com darmowy zaklad

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Dostalem dzis takiego e-maila czy ktos to umie przetlumaczyc bo nie kumam o co chodzi bede wdzieczny za pomoc: A Free Bet From Paddy Power!
There&#39;s some great sport and racing coming up! And to celebrate, we&#39;re giving you a free €10 bet when you bet €10 ! That&#39;s right, have a bet of €10, and we&#39;ll give you another one absolutely free. Result!

This offer expires on February 7th, so hurry up and check below for details on getting your hands on it!
B 0


Sorki tak on wyglada w calosci jesli ktos moze przetlumaczyc to bede wdzieczny bo niewiem czy to tylko na konie czy na dowolny zaklad z gory dziekuje

A Free Bet From Paddy Power!
There&#39;s some great sport and racing coming up! And to celebrate, we&#39;re giving you a free €10 bet when you bet €10 ! That&#39;s right, have a bet of €10, and we&#39;ll give you another one absolutely free. Result!

This offer expires on February 7th, so hurry up and check below for details on getting your hands on it!

Getting Your Bet

Receiving your free bet is easy. Simply follow these instructions!

1. Enter the voucher code: Bacon

2. Bet at least €10 (in one go!)

3. Enjoy your free bet!

4. Full instructions are HERE

5. Terms and conditions are HERE

6. Remember - this offer will ONLY work on the account quoted to the right

Enough! Take me to the site!

Money-Back Special
Arsenal v Man Utd, Sunday 4pm, SS1
If Cesc Fabregas OR Wayne Rooney scores the last goal, we&#39;ll refund all losing 1st/last goalscorer, correct score and scorecast bets on the match!

Check site for conditions

Don&#39;t Take The Fall!

Have you checked out our &quot;Faller Insurance&quot; market?

It&#39;s simple - take the fall insurance price and if your horse takes a tumble - you&#39;ll get your money back.

It&#39;s the market punters have been waiting for! Look for the Faller Insurance tab on our racing pages.

Check it out here!

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World: +353 1 404 0120

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World: +353 1 404 0100

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Paddy Power plc, Airton House, Airton Road, Tallaght, Dublin 24, Ireland
Registered in Ireland: 16956
Ireland: 1800 238 888 | UK: 08000 565 275 | World: +353 1 404 0120
Lines are open from 8am - Midnight Monday to Saturday and 9am - Midnight Sunday.
Otherwise why not email [email protected] | Copyright 2008 paddypower.com

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---- Wiadomość Oryginalna ----
Od: &quot;Paddy Power&quot; &lt;[email protected]&gt;
Data: 29 stycznia 2010 9:53
Temat: A Free Bet From Paddy Power!

A Free Bet From Paddy Power!
There&#39;s some great sport and racing coming up! And tocelebrate, we&#39;re giving you a free €10 bet when you bet €10 ! That&#39;s right, have a bet of €10, and we&#39;ll give youanother one absolutely free. Result!
This offer expires on February 7th, so hurry up and checkbelow for details on getting your hands on it!
Getting Your Bet
Receiving your free bet is easy. Simply follow these instructions!
1. Enter the voucher code: Bacon
2. Bet at least €10 (in one go!)
3. Enjoy your free bet!
4. Full instructions are HERE
5. Terms and conditions are HERE
6. Remember - this offer will ONLY work on the account quoted tothe right
Enough! Take me to the site!
Money-Back Special
Arsenal v Man Utd, Sunday 4pm, SS1
If Cesc Fabregas OR Wayne Rooney scores the last goal, we&#39;ll refund all losing 1st/lastgoalscorer, correct score and scorecast bets on the match!
Check site for conditions
Don&#39;t Take The Fall!
Have you checked out our &amp;quot;Faller Insurance&amp;quot; market?
It&#39;s simple - take the fall insurance price and if your horsetakes a tumble - you&#39;ll get your money back.
It&#39;s the market punters have been waiting for! Look for theFaller Insurance tab on our racing pages.
Check it out here!
Your Username is:

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Click here for a reminder!
Customer Service
UK:08000 565 275
Ireland:1800 238 888
World:+353 1 404 0120
Dial a Bet!
UK:08000 565 265
Ireland:1800 721 821
World:+353 1 404 0100
Shop Locator
to unsubscribe, please click here
Paddy Power plc, Airton House, Airton Road, Tallaght, Dublin 24,Ireland
Registered in Ireland: 16956
Ireland: 1800 238 888 | UK: 08000 565 275 | World: +353 1 404 0120
Lines are open from 8am - Midnight Monday to Saturday and 9am -Midnight Sunday.
Otherwise why not email [email protected] | Copyright 2008 paddypower.com
To unsubscribe, please click here

A Free Bet From Paddy Power!
There&#39;s some great sport and racing coming up! And tocelebrate, we&#39;re giving you a free €10 bet when you bet €10 ! That&#39;s right, have a bet of €10, and we&#39;ll give youanother one absolutely free. Result!
This offer expires on February 7th, so hurry up and checkbelow for details on getting your hands on it!
Getting Your Bet
Receiving your free bet is easy. Simply follow these instructions!
1. Enter the voucher code: Bacon
2. Bet at least €10 (in one go!)
3. Enjoy your free bet!
4. Full instructions are HERE
5. Terms and conditions are HERE
6. Remember - this offer will ONLY work on the account quoted tothe right
Enough! Take me to the site!
Money-Back Special
Arsenal v Man Utd, Sunday 4pm, SS1
If Cesc Fabregas OR Wayne Rooney scores the last goal, we&#39;ll refund all losing 1st/lastgoalscorer, correct score and scorecast bets on the match!
Check site for conditions
Don&#39;t Take The Fall!
Have you checked out our &amp;quot;Faller Insurance&amp;quot; market?
It&#39;s simple - take the fall insurance price and if your horsetakes a tumble - you&#39;ll get your money back.
It&#39;s the market punters have been waiting for! Look for theFaller Insurance tab on our racing pages.
Check it out here!
Your User
Forgotten your password?:
Click here for a reminder!
Customer Service
UK:08000 565 275
Ireland:1800 238 888
World:+353 1 404 0120
Dial a Bet!
UK:08000 565 265
Ireland:1800 721 821
World:+353 1 404 0100
Shop Locator
to unsubscribe, please click here
Paddy Power plc, Airton House, Airton Road, Tallaght, Dublin 24,Ireland
Registered in Ireland: 16956
Ireland: 1800 238 888 | UK: 08000 565 275 | World: +353 1 404 0120
Lines are open from 8am - Midnight Monday to Saturday and 9am -Midnight Sunday.
Otherwise why not email [email protected] | Copyright 2008 paddypower.com
To unsubscribe, please click here

&amp;lt;[email protected]&amp;gt;

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Nie jestem pewien ale nie widzialem tam takiej opcjii wplaty karta,MB,oraz przelew zwykly to owszem jest ale czy Przelewy24 tego niewiem
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Dostałem tego maila z kodem na freebeta ale nie wiem jak za niego zagrać.Muszę kasę wpłacić żeby go aktywować ?
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Tak musisz zagrac za swoje 10 euro wtedy dostaniesz darmowy zaklad na 10 euro postawisz jeszcze raz otrzymasz kolejny.Ja jeszcze postawilem trzeci tenisa i dostalem trzeci darmowy zaklad do wykorzystania na jutrzejszy final merzczyzn.A swoja droga jak myslicie czy Roger bedzie znowu gora bo troche sie wacham ????
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