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Genting Poker & Circus Poker

suchoparek 1,8K



We’re big on rewards here at Genting Poker – especially when it comes to giving something back to our players who make a deposit with us every month.
So if you like the sound of getting your hands on a guaranteed prize pool of $1,000, simply make a deposit during the month to win a free seat in our $1,000 Depositors Freeroll.
The Freeroll will take place on the 1st of the following month at 8pm UK time and the beauty of it is that it’s happening every month...so keep depositing regularly and you could walk away with a cool $1,000 every month! Now that’s what we call a reward.
Terms and conditions

  1. Deposit between 1st and last day of the month to be invited to this event.
  2. Tournament will play the first day of the month at 21:00
  3. We reserve the right to vary the prize pool of this tournament.
  4. We reserve the right to withdraw this promotion with no prior notice, or to exclude players from it, if we believe our goodwill is being abused.
  5. Standard Genting Poker terms and conditions apply, see www.gentingpoker.com for details.
suchoparek 1,8K



Freeroll za punkty:
pula $20
wpisowe 10 iP
godzina 12:00 i 17:00
Poniedziałki,środy i piątki-
pula $50
wpisowe 25 iP
godzina 21:00
Wtorki,czwartki i soboty-
pula $100
wpisowe 50 iP
godzina 22:00
pula $200
wpisowe 100 iP
godzina 21:00
suchoparek 1,8K


Otwierajac konto w
www.circuscasino.com/online-poker otrzymujemy 500 punktow pokerowych
(www.gentingpoker.com - 500 punktow) .
Mozna je wykorzystac w turniejach Ca$h 4 Points.
Za depozyt dostajemy tez dodatkowo 500 punktow

Grab yourself 1,000 points to get you started

If you’re new to Circus Poker, register an account today and we’ll give you 500 points to get you started on your poker bankroll. Plus make a deposit on the same day and we’ll also give you another 500 points. With 1000 points to play with, you could end up walking away with a load of free cash. Not a bad result considering it’s totally risk-free!
Remember!! Deposit at any time and you will also be eligible for our welcome bonus up to £400.
* All points will be added to accounts within 48 hours
suchoparek 1,8K


$1,000 Depositors Freeroll

We’re big on rewards here at Genting Poker – especially when it comes to giving something back to our players who make a deposit with us every month.
So if you like the sound of getting your hands on a guaranteed prize pool of $1,000, simply make a deposit during the month to win a free seat in our $1,000 Depositors Freeroll.
The Freeroll will take place on the 1st of the following month at 8pm UK time and the beauty of it is that it’s happening every month...so keep depositing regularly and you could walk away with a cool $1,000 every month! Now that’s what we call a reward.
Terms and conditions

  1. Deposit between 1st and last day of the month to be invited to this event.
  2. Tournament will play the first day of the month at 21:00
  3. We reserve the right to vary the prize pool of this tournament.
  4. We reserve the right to withdraw this promotion with no prior notice, or to exclude players from it, if we believe our goodwill is being abused.
  5. Standard Genting Poker terms and conditions apply, see www.gentingpoker.com for details.
chinasky 341


Założ konto pomiedz 17.01 a 21.01 i zagraj we freerollu z pulą £500 Założ konto pomiedzy 17.01 a 21.01 i zagraj we freerollu z pulą £500 Jedyne,co musisz zobić to wysłać swoj nickname w Prywatnej Wiadomości do Gabrielle Genting na stronie Facebook http://www.facebook.com/GentingPoker do godz 9:00 w piątek 21.01 http://www.gentingpoker.com New Facebook Freeroll: £500 Prize Pool When: Fri 21st Jan 7pm UK Time Name: Facebook Freeroll
to było $500 ale i tak nieźle jak na 23 graczy na starcie..;-)
suchoparek 1,8K



Cash Drops - Will it be you?
Starting today we’re giving away up to £2,000 in completely free poker cash. Play between 1pm and 1am every day, and you could win a £50 poker cash drop! Players will be chosen at random and will receive £50 paid into their online poker account. The number of cash drops per day is also random, from 1 to 3 cash drops per day, 7 days a week! All you have to do to qualify, is be online, active (not sat out) on a real money poker table! [URL='http://www.gentingpoker.com']www.gentingpoker.com[/URL]
suchoparek 1,8K



It only takes small stakes over the course of the month to win big at Circus Poker. Simply RAKE just $5 on any real money cash games within the calendar month and we’ll give you free entry in our exclusive Cash’n’Grab $1,000 Monthly Freeroll.
Any cash games count towards your overall total and to help you keep track of things, our handy table will tell you how much you’ve raked that month. You’ll be able to see what you still need to do to qualify. Then when you’ve reached your $5 target, you’ll automatically qualify for our exclusive Cash’n’Grab $1,000 Monthly Freeroll.

Wstęp do $1,000 Monthly Freerol za $5 rake

suchoparek 1,8K



50£ Cash Giveaway

Play our poker software, between 1pm and 1am every day, and you could win a £50 poker cash drop!
Players will be chosen at random and will receive £50 paid into their online poker account.
The number of cash drops per day is also random, from 1 to 3 cash drops per day, 7 days a week.
All you have to do to qualify, is be online, active (not sat out) on a real money poker table!

Winners so far:
oaksie67 won £50 on Friday 28th January!
dillonfish won £50 on Friday 28th January!
SnowLeopard22 won £50 on Friday 28th January!
xFoxyxLadyx won £50 on Saturday 29th January!
Scamp1968 won £50 on Saturday 29th January!
Chillim4z won £50 on Saturday 29th January!
TEAMTOBY won £50 on Sunday 30th January!
Phatalistic won £50 on Sunday 30th January!
gavb31 won £50 on Monday 31st January!
shaloumar37 won £50 on Tuesday 1st February!
Waddis won £50 on Tuesday 1st February!
morgansDAD won £50 on Wednesday 2nd February!
Bristo12345 won £50 on Thursday 3rd February!
MaryRita1 won £50 on Friday 4th February!
sharkeymooncat won £50 on Friday 4th February!
IOD1954 won £50 on Friday 4th February!
PASSWIN won £50 on Saturday 5th February!
Casualbob1950 won £50 on Saturday 5th February!
bendarian won £50 on Sunday 6th February!

Don’t worry if you haven’t won yet today, as the cash amounts are awarded randomly and could be credited right up until 1am.

Terms and Conditions:
  • Offer runs between Friday 28th January 2011 and 28th February 2011
  • Number of drops per day will be randomly selected, most days will be 1 drop, however randomly extra drops will take place during the same day
  • Cash drop paid as real money poker bonus
  • Offer open to all real money players, active (not sat out) on a cash, Sit N Go or Tournament table
  • Accounts in USD or EUR will be receive £50 converted into their currency is per the http://www.xe.com rates published online at the time of the drop
  • We reserve the right to withdraw this promotion if we feel our goodwill is being abused
  • All standard poker terms and conditions apply

suchoparek 1,8K


Las Vegas Team Challenge II

Po ogromnym sukcesie Las Vegas Team Challenge,
mamy zaszczyt ogłosić &quot;Las Vegas Team Challenge II&quot;,
jeszcze większy, lepszy i bardziej satysfakcjonujący.
(od 14.03.2011 do 19.05.2011)
Pula nagrod,to co najmniej 42.000$

Pierwszą nagrodą jest pakiet Vegas Las wart 24.000$ , co stanowi równowartość 6.000$ na osobę ze zwycięskiej ekipy.
Druga nagroda to europejski pakiet o wartości $12.000 co stanowi równowartość 3000$ na osobę z ekipy wicemistrzów.
Istnieje jeszcze nagrodę 6000$- pakiet Las Vegas dla zwycięzcy Most Valuable Player (MVP) .
I jakby tego było mało, Live Final to ponad 6.000$ w dodatkowych nagrodach.
Turnieje odbywają się na
Runda I​
14 marca 2011
Buy In - $0.00
Fee - $0.00
Type - $5 Rebuy​

17 marca 2011
Buy In - $0.00
Fee - $0.00
Type - $5 Rebuy​

Rejestracja druzyn na www.lasvegasteamchallenge.com/registration

Więcej na stronie www.lasvegasteamchallenge.com
T 133


Orientuje się ktoś, ile standardowo trwa wypłata z Genting na MB? Póki co to widzę, że należą do tych, którym się z płaceniem nie spieszy...

To może zapytam inaczej.. wypłacili w ogóle komuś kiedyś jakiekolwiek pieniądze? ???? Bo jak kolejny dzień czytam formułki o jakimś tajemniczym departamencie bezpieczeństwa, który Bóg wie, co sprawdza i nie wiadomo jak wiele zajmie mu to czasu, to zaczynam wątpić, czy w ogóle jest na co czekać... W tym czasie mogliby mi dawno numer buta... zmierzyć...
suchoparek 1,8K


Thorngal , zapytałem kilka osob,ktore wygrały/zlecały wypłate.
Jak tylko dostane odpowiedzi,dam CI znać w tym temacie.
Genting &amp; Circus to wypłacalna firma.
Posiadają kasyna naziemne w Wielkiej Brytanii (lista kasyn)
Szukam 3 chętnych do &quot;Las Vegas Team Challenge II&quot; (więcej: #11 )
Start 14.03.2011
Zainteresowanych prosze o przesłanie na PW:
Name*,Online Poker Name* Email* z Genting Poker
chinasky 341


Mnie wyplacili bez problemu po weryfikacji ID na początku lutego kasę na MB. Nie pamiętam dokładnie ile to trwalo ale chyba nie dłużej niż dzień.

Orientuje się ktoś, ile standardowo trwa wypłata z Genting na MB? Póki co to widzę, że należą do tych, którym się z płaceniem nie spieszy...

To może zapytam inaczej.. wypłacili w ogóle komuś kiedyś jakiekolwiek pieniądze? ???? Bo jak kolejny dzień czytam formułki o jakimś tajemniczym departamencie bezpieczeństwa, który Bóg wie, co sprawdza i nie wiadomo jak wiele zajmie mu to czasu, to zaczynam wątpić, czy w ogóle jest na co czekać... W tym czasie mogliby mi dawno numer buta... zmierzyć...
Otrzymane punkty reputacji: +2
T 133


Ach, nie zaglądałem tu dawno... oczywiście wypłacili mi po paru... ???? kolejnych dniach... Że firma wypłacalna, to niby jasne... ale trwało to tak długo, że już faktycznie pomału zaczynałem wątpić... czy wszystko jest oki (nie grałem tam za dużo, tyle właściwie co w tych freerollkach za punkty niemal, więc mówię... może to niezgodne z ich polityką... albo cuś ???? ).

Także wszystko w porządku... a że firmy, które nie prowadzą zakładów bukmacherskich, standardy dotyczące czasu realizacji wypłat miewają różne... wiadomo nie od dzisiaj... (stąd to moje pierwsze pytanie zresztą... całkiem niewinne przecież;)).
suchoparek 1,8K


WSOP for free

Play the 2011 WSOP for FREE!
Win your $5,000 Vegas Executive WSOP Package for free with Genting Poker
Play in any of our three daily freerolls, and win your seat in our weekly satellite, win that, and you are only 1 stage away from Vegas!

The winning player will receive a superb Las Vegas WSOP Package, including side event seat, 7 nights luxury hotel accommodation, money for flights and spending money.

Wszystkie turnieje można znaleźć w lobby Free Live Event Satellites .

Daily Freerolls:
Name: Vegas Exec Daily
Time: 15:00,19:00 i 22:00
Chips: 1,000
Entry: $0
Rebuys: $2 (or 300 Poker Points) for 2,000 Chips
Add On: $3 (or 450 Poker Points) for 10,000 Chips

Weekly Satellite:
Name: Vegas Exec Weekly
Time: Niedziela 21:00
Chips: 2,000
Entry: $35 + $3 (or 5,700 Poker Points
Rebuys: N/A
Add On: N/A

Final Satellite
Name: Vegas Exec Final
Time: Wtorek 12 kwietnia,godz 21:00
Chips: 5,000
Entry: $300 + $30 (or 49,500 Poker Points)
Rebuys: N/A
Add On: N/A


  1. The promotion runs until Tuesday 12th April 2011
  2. No cash alternatives can be offered and the prizes are non transferrable
  3. Players winning a WSOP package agree to wearing patches / clothing from Genting/Circus Poker room and to any reasonable promotional activity we request.
  4. This is a fun promotion and we reserve the right to withdraw it if we feel our goodwill is being abused
  5. By participating in this promotion, we agree that you are old enough to play in a Las Vegas casino and are not subject to any banning order, you also agree to adhere by the T&amp;C of the WSOP and of the Rio Casino, Las Vegas.
  6. General Poker T&amp;Cs apply, see Genting/Circus Poker website.
suchoparek 1,8K



New $1,000 Welcome Bonus

For those who have not yet made their first deposits with Genting Poker and Circus Poker ,there has never been a better time.
Our Welcome Bonus is now a whopping $1,000! This converts into €700 or £650, what a perfect Easter gift!
Daily $1,000 New Depositor Freeroll

* We will run a daily $1,000 first depositors freeroll.
* The freerolls will run on the following dates: April 18th – April 21st, and April 24th – April 28th.
* The freerolls will be held at 7:30pm (UK time)
* The maximum players in these freerolls is 3,500.
* All First Deposit Players will receive a token from with which they’ll be able to enter the freeroll.

Weekly $5,000 Depositor Freeroll

* We will run a two weekly $5,000 freerolls to all depositing players (not just first depositors).
* The freerolls will run on Fridays and Saturdays on the following dates: April 22nd and 23rd, and April 29th and 30th.
* The freerolls will be held at 7:30pm (UK time), and will feature 1 Genting Poker and Circus Poker Point buy-in.
* You can play both freerolls if you wish – so that’s $10,000 of Freerolls each weekend!

$200 for every Golden Hand!

* Play real money cash games and every 100,000 hands on the whole network will be awarded a $200 bonus. We are giving away over $40,000 in total!
* Starts on 19th April and runs until the end of April.
* Read all about it here.
Quick, Easy and Safe access to your Bankroll with Cash In Cash Out
* With Genting Poker you can get access to your online poker cash in 22 of our 45 UK casinos.
No lengthy delays or worries about whether your money is safe.
Read all about it here and view the complete list of clubs it is available in.
There has never been a better time to play at
Genting Poker and Circus Poker
suchoparek 1,8K


£10 Free Chips @ Frankie Dettori
Probably the greatest flat race in the world takes place on Saturday 4th June, when The Derby runs at Epsom Downs.
And to celebrate we’re offering our Genting &amp; Circus Poker players a marvellous promotion!
Simply generate £5 in Rake and / or Tournament fees between Monday 23rd May and Thursday 2nd June,
and we’ll give you £10 Free Chips to play on our fabulous new Frankie Dettori slots game!
This great new slot features up to 7777x your line bet,
and as you’d ekspect has many iconic racing images and two of the coolest bonus rounds we’ve ever seen.
Free Chips slots will be credited to your casino account on Friday 3rd June, so you can play them over the Derby weekend!
Good Luck – see you at the finishing post!

Terms and Conditions
  • Promotion open to Genting Poker &amp; Circus Poker players generating £5.00 of rake and / or tournament fees between 00:00 23/05/11 and 23:59:59 02/06/11 (uk time)
  • Free Slots chips to be paid into your GentingCasino &amp; CircusCasino account in the form of a £10 redeemable bonus on 03/06/11
  • Bonus will be subject to a ten times casino wagering requirement on Frankie Dettori slots before it can be withdrawn and will expire if not used by 23:59:59 05/06/11
  • To access your casino account, simply visit Genting Casino, click on Instant Play Casino, and login using your Username (as listed above) and normal poker password.
  • General Poker and Casino terms and conditions apply see GentingCasino and Genting Poker for details
  • We reserve the right to withdraw this promotion if we feel our goodwill is being abused
  • Errors and Omissions Expected
suchoparek 1,8K


£10 FREE At
£10 FREE At
CircusCasino or Genting Poker
SW19 serves up a real treat next week - Wimbledon starts on Monday 20th June and to celebrate we’re offering our Circus Poker players a smashing promotion!
Simply generate £5 in Rake and / or Tournament fees between Monday 20th June and Thursday 23rd June, and we’ll give you £10 Free Chips to play on our fabulous new Tennis Stars slot game.
This brand new 40 line slot features up to 5000 x your line bet, and as you’d expect has a great tennis theme and a cool free games feature.
£10 Free Chips will be credited to your casino account on Friday 24th June, so you can get really into the swing of things over the weekend!
Now back to the Strawberries and Cliff Richard sing along!
See you at the service line.

Terms and Conditions

  • Promotion open to Circus &amp; Genting Poker players generating £5.00 of rake and / or tournament fees between 00:00 20/06/11 and 23:59:59 23/06/11 (uk time)
  • Free Slots chips to be paid into your Circus &amp; Genting Casino account in the form of a £10 redeemable bonus on 24/06/11
  • Bonus will be subject to a ten times casino wagering requirement on Tennis Stars slot before it can be withdrawn and will expire if not used by 23:59:59 26/06/11
  • To access your casino account, simply visit Circus or Genting Casino , click on Instant Play Casino, and login using your Username (as listed above) and normal poker password.
  • General Poker and Casino terms and conditions apply see Circus or Genting Poker for details
  • We reserve the right to withdraw this promotion if we feel our goodwill is being abused
  • Errors and Omissions Accepted
suchoparek 1,8K


£10 casino bonus
Net yourself a £10 casino bonus
Wimbledon is now well underway and we’re serving up an ace of a deal to celebrate the launch of our new tennis themed slot ‘Tennis Stars’ at Genting Casino.
Simply generate rake or tournament fees of £10 or more between Friday 24th June and Friday 1st July and we’ll add a £10 bonus to your account to use on our Tennis Stars slot game on Monday 4th July.
See you at the tables, and the match….
The Genting Poker Team
£10 Casino BonusTerms and Conditions

  • Promotion open to Genting Poker players generating £10.00 of rake and / or tournament fees between 00:00 24/06/11 and 23:59:59 01/07/11 (uk time)
  • Free Slots chips to be paid into your Genting Casino account in the form of a £10 redeemable bonus on 04/07/11
  • Bonus will be subject to a ten times casino wagering requirement on Tennis Stars slot before it can be withdrawn and will expire if not used by 23:59:59 07/07/11
  • To access your casino account, simply visit GentingCasino, click on Instant Play Casino, and login using your Username (as listed above) and normal poker password.
  • General Poker and Casino terms and conditions apply see GentingCasino.com and GentingPoker for details
  • We reserve the right to withdraw this promotion if we feel our goodwill is being abused
  • Errors and Omissions Accepted
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