>>>BETFAN - BONUS 200% do 400 ZŁ <<<<

Free 5 -sklots

ziomtom 89


Obrót-25x on Sklots, Slots and Skratch games; 100x for video pokers; 250x for blackjack and roulette
info z chata : Akceptują Polskich graczy.
Co do max wypłaty nie znam info.
Kasa od razu po rejestracji.
FREE Ł5 SIGNUP BONUS – TERMS AND CONDITIONS* This offer started on the 3rd May 2012 at 00:00 and expires on the 31st December 2012 at 23:59 (GMT)
  • To qualify players must complete the full registration process using valid details and must not have previously held an account with St Endellion.

  • Your bonus will be credited in to your account as cash automatically upon completion of full account registration.

  • The maximum bonus available will be Ł/EUR5

  • Only one bonus per person, per address, per IP allowed.

  • Unused bonus funds, and any associated winnings, will expire 30 days from date of credit. Expired funds cannot be re-credited in to players accounts.

  • Any accounts that we are unable to validate or whose details we believe to be invalid will have the bonus and any winnings removed.

  • Any accounts that are identified to be linked to an existing account or an account already claiming this promotion will not be eligible and any bonuses and winnings credited to both accounts will be removed.

  • In order to be able to make a withdrawal, you must complete wagering requirements of 25x on Sklots, Slots and Skratch games; 100x for video pokers; 250x for blackjack and roulette and make a deposit into your account.

  • The use of safe betting strategies, such as red/black on roulette, will result in the removal of the bonus funds and any winnings from your account.

  • If a withdrawal is requested and you have failed to meet the necessary wagering requirements, St Endellion reserves the right to remove the cash bonus, and all accumulated winnings, from your account.

  • You cannot use the bonus to play Skill Games or Skill Tournaments. If the bonus is played on any such game, St Endellion reserves the right to remove the bonus and any winnings from your account.

  • When accepting a promotional credit from St Endellion it shall be understood that the player agrees to adhere to these terms and conditions of the bonus offer and the general terms and conditions.

  • Should there be any conflict between these terms and conditions of the bonus offer and the general terms and conditions then these terms and conditions of the bonus offer shall prevail.

  • St Endellion offer bonuses to enhance a player’s enjoyment of our website(s) and should be used as such. Any account found to be abusing our bonus offers in anyway may be permanently excluded from receiving future promotional credits and St Endellion reserves the right to remove the bonus and any winnings from your account should you be suspected of abuse or fraudulent behaviour.

  • St Endellion reserves the right to withdraw or amend these Bonus Terms and Conditions and/or the bonus offer at any time without liability or prior notice. St Endellion shall not be liable for any damages howsoever arising as a result of any such modification, alteration, discontinuance or termination of the bonus offer and these terms and conditions of the bonus offer.
tomo121 127


dodaj że trzeba posiadać kartę
chyba nie trzeba, przynajmniej przy rejestracji.
Albo wpisujesz dane karty i klikasz bodajze next po prawej na dole albo nie wpisujesz i klikasz play na dole po lewej a 5 e i tak jest
Ale sloty porazka:]
goolbet84 0


czy umiecie normalnie kartą wplacac na to sklots bo mi wyskakuje jakis niezrozumialy napisany na czerwono błąd:-|
dawid1892 2,1K


Przed wypłatą trzeba zrobić minimalny depozyt w wysokości 5 euro/funtów. Wpłacać można tylko kartą...
Opłaca się z tym bawić, wypłacalni są?
mark 2,3K


Forum VIP
Ostatnio sporo kasyn zaczynajacych dzialalnosc ma malo opcji wplat i wyplat.Po pewnym czasie dodaja kolejne a pieniedzy im nie brakuje. Sklots za duzo pieniedzy wydaja na reklame na znanych stronach by to mialo byc jakies niewyplacalne kasyno
dawid1892 2,1K


Spytałem ich czy będą jakieś nowe metody wpłat w najbliższym czasie i dostałem ciekawą odpowiedź. ????
We will be adding new payment method in the future however we are unable to offer you a time-scale for this at present.
If you are unable to deposit using our current payment methods we are still able to accept a direct bank transfer to credit your account. Your payment should be made to:
Account Name - St Endellion Ltd
IBAN - GI25RBOS060954439105902
Sort Code - 60-95-44
Account Number - XXX
Please remember to add your username as reference to all payments made by this method.
mroku 104


Spytałem ich czy będą jakieś nowe metody wpłat w najbliższym czasie i dostałem ciekawą odpowiedź. ????
We will be adding new payment method in the future however we are unable to offer you a time-scale for this at present.
If you are unable to deposit using our current payment methods we are still able to accept a direct bank transfer to credit your account. Your payment should be made to:
Account Name - St Endellion Ltd
IBAN - GI25RBOS060954439105902
Sort Code - 60-95-44
Account Number - XXX
Please remember to add your username as reference to all payments made by this method.
i ile taki przelew może &quot;iść&quot; zanim go zatwierdzą na koncie?
bo o ile dobrze zrozumialem to wygrana oraz bonus przepadają po uplynieciu 30 dni.
minimalne depo 5 funtow to tak z 30zl myślę styknie.
a co nieco ugrałem, mam nadzieję że wypłacalni.
&quot;[Robert] I&#39;ve just checked the terms and term 6 does say that unused bonus funds and winnings will expire after 30 days&quot;
M 41


Jak sprawdzę obrót w tym kasynie?
Jeżeli kasę mam w balance to ma jakieś znaczenie? bo w bonus balance 0.00 nie pamiętam czy te 5 funtów wbiło do bonus balance czy do normalnego.
M 4


Ta firma to jakas amatorka
Sprawdzalem i zeby np w mbanku ppuscic przelew miedzynarodowy np SEPA do krajow unii
to trzeba miec nie tylko IBAN ale musi byc BIC poza tym adres kasyna trzeba podac a oni daja iban i sort code
co z tego ze mozna przelewem zrobic depozyt jak jest to niewykonalne bo juz 3 razy prosilem ich o bic i adres i zawsze ze wysla i ciagle nic
widocznie maja sposob jak niewyplacic polskim graczom
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