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CD POKER 130 $ Free ... Prosze o pomoc :)

grucel 0


Super promocja muszę powiedzieć ;-) Skontaktowałem się z supportem on line szybko poprawiłem numer telefonu, momentalnie dzwoni telefon, rozmowa - same podstawy jak wspomniał ktoś powyżej. Kasa odrazu dodana do konta.

a gdzie jest ten quiz do rozwiazania??
Po rejestracji dostaniesz @ w którym będzie link do quizu.


Tyle że zauważyłem że aby dostać 100$ które nam przysługuje...trzeba ugrać 12000 punktów.
Ja np. mam na to czas do 22 lipca. ;-) Punkty przyznają w zależności od puli oczywiście i tak oto się to przedstawia:

- 1pkt za rozdanie z pulą: 0,25$ - 0,50$
- 2pkt za rozdanie z pulą: 0,51$ - 1$
- 4pkt za rozdanie z pulą: 1,01$ - 1,50$
- 6pkt za rozdanie z pulą: 1,51$ - 2$
- 8pkt za rozdanie z pulą: 2$ - max 3$

Chyba jakoś tak to szło. Wydaje się że da się to ugrać. ;-)


Te punkty są przyznawane nie za pulę lecz za gre przy stołach o takich blindach.
T 0


1. When playing a made hand on the river, when is it correct to fold from the following possibilities
-If you are not sure if you have the winning hand, and your opponent bets.
-If you have called the pre-flop, flop and turn bets and your opponents makes another bet on the river
-Never for a single bet
-If you have top pair and someone makes a bet after calling your pre-flop, flop and turn bets
2. On seeing the flop, you have now seen:
-47% of the cards in the hand
-100% of the cards in the hand
-29% of the cards in the hand
-71% of the cards in the hand
3. If you are involved in a big pot of $90 at the river. Your opponent bets making the making the pot now $96. According to pot odds, what are the odds here on your money that should make this an obvious call
-6 to 1
-16 to 1
-10 to 1
-none of the above
4. Poker is a game of
-Mostly luck with an element of skill
-No luck, only skill
-No skill, only luck
-Mostly skill with an element of luck
5. What do you call playing without the cards in your hands, but rather making up your hand entirely from the community cards
-Playing the river
-Playing the board
-Flushing it
-Communal hand

6. On the river you make your full house, and there are 3 players still left in the hand and you are first to act. Which of the following best describes what your next move should be
7. What do you call playing without the cards in your hands, but rather making up your hand entirely from the community cards?
-Flushing it
-Communal hand
-Playing the board
-Playing the river
8. What do you call playing without the cards in your hands, but rather making up your hand entirely from the community cards?
-Flushing it
-Communal hand
-Playing the board
-Playing the river
9. How many community cards need to be exposed in order to have a flush
-none of the above
10. The flop completely misses your hand, what should you do
-Bet as if you hit the flop
-Check raise so as to appear to be very strong
11. You are dealt (Ah,Kd) on the button and you make a pre-flop raise. 4 players call your raise. The flop comes out (7c,Ks,2h). All four players check around to you. You make a bet and three players fold and one calls in front of you. The turn comes 7h. Again it is checked to you by your heads up opponent. What is the best course of action from the following
-As your opponent has called you first 2 bets your should probably checkhere and hope to improve your hand on the river.
-You have the initiative and a made hand. You should make yet another bet here.
-You probably are beat as your opponent could be holding a 7. You should check and fold on the river if a bet is made.
-None of the above

11. In poker the word nuts describes a situation when a player is holding:
-a premium hand that cannot be beat
-None of the above
-a hand that should be played with caution
-a loosing hand which should be folded
12. The key strategic aim when playing poker is:
-To get the most aces
-To win the most money
-To win the most pots
-To have the most fun
13. From the list below, choose the word that best describes a term used at the poker table during the betting rounds:
-All of the above
14. From the list below, choose the word that best describes a term used at the poker table during the betting rounds:
-All of the above
15. A showdown is the time during the game when the following happens:
-Two players are raising against each other
-All players still in the hand turn up their cards and the best hand wins
-All player must show how many chips they have on the table.
-None of the above

16. Which is the highest ranking hand from the list below
-3-of-a kind
-Two pairs

17. In hold&#39;em poker, which suit ranks highest
-none of the above
18. How many different two-card starting combinations exist?
19. Which of these is not a betting phrase in poker:
20. When you flop a big hand, what should you do
-None of the above
-Give your opponents an opportunity to catch up without giving them a free card that could beat you.
-Bet big to scare off any drawing hands
-Bet a small amount to get as many callers as possible
21. If a player is involved in a lot of hands, calling almost any bet, this player best described as a:
-loose player
-passive player
-aggressive player
-tight player
T 0


To są pytania w quizie które mi wyskakują, wcześniej z tego co widzę było ich 7 teraz jest 20 i proszę o pomoc w ich rozwiązaniu bo mój angielski jest kiepski. Quiz dostępny jest na stronie:
Po rozwiązaniu dostaje się 50 $ o tym mówi ten temat tylko pytania są inne.
schu 0


Super promocja muszę powiedzieć ;-) Skontaktowałem się z supportem on line szybko poprawiłem numer telefonu, momentalnie dzwoni telefon, rozmowa - same podstawy jak wspomniał ktoś powyżej. Kasa odrazu dodana do konta.

Po rejestracji dostaniesz @ w którym będzie link do quizu.

Tyle że zauważyłem że aby dostać 100$ które nam przysługuje...trzeba ugrać 12000 punktów.
Ja np. mam na to czas do 22 lipca. ;-) Punkty przyznają w zależności od puli oczywiście i tak oto się to przedstawia:
- 1pkt za rozdanie z pulą: 0,25$ - 0,50$
- 2pkt za rozdanie z pulą: 0,51$ - 1$
- 4pkt za rozdanie z pulą: 1,01$ - 1,50$
- 6pkt za rozdanie z pulą: 1,51$ - 2$
- 8pkt za rozdanie z pulą: 2$ - max 3$
Chyba jakoś tak to szło. Wydaje się że da się to ugrać. ;-)
Te punkty są przyznawane nie za pulę lecz za gre przy stołach o takich blindach.
hehe, jeszcze nie trafiles!
te punkty przyznawane sa za rake
reke to cos okolo 5% puli, wiece jezeli lezy w puli 80$ to dostajesz 8pkt
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