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Carbon Poker

suchoparek 1,8K


$100,000 Sunday Guaranteed

To celebrate the launch of our new site and logo, CarbonPoker&#39;s first ever $100,000 Guaranteed tournament is just
around the corner! We&#39;re pushing big improvements and bigger payouts than ever before.

What: Sunday $100,000 Guaranteed R/A
When: Sunday 27 Feb @ 15:00 Server Time
How: $109, $109 Coupon or 10,900 VIP Points
Where: Tournaments &gt;&gt; Scheduled &gt;&gt; Special

There are 3 ways for you to win free entry:

Option 1: 100 Seats to $100K Freeroll
The best way to get into our biggest guaranteed tournament ever is to win your way in our 100 Seats to $100K Freeroll. Just earn 500 VIP Points and you&#39;ve got a seat in the action.
What: 100 Seats to $100K Freeroll
When: Saturday 26 Feb @ 15:00 Server Time
How: Earn 500 VIP Points between now and Saturday 26 Feb @ 15:00 Server Time
Where: Tournaments &gt;&gt; Scheduled &gt;&gt; Special
The top 100 finishers will get a $109 Coupon to be used for entry in the $100K Guaranteed Tourney!
Check your progress here to see how close you are to the 500 points! Click the register button of the tourney to gain access.

Option 2: Depositors $100K Entry Freeroll
Any player who deposits between now and Saturday 26 Feb (20:00 carbon time) with the code &#39;RE100K&#39; will receive a special 75% reload bonus* up to a max. bonus of $150, plus free entry to the special Depositors $100K Freeroll. The special freeroll will award the top 20 players free entry to Sunday&#39;s $100K Guaranteed (valued at $109).
What: Depositors $100K Entry Freeroll
When: Saturday 26 Feb @ 20:00 Carbon time
How: Deposit with code &#39;RE100K&#39; before the freeroll starts
*Terms &amp; Conditions: &#39;RE100K&#39; - valid until Monday 28 Feb @ 00:00 server time - max bonus $150 - one use only - earn 90 points per $1 to clear - expires any current bonus - expires on submitting a withdrawal - paid in $5 increments - Depositors $100K Entry Freeroll coupon valid for use on 02/26/2011 only.

Option 3: Secret $100K Entry Freerolls
Just like it sounds. Secret freeroll tourneys that award free entry to Sunday&#39;s $100K. Keep your eyes peeled! Starting Wednesday 23rd Feb and running x3 times daily!
Good Luck at the tables!

suchoparek 1,8K


Celebrate St. Patty&#39;s Day With A 100% Reload or 10% Instant Bonus

It&#39;s time to bring the luck o&#39; the Irish to CarbonPoker this St. Patty&#39;s Day - as we offer you two great bonus to choose from. You&#39;ve got a limited time to grab either of these two great offers:
Get an Instant 10% or a 100% St Patty&#39;s Reload between now and Monday, March 21! Pick your bonus, enter the code and deposit over $10 to take advantage today!

Bonus Offer 1:
Instant 10% Deposit Bonus - Up to $50 Free
Bonus Code: PATTY10
Valid Until: Monday 21 March @ 12am Server Time

Bonus Offer 2:
100% St. Patty&#39;s Day Reload - Up to $200 Free
Bonus Code: ST100
Valid Until: Monday 21 March @ 12am Server Time
Grab your bonus, then head to the tables to get your own pot of gold at CarbonPoker.
Good Luck!
The CarbonPoker Team
suchoparek 1,8K


September is here, the NFL is just around the corner, and CarbonPoker is giving you even more chances to cash in and win big.
Whether you want to top up your account with a great reload bonus, play for a seat in a live event or take your poker game to the next level, we have got you covered.
SEPT375 Gets you $375 FREE!*
During the entire month of September, make a deposit with the code SEPT375 for a 75% Reload Bonus up to $375. Check out the cashier for deposit options in your area and take advantage of this limited time offer!

VIP Freerolls This September: Ether - $3500 Water - $2500 Fire - $2000 Wind - $1500 Earth - $750
Exclusive Drag the Bar Offer
In an exclusive partnership, CarbonPoker and Drag the Bar are teaming up to offer you FREE poker training videos -- just for being a player at Carbon. Check it out for full details on how you can get the most out of 30 coaches, 1000+ videos and an extremely active forum.

*SEPT375 awards 75% up to $375.00. Enter the code &quot;SEPT375&quot; in the cashier with any reload deposit. This bonus is claimable until 12:01 AM server time on Sat 1st October 2011. Bonus awarded in $5 increments and completed after earning 75 VIP points for each dollar of the bonus amount. May only be used once. We value your privacy and personal information.
K 1,5K


Podepnę się pod temat.
Kolega kilka dni temu wygrał około 200$ w freerollu. Następnego jego konto zostało zablokowane - od razu zaznaczam - nie próbował wypłacać. Wysłał kilka maili do supportu jednak nie dostał żadnej odpowiedzi.
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