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betspider od bet-ibc

P 102,3K


Czy korzysta ktoś z tego i może potwierdzić informacje o wysokich stawkach? (nie rozumiem... powinno być wysokie wygrane a wszyscy forsują wysokie stawki, nawet interpol... lepiej dla mnie). Dzisiaj email dostałem, nie korzystałem nigdy z żadnego ich narzędzia. Po prostu jestem zarejestrowany na stronie i dostaje emaile i ten wydał mi się interesujący.

Risk has been part of the salt and pepper of life since the beginning of time. It adds this peculiar element of excitement and joy that people need in their pursuit of a «full» life. A part of the population prefers to take the actual risk by means of betting on the outcome of any and all events. And as everything else in life, it is a habit that keeps moving forward. From the mouth-to-mouth practice of the beginning, to the online ventures of our times. And now is the time for the next step of the betting evolution.
Betting platforms have been around for quite a number of years. Essentially, they are websites that have one main goal. To allow punters to place many bets at an equal number of bookmakers simultaneously, while a single account is where everything is handled through. It is the solution to the problem of wasting time by maintaining many different accounts at as many establishments of the industry. BetSpider is the latest addition to the fleet of services offered to its customers by BET-IBC.

What is BetSpider?
We could write a lot to answer the question. The basic concept is the same as any other betting platform. Some of the services are also the same as any other site of this kind. However, the marked differences here are the user interface and the next level of support:

  • Vetting of all cooperating bookmakers:
    All betting houses in the list have been thoroughly checked for the level of services they provide through an even stricter set of criteria than usual. It’s the beginning of a strong brand name and everything needs to be above board and transparent.
  • Odds and limits unparalleled
    Having the ability to marshal the sum of participants from many places, it raises the amounts that are placed in wagers, the markets build up more, making the offers more attractive. Users do not just get the highest odds and limits available, at any time. There is a somewhat absolute warranty that they will.
  • Plenty of opportunities
    It makes no sense to have the best of odds and limits if an equally high number of events, tournaments, leagues and competitions is not available. BetSpider makes sure that the options available are not just ample. They are more than enough to cover any need for any kind of bettor.
  • Being there when you need them
    The site is available in 6 languages (English, French, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish and Turkish) and there is always someone at the other end of a chat function, or an email message to respond to any question, or provide the solution to any problem, day or night, school day or holiday.
  • Complete security
    The most pertinent question that punters have, is whether their personal information and the details of their financial transactions are safe. There is an entire department that takes care of this. The latest developments in encryption and safeguarding technologies are put in place and are constantly being upgraded, to provide the answer to this question.
  • Everyone can use the services
    The interface is so simple and self-explanatory that the learning curve is as short as humanly possible. The design is also quite responsive to mobile devices negating the need for a downloadable app. The site is accessible through the simple internet browser.
  • A plethora of means for the financial transactions
    Opening a betting account is useless without funding it. And of-course without the chance to withdraw the winnings. To that effect, users can use the traditional banking systems, the contemporary electronic wallets and the means to deposit good old cash (cannot be used for withdrawals).
P 102,3K


Też jestem ciekaw, dlatego podbijam temat. Ktoś korzystał? Jeśli tak, to jak wrażenia?
Dodali wersje testową, można samemu skorzystać zanim się wykupi.

It's exactly 100 days since we, BET-IBC, launched BetSpider our greatest platform to date. Here's all the work we've done for you:
  • Raised a user friendly and informative website in 6 languages;
  • Added new features to the platform;
  • Fixed bugs and increased its speed;
  • Opened a test account where you can actually place a bet and see the full functionality right away.
H 122,1K


Post automatycznie złączony:

licencja curacao - od razu smierdzi
Mogli chociaz sobie maltanska zalatwic jak powazniej mysla
P 102,3K


Nie, dopiero meila odczytałem, że wprowadzili tą testową wersję to wkleiłem, jakby ktoś chciał zobaczyć jak to wygląda.
Post automatycznie złączony:

póki co to nie ma żadnych opinii użytkowników tylko same reklamy.
Ostatnia edycja:
P 102,3K


Jetona dodali w bet-ibc jako metodę wpłat/wypłat jakby kogoś to interesowało. Nie używałem nigdy tej strony do niczego po prostu może kiedyś się przydać.
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