niestety za kazdym razem to samo jak wysyłam maila :
Hi. This is the qmail-send program at
I'm afraid I wasn't able to deliver your message to the following
This is a permanent error; I've given up. Sorry it didn't work out.
jako przyczyny blokowania moich maila podano
- Your email server contains a virus and has been sending out spam.
- Your email server may be misconfigured.
- Your PC may be infected with a virus or botnet software program.
- Someone in your organization may have a PC infected with a virus or botnet program.
- You may be utilizing a dynamic IP address which was previously utilized by a known spammer.
- Your marketing department may be sending out bulk emails that do not comply with the CAN-SPAM Act.
- You may have an insecure wireless network which is allowing unknown users to use your network to send spam.
- In some rare cases, your recipient's Barracuda Spam Firewall may be misconfigured.
spam i virusy odpadają jeszcze dzisiaj idę do kumpla wysłać maila ale jak mi odrzuci to zadźwonie tylko teraz pytanie ile mnie za to przytna :kwasny4565: ale dla takiej kwoty warto powalczyc choc zapewne pozostanie mi tylko screen na pamiatke