Możliwe że nie działają bo widzę że na stronie nie ma opcji do założenia konta
Registration and opening an account
In order to participate in any of the games for real money, you must first open an account with us.
a) A request to open an account is made by filling out the registration form and submitting it to us online. We reserve the right to refuse to open an account.
b) You must enter all the requested mandatory information into your registration form, including your name, place of residence, date of birth, e-mail address and relevant payment information, all of which must be true, complete and current. The name on your registration form must match the name on your debit/credit card, if using. You may only register your own details. You may only register your own details. You participate in the games strictly in your personal non-professional capacity for recreational and entertainment reasons only. You participate in the games on your own behalf and not on behalf of any other person. It is your sole responsibility to ensure that the information you provide is true, complete and current and you must update your account immediately in the event of any changes in the accuracy of the information provided.
c) We or third parties instructed by us may carry out verification procedures to verify your identity, either when you open an account or at a later date. Your Account may be blocked or closed if you are found to have submitted false or misleading information.
d) As part of the registration process you will have to choose a user name and password in order to log on to the website and use your account. It is your sole and exclusive responsibility to ensure that your user name and password are kept securely and not disclosed to anyone. We are not responsible for any abuse or misuse of your Account by third parties due to your disclosure, whether intentionally or unintentionally, directly or indirectly, of your user name and/or password to a third party. You will not be refunded for any losses which result from such disclosure.
We are not required to maintain user names or passwords although if you have lost your user name or password, please contact us for a replacement. If you misplace, forget, or lose your user name or password because of anything other than our error, we will not be responsible..
You are allowed to have only one account. If you attempt to open more than one account, all your accounts may be blocked or closed. You are not allowed to sell, transfer or acquire an account with us from any other user. We reserve the right to close any accounts that are traced to the same address, IP address or computer or are suspected of having been transferred between users and freeze any winnings on those accounts. If we have deposited any bonuses, winnings or other funds into a duplicate account, we reserve the right to remove such funds.
na żądanie tylko otwierają konto, ale zakładka "About us" nie napawa optymizmem xD
About Us
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