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WingowsPoker - zamieniają 'fun' żetony na real money

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Forum VIP

Zamieniają gotówkę wirtualną na real money.
50000$ wirtualnej to 1$ realnej kasy
Ja wczoraj ugrałem ponad 1 milion, a teraz mam na koncie 5$ realnej kasy.
I więcej chyba w miesiącu nie można wyciagnać ????
R 0


Wingows Real Chips - Play for Fun Win for Real

Wingows Real Chips Program allows you to transform your Play Chips into Real Money Chips.

In order to qualify for the Real Chips Program a player must accumulate 50,000 Play Chips in his Poker account.The Wingows Real Chips Program will start counting your Play Chips only if you have at least 50,000 Play Chips in your account.

Wingows will credit your account with 1$ for every 50,000 Play Chips above the first 50,000 Play Chips, with a maximum of 5$ a week and 20$ a month. No Deposit is required!

For example: If you accumulated 250,000 Play Chips, your account will be credited with 4$.

Wingows Real Chips Program is automatic and will be done every 24-48 hours automatically.

Starting October 1 Wingows.com changes conditions to our Real Chip Program:
. Real Chip Program will be available for players, you have just signed in and create a Real Money account - starting from the date of Real Money account creation, they will be eligible for the program for one month – during this period of time, their Play Chips will be converted every day, automatically, from 2am to 10am EST. Wingows.com starts Play Chip conversion from 100 000 Play Chips. We give $1 per every 50 000 Play Chips ABOVE FIRST 50 000. So, for example, if you have 150 000 Play Chips you will receive $2. Please note, that the maximum sum for conversion per week is $5 and that after the conversion is done, your Play Chip amount will be set to zero (0).
After first month is over, you will not be able to participate in Wingows Real Chip Program any more.
However, you can find many other interesting bonuses and programms to participate in: Wingows Bonus, Wingows VIP Club, Wingows Free rolls and Wingows Live.

Wingows Real Chips money can be withdrawn according to the following terms:
$5 worth of freeroll money for every 50 Wingows Points accumulated.
The player deposited 1 times more than the amount he wants to
withdraw. The deposited money can&#39;t be withdrawn until the player
played 100 raked hands on $0.25/$0.50 or higher tables.
Wingows managment decided to allow the withdrawal.
Chyba nie aż taki fajny. Jeśli zechcesz wypłacić bedziesz musiał zrobić depozyt dwa razy tyle ile chcesz wyplacić i zagrac 100 rake handów. Ja dziękuję.
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