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Ruby Bingo 16£ No Deposit

suchoparek 1,8K



£16 New Player Bonus
Sign up to play Ruby Bingo today and we’ll give you a fabulous welcome gift of £16 and you don’t even have to make a deposit! Simply follow these simple steps:
  1. Click Play Now
  2. Register your details to open a Ruby Bingo account
  3. Click the £16 New Player Bonus button in the welcome e-mail you’ll receive to accept the bonus and make sure you’ve registered your chat name in the bingo software

Your account will be verified and automatically be credited with a £16 bonus!
Don’t forget, at Ruby Bingo we reward you every week with the Ongoing Weekly Bonus .
Please note that the New Player Bonus is subject to wagering requirements which much be met before any winnings can be withdrawn, Full details are visible in the terms and conditions.
If you do not wish to take the £16 New Player Bonus and be bound by the applicable wagering requirements do not click the button in the welcome e-mail.

Don&#39;t forget to claim your £16 New Player Bonus!
In order to receive your £16 New Player Bonus simply click on the button within the Welcome E-mail you&#39;ll receive and register your chat name in the Ruby Bingo software. Once your account has been verified the £16 will be credited!

Non-depositing player : You must wager at least x10 the bonus amount (minimum wagering requirement) and may make only one withdrawal of any winnings earned where this withdrawal is limited to a maximum amount of $/€/£200. Any remaining winnings will be deleted from the player&#39;s account, upon making this one-time withdrawal request up to such maximum amount.
Depositing player: You must wager at least x4 the bonus amount (minimum wagering requirement). (In accordance with 300% First Deposit Bonus Terms below).
For the purposes of satisfying wagering requirements only the cash purchase of bingo tickets qualify.
PLEASE NOTE: As soon as a player has made a minimum deposit, the x10 wagering requirement on the remaining £16 New Player Bonus amount becomes a x4 wagering requirement.
mark 2,3K


Forum VIP
To przynajmniej nie bedziesz mial problemu z obrotem :razz:
Ten 0,01 oznacza konto gdzie jest bonus do dopisania
Otrzymane punkty reputacji: +6
L 5


Myślałem,że z automatu dostane ten bonus,więc może za słabo znam angielski.
A ile trzeba czekać w przybliżeniu żeby dopisali?
S 42


A wiecie jak może jest z nadwyżką? Bo ugrałem trochę i muszę wpłacić aby móc odblokować jakąś formę wypłaty.
I jak wpłacę minimum to wtedy obrót mi się liczy już tylko x4?
suchoparek 1,8K


można obrotu dokonać na slotach ?
Zastanawia mnie pkt 4 T&amp;C:
The New Player Bonus cannot be withdrawn and can only be used to purchase bingo tickets.

Najlepiej zapytaj supportu: [email protected]

The following terms also apply to the New Player Bonus:
  1. The Ruby Bingo £16 New Player Bonus (the &quot;Promotion&quot;) is promoted, operated and hosted at Rubybingo (the &quot;Website&quot;), by WHG Trading Limited and WHG (International) Limited (&quot;Ruby Bingo&quot;) limited companies registered in and operating from Gibraltar. It is a condition of entry of the Promotion that these terms and conditions (&quot;Terms and Conditions&quot;) together with the terms and conditions of the Website (together referred to as the &quot;Promotion Terms&quot;) are accepted, and by entering into the Promotion the entrant accepts and agrees to abide by the Promotion Terms. In the case of any inconsistency between these Terms and Conditions and the Website terms and conditions, these Terms and Conditions shall prevail.
  2. The Promotion is only open to people aged 18 or over and who are new players to Ruby Bingo. They must be resident in jurisdictions in which online gambling or betting is not banned by applicable law (if any). It shall be the responsibility of entrants to make their own enquiries as to whether such activity is permissible in their own jurisdiction. Each person should ensure that he or she would be acting legally in that jurisdiction in entering the Promotion.
  3. To qualify for the promotion, account holders must validate their account by clicking the £16 New Player Bonus button in the Welcome email that will be sent to the registered email address and registering their chat name in the bingo software.
  4. The New Player Bonus cannot be withdrawn and can only be used to purchase bingo tickets.
  5. The New Player Bonus is available in addition to the Ongoing Weekly Bonus.
  6. To be eligible to win jackpots and have the prize funds credited to your account, you must have previously made a successful deposit to your Ruby Bingo account.
  7. Ruby Bingo shall not be liable for technical, hardware or software failures of any kind or lost or unavailable network conditions, which may limit or prohibit ability to enter or participate in the Promotion. Ruby Bingo shall not be liable for damage, or loss or injury resulting from entry to the Promotion, failure to win, acceptance or use of any prize, but nothing in these Terms and Conditions shall operate to exclude liability for death or personal injury resulting from Ruby Bingo&#39;s own negligence.
  8. Ruby Bingo and/or its authorised agent may, in their sole discretion, limit the eligibility of end users or of any one end user to participate in the Promotion, and to restrict the eligibility of any group or category of end users to participate in the Promotion.
  9. Ruby Bingo reserves the right to cancel this Promotion or amend these Terms and Conditions without liability and without notice. Ruby Bingo and/or its authorised agent shall not be liable for any damages howsoever arising as a result of any such modification, alteration, discontinuance or termination of the Promotion.
  10. Ruby Bingo and/or its authorised agent reserve the right to review transaction records and logs, from time to time, for any reason whatsoever. If, upon such review, it appears that end users or any one or combination of them are participating in strategies which Ruby Bingo and/or its authorised agent in their sole discretion deem to be collusion, unlawful or improper activity, or any form of fraudulent practice, Ruby Bingo and/or its authorised agent reserve the right to revoke the entitlement of such end user(s) to the Promotion.
  11. In the event of any decision or dispute regarding to the validity of any entry, the eligibility of any entrant and the eligibility for the Promotion, the decision of Ruby Bingo will be final and no correspondence shall be entered into.
  12. These Terms and Conditions shall be exclusively governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of England. The entrant irrevocably submits to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of England and Wales.
  13. General Terms for Bingo Bonus Money apply.
T 10


Czy po wykonaniu obrotu, jeśli dobrze rozumiem to 10 x 16$ - jesteśmy uprawnieni do jednokrotnej wypłaty? Czyli, że bez depozytu możemy wpłacić do 200$???
S 42


Dobra już wiem wszystko. W niedzielę o 20 zleciłem wypłatę nadwyżki w kwocie 80funtów. Trzeba zrobić minimalny depozyt aby odblokować daną formę wypłaty. Support mi napisał że trzeba odczekać 4 dni na zatwierdzenie wypłaty i wysłać w między czasie skany dowodu i jakiegoś rachunku. Dzisiaj o godzinie 3 dostałem wypłatę. A więc nadwyżkę można śmiało wypłacić. Pozdrawiam
Otrzymane punkty reputacji: +6
koliberek 83


Nie wiem ja od 2 tyg nie dostalem tej kasy. Maile nic nie daja bo laduja u nich chyba w skrzynce spamu wiec nie kazdemu przyznany zostal bonus ????
T 10


Potwierdzam, ja od tygodnia czekam na przyznanie bonusu, niestety cisza cały czas, więc promocja pewnie nieaktualna już.
mark 2,3K


Forum VIP
Caly czas jest aktualna .Po prostu po weryfikacji konta nie kazdy ją otrzymuje. Duzo osob mialo tam konta i nie pamieta.Pierwszy raz promocja byla juz sporo czasu temu
uzytkownik-23347 790


W regulaminie niby jest napisane, że kasę dostaje się do 2 godzin. Ja rejestrowałem się wczoraj po południu i do dziś nie dostałem, także może w weekendy nie dopisują...
uzytkownik-15140 306


Anulowali mi wypłatę napisali że muszę dokonać obrotu, a chciałem wypłacić tylko nadwyżkę.
Dear Arkadiusz,
Thank you for your email.
After checking with our Financial Department, we can confirm that your
wagering requirements for the Sign Up bonus is x4 of the bonus amount from
time you made your first deposit in the account. At the moment, you still
to wager £4.12 more on bingo tickets for us to process your withdrawal
We hope this solves your query.
Thank you for choosing Ruby Bingo, if we can be of any further assistance
the future, please feel free to contact us either by Phone or Email.

Kindest Regards,

Rozumiem że muszę postawić jeszcze za 4.12 funta żeby wykonać obrót??, dziwnie to liczą bo ogólnie to nie wiem czy za 30funtów razem kupiłem te karty bingo.
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