Czy korzystał ktoś z takiej opcji przy grze u buka? tzn. zakładał sobie konto na Belize albo w Szwajcarii i w ten sposób gromadził kapitał? Nie chodzi mi o bezpłatne konta. Bezpłatne offshore bank account to ja mam w revolucie, jetonie, advcash czy ecopayz, bo działają na takiej samej zasadzie.
Ci z panamagates chyba korzystali z takich kont xD też bym chciał xD mam pełno spersonalizowanych reklam i google robi dla mnie xD
Can I open a bank account in the Cayman Islands as a non-resident?
Yes it is possible to open an account as a non-resident but it is likely that it will be required that you provide income statements, tax returns and a few other documents, not to mention you will be restricted on how your accounts are used and funds going in may be limited as well. It is best to contact the individual bank to find out details either via email or starting a conversation via phone with one of their relationship managers.
Ciekawi mnie to czy da się to ugryźć w ten sposób, że dochody to zyski z bukmacherki?
Setting an offshore account in the Cayman Islands (or in any other foreign country for that matter) is legal unless you are planning tax evasion. Note that offshore banking is also not tax exempt. Make sure you understand the regulations as there's only a slight difference between tax avoidance and tax evasion.
znam tą subtelną różnice hehe
Ci z panamagates chyba korzystali z takich kont xD też bym chciał xD mam pełno spersonalizowanych reklam i google robi dla mnie xD
Can I open a bank account in the Cayman Islands as a non-resident?
Yes it is possible to open an account as a non-resident but it is likely that it will be required that you provide income statements, tax returns and a few other documents, not to mention you will be restricted on how your accounts are used and funds going in may be limited as well. It is best to contact the individual bank to find out details either via email or starting a conversation via phone with one of their relationship managers.
Ciekawi mnie to czy da się to ugryźć w ten sposób, że dochody to zyski z bukmacherki?
Post automatycznie złączony:
Setting an offshore account in the Cayman Islands (or in any other foreign country for that matter) is legal unless you are planning tax evasion. Note that offshore banking is also not tax exempt. Make sure you understand the regulations as there's only a slight difference between tax avoidance and tax evasion.
znam tą subtelną różnice hehe