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Mam nadzieje ze pomożecie

nowak 0


Znowu musze napisac z angielskiego prace - tylko ze nie mam czasu tego zrobic - a praca potrzebna jest na jutro.

Zostałes przyjety do pracy wakacyjnej przy zbieraniu malin na farmie niedaleko Inverness w Szkocji. Napisz wiadomosc e-mail do kolegi w Londynie.

- Podaj termin rozpoczecia pracy w Inverness
- Zapytaj czy mógłbys zatrzymac sie u kolego w drodze do Inverness
- Popros kolege o zakup najtanszego biletu z Londynu do Inverness i z powrotem
- Zapytaj czy mozesz oddac pieniądze za bilet po przyjezdzie do Londynu.

Jakby ktos był tak miły i pomógł mi to napisac byłbym dozgonnie wdzięczny. Niestety konta na mb nie mam wiec nie bede mógł zapłacic, ale mysle ze mimo to pomozecie. ;)
yarson 0


Hello John
I&#39;m writing to you because I&#39;ve just got job in Inverness in Scotland.I&#39;ll be picking raspberries.I&#39;m starting at monday next week and I&#39;ve wondered if I could stay at your&#39;s when I&#39;ll be traveling to Inverness?I&#39;ll be grateful if you could buy me the cheepest ticket from London to Inverness and from Inverness to London.I would be appereciate if I could return money to you when I&#39;ll be in London.
napisane na szybko ale nie obiecuje że jest poprawnie ale może się do czegoś przyda ????
S 0


Dear Maciek,
I&#39;m writting to you because I&#39;ve finally found a job in Scotland. I&#39;m very happy because I tried to get the job since I had visited you last year. I wonder if it is possible to visit you during my trip to Inverness. I will realy apreciate if you could help me becouse I&#39;m looking for a place to sleep somewhere near your home. I start my job in two months time so I have planty of time to find a place for one night. I wonder if I could sleep in your place during my trip, but I realise it may be a problem for you.
I would also like to ask you for another thing. I have to buy the cheapest there and back ticket from London to Iverness. If you could buy me one I will be very gratefull. Can I give the money back for the ticket after arriving to London?
I will be very pleased if you help me,
looking foward to seeing you
best wishes
uzytkownik-7288 4


Hello John
I&#39;m writing to you because I&#39;ve just got job in Inverness in Scotland.I&#39;ll be picking raspberries.I&#39;ll starting on Monday next week and I wondered if I could stay at your&#39;s (home?) when I&#39;ll be traveling to Inverness?I&#39;ll be grateful if you could buy me the cheepest ticket from London to Inverness and from Inverness to London.I would be appereciate if I could return(give back musi być) money to you when I&#39;ll be in London.
napisane na szybko ale nie obiecuje że jest poprawnie ale może się do czegoś przyda ????
takie najbardziej rażące błędy
uzytkownik-7288 4


Dear Maciek,
I&#39;m writting to you because I&#39;ve finally found a job in Scotland. I&#39;m very happy because I tried to get the job since I had visited you last year. I wonder if it is possible to visit you during my trip to Inverness. I will realy apreciate if you could help me because I&#39;m looking for a place to sleep somewhere near your home. I start my job in two months time so I have planty of time to find a place for one night. I wonder if I could sleep in your place during my trip, but I realise it may be a problem for you.
I would also like to ask you for another thing. I have to buy the cheapest ticket there and back ticket from London to Iverness. If you could buy me one I will be very gratefull. Can I give the money back for the ticket after arriving to London?
I will be very pleased if you help me,
looking foward to seeing you
best wishes
o co mialo chodzic w zdaniu zaznaczonym na fioletowo ?
yarson 0


jareks89 jak już chcesz coś poprawiać to dobrze :p &quot;I&#39;ll starting &quot; takie coś nie istnieje jest albo I&#39;ll start albo I&#39;ll be starting :p a &#39; I&#39;m starting jest poprawne wg mnie bo to może być Present Continuous bo odnosi się do najbliższej przyszłości i jest określone w czasie.
&#39;On Monday&#39; przyznaje mój błąd.
Genitive: at your&#39;s oznacza u Ciebie i nie trzeba podawać home.
Wg mnie tak to jest ale oczywiscie moge się mylić :p
nowak 0


Chopaki naprawde bardzo Wam dziękuje ;)

Wiedziałem ze to forum jest porządne i sa na nim porządni userzy ;)

T 9


że za dwa miesiące zaczyna prace..
A Ty nowak zamiast oglądać mecz Arsenalu byś się zaangażował w angielski ???? ;)
przeciez sie angazuje! nie dosc ze mecz angielskich ekip, to jeszcze w anglii i na dodatek pewnie ogladal w angielskej tv z angielskim komentarzem ;)
matex 0


Panowie i panie- nie chę zakładac nowgo tematu wiec wpisze to tu: mam jeszcze do zrobienia troche lekcji a ze z anglika nie jestem za dobry - czy moglibyscie mi sprawdzic to co napisałem ? ???? z góry dzięki

I will never forget my best Holiday. I went with my parents and their friends to Australia two years ago. We spent there two weeks and had a wonderful adventure with amazing experiences. Australia is a huge country and has a lot to offer to its visitors. In first day in Australia we decided to organize a trip to the forest. The weather was perfect. We took compass and maps and we felt happy and excited. When we went and saw beautiful scenery we didn’t care about where we go. After a few hours we decided back to camp but couldn’t choose right road. Day was darker and cooler. We hidden in dark cave and didn’t sleep all night. In this place were a strange noisy and we scared. Suddenly in the morning we heard someone. That was a bushman. He took back us to camp. We were very surprised but also very happy. When we back we felt very exhausted. We were prided that we survive that night. But it was a fantastic time and I never forget this.
uzytkownik-7288 4


I will never forget my best Holiday. I went with my parents and their friends to Australia two years ago. We spent there two weeks and had a wonderful adventure with amazing experiences. Australia is a huge country and has a lot to offer for the visitors. On the first day in Australia we decided to organize a trip to the forest. The weather was perfect. We took compass and maps and we felt happy and excited. When we went and saw beautiful scenery we didn’t care about where we go. After a few hours we decided back to camp but couldn’t choose right road.The Day was dark and cold. We hidden in dark cave and didn’t sleep all night. In this place were a strange noisy and we scared. Suddenly in the morning we heard someone. That was a bushman. He took back us to camp. We were very surprised but also very happy. When we back we felt very exhausted. We were prided that we survive that night. But it was a fantastic time and I never forget this.
mniej wiecej całkiem ładne
matex 0


Wielkie Dzięki, zaraz poprawie ???? pisałem to jak najszybciej opierając się troche na znalezionym w necie opowiadaniu.

Masz u mnie ????
michau 84


Forum VIP
When we went and saw beautiful scenery we didn’t care about where we go

Więcej tych operatorów tu jeszcze wstaw ;p
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