Ten typ zakładu jest w regulaminach wielu firm, choć oczywiście sam sprawdź czy będziesz mógł tam się zarejestrować i przy ilu i których ligach jest dostępny w ich aktualnych ofertach.
Np. https://www.1960bet.com/Odds/rules 59. When will the next goal be scored? a. In which time interval the next goal will be scored (0-15, 16-30, 31-45, 46-60, 61-75, 76-90, no goal) b. settled on the time when the goal is scored. e.g. 0-15 minutes is settled if the goal is scored within 0:00-15:00 (15:01 counts as 16-30) c. 31-45 and 76-90 includes any injury time d. the time which is displayed on TV is considered. In case of this is not available the time when the ball crosses the goal line is considered and will be settled based on the time clock shown on TV.
............. https://www.readytobet.com/M/en/soccer 62. When will the next goal be scored?
............. https://www.1x2plus.com/info/faq/
62. When will the next goal be scored?
............. https://tiptorro.com/Home/BettingOffer
59. When will the next goal be scored? http://www4.betrebel.com/Sport/Regulations.aspx# https://vulkanbet.com/en/sportsbook-rules