Pisze to tutaj bo w necie nigdzie nie znalazłem odpowiedzi. Może ma ktoś z was ten odtwarzacz mp4. Mam problem z wgraniem wideo, Ta mp4 obsługuje wmv, i taki plik chcialem wgrac, ale jak robie to standardowo kopiuj i wklej do pliku wideo to nie moge go potem odtworzyc. Ktos wie jak sie uporac z tym problemem?
Dodam ze wyskakuje mi taki napis
The file has one or more properties outside of device limits. If possible use a media program that can convert the file before copying it. If you copy the file now, it will be stored on the device, but may not be presented in the device user interface. Do you wish to copy the file to the device anyway?
Ktoś coś kuma o co chodzi?
Dodam ze wyskakuje mi taki napis
The file has one or more properties outside of device limits. If possible use a media program that can convert the file before copying it. If you copy the file now, it will be stored on the device, but may not be presented in the device user interface. Do you wish to copy the file to the device anyway?
Ktoś coś kuma o co chodzi?