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dostałem dziwnego maila od któregos z buków czy ktoś wie?

siwyafc 0


czy ktoś wie o co biega ? dostalem takiego maila od jednego z buków,sory ze w tym dziale to zamieszczam ale niewiem gdzie mialbym to zamiescic,ktoś coś rozkminia?

Ref. File No.: KPC/9030108308/04
Batch: 15/76/EF36
Serial No: SALP97585
July 2006 Edition

From The Desk of Mr. Donald Roberts
(An Independent Draw Auditors &amp; Management Co-ordinators)
Euro/Afro/ Asia/America International Lottery
Promotional Programme Award.
# Lotteries Headquarters: 31, Brixon Court,
Carlton East Gate,
Republic of South Africa.
Attn: Dear Winner,

Congratulations!!! We wish to use this medium to officially notify you on the final notification that your Name and/or Company has being selected among the 100 Star/Lucky Winners Worldwide for the South African National Lotteries Promotional Programme based on the South African 2010 World Cup hosting as announced on Saturday, 15 May, 2004 by FIFA in Zurich, Switzerland to be played in South Africa in 2010. Your Name, Email address and/or Companies Name attached to the Ticket Number: (B9665 75608567 775) with! BATCH NUMBER: 15/76/EF36 and SERIAL NUMBER (SALP97585) drew the winning: (04/13/21/27/36/38-45) in this Month&#39;s Lottery Result, which subsequently won you the Lottery Award Winner in the 2nd Category of this Lottery Programme. All participants were selected randomly from the Worldwide Business and/or Trade Journals, Web-Site &amp; Email addresses through Computer Super Draw System and extracted from over (One Million) individual Emails, Companies and Corporate Organizations Names and Addresses a
s listed from their various Country&#39;s Trade and Investment Journals in their Web-site from Africa, Middle East, Asia, Europe, New Zealand and Australia, North - South and Central America to promote this Lottery Programme Award by the Independent Lottery Draw Auditors.

Your Name and Ref. File Number has therefore been approved to claim a Total Sum of US$ (One Million United States Dollars) in cash credited to REF. FILE NO# (KPC/9030108308/04). This is from the Total Cash Prize of US$7.500.000.00 (Seven Million Five Hundred thousand United States Dollars) Jackpot to be shared among the first Three LUCKY WINNERS in the 2nd Category Worldwide this year 2006 in this Lottery Programme. Please note that your Lucky Winning Numbers falls within our Lottery Booklet Representative office here in Johannesburg, South Africa as indicate in the Play Coupon of the National Lotteries Board Commission Award in Johannesburg, South African Regional Office of this Lotteries Board. In view of this, your US$ (One Million United States Dollars) would be released to you by our Accredited Representative &quot;Lottery Consultant Claim Agent &quot; immediately he commences the processes to facilitate the release and transferring of your funds as soon as you contact him as allocated and
insured under your Ref. File Numbers, approved and signed as the beneficiary to this fund in your name. Also your claim award included with Free Flight Ticket and Seven (7) Days Hotel Reservation in one of the Five Star Hotels during the World Cup Festive in 2010.

This Lottery Programme took place to promote the South African 2010 World Cup hosting as announced by FIFA in Zurich Switzerland to be played in South Africa in 2010. For Security reasons, you are advised to keep your winning information CONFIDENTIAL till your claims are processed and your money remitted to you for being one of our Lucky Winners of this Lottery prize. This is part of our precautionary measure to avoid double claiming and unwarranted abuse of this programme by some unscrupulous elements. (Please be warned).

To file for your claim, please contact Lottery Consultant Claims Agent immediately and Provide him with the information below:

3.Marital Status:
8.Country Of Residence:
9.Telephone Number:
10.Fax Number:

His contact information is as follows:

NAME: Mr.paul ntsele.
TEL: +27760302534

rangiz9 0


Forum VIP
Wygrałeś milion ;)

A tak na serio to jakaś firma chce wyłudzić od Ciebie pewnie jakieś dane lub coś w tym rodzaju.
krzysztof1985 68


ongratulations!!! We wish to use this medium to officially notify you on the final notification that your Name and/or Company has being selected among the 100 Star/Lucky Winners Worldwide for the South African National Lotteries Promotional Programme based on the South African 2010 World Cup hosting as announced on Saturday, 15 May, 2004 by FIFA in Zurich, Switzerland to be played in South Africa in 2010.

Boshe uczcie się ludziska angolskiego i szwabskiego bo serce mi sie kraja. Napisane jest że ktoś lub ty zgłosiłes sie do loterii na MŚ w Afryce w 2010 i zostałeś tym szczęśliwcem który tam pojedzie. Żeby tego było mało to musisz podać im imię nazwisko adresso tel fax mail i nie wiem co tam jeszcze czyli jednym słowem bujda
rangiz9 0


Forum VIP
Boshe uczcie się ludziska angolskiego i szwabskiego bo serce mi sie kraja. Napisane jest że ktoś lub ty zgłosiłes sie do loterii na MŚ w Afryce w 2010 i zostałeś tym szczęśliwcem który tam pojedzie. Żeby tego było mało to musisz podać im imię nazwisko adresso tel fax mail i nie wiem co tam jeszcze czyli jednym słowem bujda
Po pierwsze nie piszę się Boshe tylko Boże

Po drugie z tego co widzę, ty również nie za bardzo oblatany w tych narzeczach jesteś :]
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