Witam dostałem takiego emaila czy kto moze tez dostał bo nieiwem czy ufać tym ludziom czy co to wogole jest ze tyle kasy nieby wygralem nie wierze wogole w razie czego zakleśliłem moje szczesliwe liczby czy coś... ale napiszice czy tez ktos otzrymał cos takiego i czy warto to sprawdzac....
National Office,
Van Limburg Stirumstraat 40,
2316 TS, Leiden, Nederland
Serial Number: 65#####
We wish to congratulate you over your email success in our computer balloting held on 21th May 2007. This is a Millennium Scientific Computer Game in which email addresses were used. It is a promotional program by Casino aimed at encouraging internet users; therefore you do not need to buy ticket to enter for it. You have been approve for the star prize of US$ 850,000.00 (EIGHT HUNDRED AND FIFTY THOUSAND, DOLLARS) in the 2nd category.
These are your winning information's:
Ticket Number; CA23#####
Lucky Number AA87######
Batch Number VCF:578#####
To claim your winning prize you are to contact the below appointed Casino agent as soon as possible for the immediate release of your winnings:
Telephone lines are open between the hours of 8.00am - 9.30pm on Monday through Saturday
Customer Service Unit,
Telephone: +31-643-610-875 Fax: +31-847-120-111
Reply email:[email protected]
Reply email:[email protected]
Contact person: Mr. Collins Raymond.
You must contact the appointed agent with your Full Names, Contact Telephone Numbers (Home, Office and Mobile Number and also Fax Number) via email to process the immediate payment of your prize.
The Validity period of the winnings is for 15 working days hence you are expected to make your claims immediately.
Once again congratulations !!!
At your disposal, we remain.
Very Truly Yours,
Mr. Fred Davidson
Online Games Director
National Office,
Van Limburg Stirumstraat 40,
2316 TS, Leiden, Nederland.