When you create a new poker account with All In Poker, your account will be credited with 5 Gold Chips within 24 hours after signing up.
The Gold Chips are free and there is no requirements to receive the Gold Chips. At All In Poker, you can use your Gold Chips to play in freerolls or other tournaments with Gold Chips as buy-in. You can earn even more Gold Chips by playing at the real money tables and playing tournaments at All In Poker
Gold Chips are part of our loyalty and reward program, which we call Gold Rewards. You can read all the details by checking out the Gold Rewards page. Apart from gold Chips, you can also earn Gold Cards and Gold Stacks!
5 GOLD CHIPS za rejestracje w AllInPoker .
Gold Chips wykorzystac mozna do:
• SnG
• SnG Satellites
Aby otrzymać 5 Gold Chips należy po zalogowaniu w sofcie wejść do cashiera.
Następnie klikamy na Real Money Account i tam uzupełniamy dane.
W ciągu 24h przyjdzie do na e-mail z potwierdzeniem przyznania Gold Chips