>>>BETFAN - BONUS 200% do 400 ZŁ <<<<


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Zaznaczam z góry że to nie jest żadna ściema (poprzednia też nie było wymóg w wypadku PP to 500rh)

Witam, powstała nowa strona, która promuje nowych pokerzystów ;) Lecz aby skorzystać ze sponsoringu musimy spełniać 1 warunek! Nasze konto na Neteller musi być albo certifited albo Premium

wchodzimy na strone : POKERPOSTED
Dajemy sign up

Wpisujemy swoje dane (prosze o wpisanie mojego nicka Gropek)

Pokazuje nam sie biała strona, z danymi

Następnie sciągamy z ich strony Bodog Poker, wchodzimy na forum stronki i wpisujemy swojego maila i piszemy ze oczekujemy na sponsoring

W sumie możemy skorzystać z 4 promocji ???? BodogPoker, Interpoker,CD POker, Noble Poker

Wszystkie promocje są na kwote 20-30$

Kase dostajemy na Neteller, i nie radze jej zabierać, bo mogą zablokować konto i mogą być kłopoty(mają twoje dane)

Kase z Netellera nalezy wyslac do pokerroomu i rozgrac kilkanascie partii po czym mozna wypłacic

Później zamieszcze screeny z Netellera pokazujące przlewy z tej firmy (jesli podacie jakąś strone na której moge zamieści obrazy, thx)

Pozdro i powodzenia
szary 0


Narazie i tak nic z tego. Dostałem od nich takiego maila:

&quot;Hello Everyone,
We here at pokerposted want to thank everyone who has registered with us for sponsorships. We have been having
a few problems with getting people sponsored. Alot of people are applying with 2,3, and 4 emails and they are changing
them back and forth at Neteller in an attempt to defraud us and get more sponsorships and to try and trick us into
beleiving they have never played at the sponsored poker room before. We work directly with our poker rooms and neteller and along with our verifying software this is impossible for them to do now but in the first few weeks we were up and running a few managed to do this. Also, people have took the sponsoship made the deposit and withdrew it without even playing at the sponsored poker room and this has caused us great problems with being able to keep these poker rooms available for those of you who honestly do put the money there and play. So, for these reasons our system is undergoing a major upgrade , and anyone applying with 2 or more emails and switching them at neteller will not be sponsored and there info will be deleted. And as of now everyone who gets a sponsor from us must play 150 raked hands before requestng a cashout at the site. If any of these rules are broken the accounts will be blocked and they will not be eligible to particapate in any other offers from us or freerolls. Our system will be completely upgraded between the 8th and 12th of next month. At this time everyone will be sponsored that meets the requirements. There will still be sponsorships from now till then but they will be selected by info provided and requirements met.
We do Apologize for these delays but in the long run it will mean bigger better sponsorships and bigger and better freerolls , because people arent going to be taking off with money that I intend to spend on our loyal members. So, please be patient until we get this upgrade in place and everthing will be as planned 100% GO! 100% live chat!
100% Instant sponsorships!
Thanks for your Kind Patience and Understanding
[email protected]

Krótko mówiąc było mnóstwo pijawek które kasę z netellera zamiast do poker roomów przelewali na swoje konta bankowe i tyle ich bylo widać. Teraz przebudowują system i nie przyjmują żadnych zgłoszeń. Dopiero w w połowie następnego miesiąca będzie można coś o tym pomyśleć.
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