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Betsafe WTF? Próba oszustwa?

buzzerbeater 335


Witam. W zakłady gram od dawna, ale takiej sytuacji jak z tym bukiem jeszcze nigdy. Wpłaciłem wczoraj 30zł, ugrałem jakieś 160 i zleciłem 59,50zł do wypłaty przez Skrilla. Wszystkie dokumenty już dawno temu przesłałem i konto jest zweryfikowane. Minęły 24 godziny i nie przyszło nic. Postanowiłem wbić na czat i okazuje się, ze przeprowadzają jakąś weryfikację (mimo, że konto mam już dawno zweryfikowane), która potrwa do poniedziałku. Spotkał się ktoś z takim czymś? O co chodzi? Naprawdę nie rozumiem, gram od dawna ale takie coś pierwszy raz mi się zdarza. Nigdy nie miałem ŻADNYCH problemów, z żadnym bukmacherem, a grałem już we wszystkich polskojęzycznych.

Treść rozmowy z czatu:

Emma : Hi, my name is Emma. How may I help you?
Maciej: hi
Maciej: I made my withdraw almost 24 hours ago by Skrill. Still did not receive anything. Can u explain it?
Emma: Hi
Emma: I can have a look at your account if you wish
Maciej: please
Emma: I just need your home adress and date of birth to verify your account first please
Maciej: xxxx
Maciej: ure welcome
Emma: Sorry, caps lock was on
Emma: I ma just contacting the relevant department now
Maciej: i will wait for the respond
Maciej: its just not fair. i heard some people get money instantly via skrill
Maciej: and im forced to wait 24 hours?
Maciej: why is that
Maciej: instantly or up to 2 hours
Maciej: its 24h here and nothing
Emma: I understand that you are upset
Emma: Most withdrwals are processed automatically and are instant
Emma: But sometiomes we need to check them manually and then they might take a bit longer
Maciej: then why mine wasnt processed automatically
Maciej: it wasnt big withdraw
Emma: It has nothing to do with you personnally it is just how the system works
Maciej: let me know as soon as u get the respond. ill wait here, on line. how long do u think its gonna take?
Maciej: are you there?
Emma: Yes, I am afraid that we will not be able to process your withdrawal right now
Maciej: are you serious?
Emma: Please bear with us while we process this
Maciej: what is the problem?
Emma: Your account being verified which is a standard procedure
Maciej: my account already is verified
Maciej: I asked on chat twice
Emma: As soon as it is done we will process the withdrawal
Maciej: I remember ive already send u documents
Maciej: sent*
Emma: I do apologise for the delay regarding this withdrawal but at the moment we cannot approve it. We kindly ask for your patience during the time we process it
Maciej: well
Maciej: moment ago you said u need to verify my account
Maciej: while my account is already verifyed
Maciej: now u just ask for patience? what do i have to wait for?
Maciej: i have no idea of what is going on here honestly
Emma: As I said your account is being verified which is a standard security check
Maciej: u already had 24 hours to verify my account before the withdraw
Maciej: how long is it gonna take?
Emma: I understand that you are upset but we will not be able to approve the withdrwal until the security check has been done
Emma: It will most likely be done by Monday
Maciej: u know what im done
Maciej: cancel this withdraw
Maciej: ill make some bets, if i lose my money im closing account here
Maciej: I will post on forums about this case
Emma: Ok, I can as k the payments department to cancel it for you
Emma: Sorry to hear you feel that way
Maciej: what exactly are you veryfing?
Maciej: its just truly pathetic i have no words
Maciej: never happened this to me before, i have been betting for couple of year
Maciej: yeras*
Emma: I understand you frustration but this is simply a regular security check. It is nothing for you to be worried about or because we are trying to be difficult
Emma: Of course we dont want to lose you as aplayer with us but for the moment we cant approve thjis withdrawal
Emma: We have cancelled it for you now
Maciej: ok I dont care about it honestly
Maciej: betsafe as I thought is a bad bookie and u dont even deserve C sbr rating
Maciej: ill make sure it gets worse
Maciej: veryfing account for 3 days/
Maciej: while I sent you all needed documents
Maciej: is that normal thing in Betsafe?
Maciej: veryfing account for 3 days before its possible to withdraw money via Skrill
Maciej: while u say it takes up to 24h
Maciej: u got 24h to do all things and process it
Emma: Normally withdrawals are very fast, although in the reare occasions such as this one it may take a little while longer.
Maciej: rare occasions
Maciej: then please say whats possibly wrong with my account
Emma: I understand you are upset about this but as I have said before I cannot do anything to speed up this process
Emma: We sincerely apologise for the inconvenience
Maciej: just say what ive done wrong as u have to verify it now for 3 days
Emma: This is not about you it is simply a procedure we perform as a regular security measure
Emma: I would like to stress that we will process this as soon as possible
Maciej: now my withdrawal is canceled
Emma: Yes, it is
Maciej: is the &quot;verify process&quot; by Betsafe owners and directors stil going on?
Maciej: or its gonna be done as i make my withdraw back again
Emma: Your security check is still ongoing
Emma: Please bear with us as we process it
Maciej: why didnt u inform me about that by email before?
Maciej: so are the Betsafe owners, directors, managers verifying my account right now?
Maciej: should i stay on line
Emma: Tjhe releevant department are peforming the security check at the moment
Maciej: ok so ill wait then
Emma: I cannot say the exact time it will take, but it will not be done this evening
Emma: We will contact you via email to let you know when this has been dona
Maciej: so u didnt even bother veryfing my account before? last 24 hours?
Maciej: its really weird isnt it
Emma: As I said, my apologies for the delay, but I cannot say how long this will take other than it will most likely be on monday
Emma: Until then we ask you to kindly wait
Maciej: okay
Maciej: I will anyway contact MGA, SBR and post this case on forums. I should aware all the people, because u are just freezing money for 3-4 days for absolutely no reason.
Emma: I am very sorry to hear you feel that way, but we are not looking to take your money from you in any way
Emma: All of our operations are in accordance to the MGA regulations
Maciej: I know about it
Maciej: Can u tell me what is so strange about my account, that it needs to be verifyed by Betsafe owners, managers, directors and president Barack Obama?
Emma: Like I said perviously this is not against you personnally, I would like to emphasize that
Maciej: Okay
Maciej: Sorry for maybe being a little bit rude but i promised to give this money to my brother
Maciej: now its frozen till monday, im just mad
Emma: Its ok, dont worry about it
Maciej: cuz i didnt do anything wrong
Emma: I wish I could help you further, but at the moment we kindly just ask you to wait
Emma: It is not against you personally
Emma: Please dont think that
Maciej: but how can I not think that if I havent ever heard anybody on forums being forced to wait like 3 days till u verify the account
Emma: I understand what you are saying but we do these security checks all the time
B 52


Swoją drogą uwielbiam ludzi jak Ty: Wpłaciłem wczoraj 30zł, ugrałem jakieś 160 i zleciłem 59,50zł do wypłaty przez Skrilla.
Ale próbują Cię oszukać! Na 40 EUR a w sumie na 7 EUR bo tyle wpłaciłeś ???? Myślenie nie boli, sprawdzają coś, skończą, wypłacą i oddadzą Twoje miliony. Doczytałem w poście, że również MGA I SBR będziesz informował. Prawdziwy hardcore ????
buzzerbeater 335


Nie chodzi o kwoty. To jest kwota śmieszna, ale chodzi o podejście Betsafe. Konto od dawna zweryfikowane na wszystkie możliwe sposoby, a Ci stwierdzają, że muszą coś jeszcze &quot;doweryfikować&quot; przez następne 3 dni, nie mówiąc nawet co konkretnie. I to przy wypłacie na 60zł. Dlatego uciekam od nich. Ostatecznie wkur**** się na nich i przegrałem 200zł w kasynie. Chyba o to im chodziło ????
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