>>>BETFAN - BONUS 200% do 400 ZŁ <<<<

Vernons Poker

suchoparek 1,8K



Nowy room z sieci Ipoker
Vernons Freeroll Action
Vernons brings you a variety of Freerolls to help build your bankroll.

Weekly Freeroll Tournaments:
* $100 Beginners Freeroll – This tournament runs every Tuesday at 21:00 server time. Any player that has signed up to Vernons Poker within the last 90 days is eligible to enter.
* $250 Depositors Freeroll – This tournament runs every Monday at 22:00 server time. Make a deposit during the week leading up to this tournament and you will receive access to take part. It’s that simple! All depositors are welcome to take part.
Please note: Players are added to the eligibility list within 3 business days of making a deposit.

Monthly Freeroll Tournaments:
* $1,000 Monthly VIP Freeroll – This tournament runs on the 10th of each month. All players with VIP levels 2 - 10 (Pair – Royal Flush) are eligible to participate.
All the Freeroll tournaments can be found under the “Special Offers” tab in the software.

Vernons Poker appreciates your signup and is pleased to greet you with a huge welcome reward on your first deposit.
Make your first deposit and you will receive an instant First Deposit

Signup Bonus of 200% up to £600!
Not only that, this bonus is redeemed into cash at a faster rate than that offered at any other online poker rooms. Earn just 20 points, which is a few minutes’ worth of poker action and you’ll see your account credited with the initial fruits of your labour.
Here’s how the First Deposit Signup Bonus works:
As soon as you make your first deposit you will receive a pending bonus, visible in the ‘My Account’ section of the Vernons Poker software. This pending bonus appears in USD and is redeemed into cash, converted into the currency of your account, as you play our cash games and tournaments.
In order for you to enjoy the benefits of this cash as quickly as possible, we’ll dvide up your pending bonus into three different redemption rates.

Example: If you make a deposit of £100, your 200% pending bonus would be listed at $327 (according to today’s exchange rate). That $327 is ready for redemption into cash as you earn Points at our cash tables and tournaments. As soon as you earn 20 Points, your account will receive a $1 cash bonus. Earn another 20 Points and you receive another $1. After you’ve received $20 in cash bonuses, you receive the next segment of your bonus according to the second redemption rate.
Clarification: Pending bonuses are redeemed as you earn Points. For every £1 you generate in Rake or Fee, you will receive 20 Points. More information about Points can be found on our Points page.
The Bottom Line: When you generate your first £1 in Rake or Fee to earn 20 Points, you will be rewarded with a $1 cash bonus. You do the math how generous that is!
T 30


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T 30


no własnie a oni już na początku mnie zniechęcili do dalszej gry u nich. wygrałem kilka dolarów w freerollu troche pograłem doszedłem do 40funtów i wpłaciłem 10funtów zeby odblokować drogę wypłaty na moneybookers i do dzisiaj mam status wypłaty waiting w historii transakcji zobaczymy co będzie dalej bo to jest mała suma a robią takie problemy i tak długo weryfikują...
08.10.2011 dzisiaj doszła wypłata po zleceniu 28.09.2011...długi czas oczekiwania na w moim przypadku ale ok
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